Hi guys, im 18y old, im 193cm tall and i have 93kg, before i took my 1 cycle i had 68kilos on 193cm. And i was like this:
- a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/302873_1942058034600_3476169_n.jpg
- zaslike.com/files/wdkmpfoaqk2s9mqs6li.jpg
And then i took my first cycle, whic is like this - 1mg of DEKA and 1mg of Test every week ( one day in week ), im on this cycle for about 2months and i have 4mg of deka and 4mg of test. So i can use them for about 4 weeks and then ill took a break of 1-2months and take it again. Results:
- zaslike.com/files/kle21qme14rzanbrygx.jpg
- zaslike.com/files/pa5dk7nwpuxu9g7wkvmy.jpg
- zaslike.com/files/t7d0j1or1v4xr9ht2h2f.jpg
And i have question, would be great to put into this cycle dianabol? - Deka x test x dianabol?
Tnq for answers!
- a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/302873_1942058034600_3476169_n.jpg
- zaslike.com/files/wdkmpfoaqk2s9mqs6li.jpg
And then i took my first cycle, whic is like this - 1mg of DEKA and 1mg of Test every week ( one day in week ), im on this cycle for about 2months and i have 4mg of deka and 4mg of test. So i can use them for about 4 weeks and then ill took a break of 1-2months and take it again. Results:
- zaslike.com/files/kle21qme14rzanbrygx.jpg
- zaslike.com/files/pa5dk7nwpuxu9g7wkvmy.jpg
- zaslike.com/files/t7d0j1or1v4xr9ht2h2f.jpg
And i have question, would be great to put into this cycle dianabol? - Deka x test x dianabol?
Tnq for answers!
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