My first brew! Wahooo :D


Cycle, test, HGH
Big thanks for all your help guys, I finally managed my first homebrew of Test E, it's still a month or so till I can start my next cycle so I have to sit here and drool over the vials!

I feel like a proud father :)

Below are the items I used for this conversion, to produce 150mg/ml x 30ml 2% BA:

  • *10ml Syringes
    *21g Needles
    *1x Slin pin
    *Alcohol Swabs
    *100ml glass beaker
    *Test E powder
    *Benzyl Alcohol
    *Grapeseed Oil
    *Electronic Scales to .01g
    *Modified Caulkin Gun
    *Glass Marker Pen
    *3x10ml Sterile Viles
    *.2um Whatman Filter
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First I measured out 4.5g Test E
Placed 4.5g Test E into beaker
Extracted .6ml BA with needleless slin pin and added to beaker
Using 10ml syringe added 26ml of grapseed oil to beaker, swirled beaker to mix solution...heated gently until fully disolved
Using an alcohol swab, sterilise top of vial
Inserted 21g needle into 10ml vial to allow equalisation of pressure
connect a 21g needle onto .2um whatman filter and insert into vial above
Without any needle attached draw up 10ml of hormone solution from the beaker with a 10ml syringe,
insert 10ml syringe into caulkin gun and attach to whatman filter and.........Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze :D
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And just like Disney it was a happy ending and all the vials lived happily ever after :D
outlawtas2 said:
looking good man.

where'd you get that caulking gun attatchment?

Lol well I just brought a silicon tube that fits into the gun, squeezed all the gunk out, then cut the end off with a sharp knife, cleaned it all up and glued onto the end....proper Blue Peter style :D
Lol - that picture is like deja vu for me. It looked just my kitchen table a few months ago. Almost identical infact.
Lemelange rock!
dbol said:
Lol - that picture is like deja vu for me. It looked just my kitchen table a few months ago. Almost identical infact.
Lemelange rock!

Lol well if ya in the UK you only have a few choices of supplier and I lookedHIGH and lowwwwwww :D
VooDooMan said:
how are you sterilizing the final product, pressure cooker or some thing?

baking isn't required, the final use of the Whatman Filter and 2%ba should keep it sterile......
lol it shouldbut not always .............pressure cooking is what would make every thing 100%

or at least a good boil in water for an hour - I havent made any oils yet but when I do I am going to boil the suckers - rather safe then OOPPPSS sorry
