"My first cycle" Need help


New member
Hi guys, im 18y old, im 193cm tall and i have 93kg, before i took my 1 cycle i had 68kilos on 193cm. And i was like this:

- a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/302873_1942058034600_3476169_n.jpg

- zaslike.com/files/wdkmpfoaqk2s9mqs6li.jpg

And then i took my first cycle, whic is like this - 1mg of DEKA and 1mg of Test every week ( one day in week ), im on this cycle for about 2months and i have 4mg of deka and 4mg of test. So i can use them for about 4 weeks and then ill took a break of 1-2months and take it again. Results:

- zaslike.com/files/kle21qme14rzanbrygx.jpg

- zaslike.com/files/pa5dk7nwpuxu9g7wkvmy.jpg

- zaslike.com/files/t7d0j1or1v4xr9ht2h2f.jpg

And i have question, would be great to put into this cycle dianabol? - Deka x test x dianabol?

Tnq for answers!
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Hi guys, im 18y old, im 193cm tall and i have 93kg, before i took my 1 cycle i had 68kilos on 193cm. And i was like this:

- a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/302873_1942058034600_3476169_n.jpg

- zaslike.com/files/wdkmpfoaqk2s9mqs6li.jpg

And then i took my first cycle, whic is like this - 1mg of DEKA and 1mg of Test every week ( one day in week ), im on this cycle for about 2months and i have 4mg of deka and 4mg of test. So i can use them for about 4 weeks and then ill took a break of 1-2months and take it again. Results:

- zaslike.com/files/kle21qme14rzanbrygx.jpg

- zaslike.com/files/pa5dk7nwpuxu9g7wkvmy.jpg

- zaslike.com/files/t7d0j1or1v4xr9ht2h2f.jpg

And i have question, would be great to put into this cycle dianabol? - Deka x test x dianabol?

Tnq for answers!

Your first cycle should be test only. But that makes no difference.. You are too young and have no clue what youre talking about or doing. So I would start doing your research and using this board and its vets to gain information and assistance. welcome to ology..
I know what im doing relax, btw im 19 in 2 months. I know im young but as all young guys wanted to change ( If uknow Zyzz, he take his first juice in 19y, but he died because he abused steroids, im taking low doses ), i was lifting for 6 months and i gain 15kilos in 2 months natural way. Then i stop to lifting because of my problems ( school etc. ) and then i start again with 80kg and i gain 13kg in 2 weeks. My dad is in bodybuilding for about 23years, but he dont want to hear about taking anything else, cause im taking test x deka x proteins x creatin 100% monohidrat.. He is telling me i dont need anything else that this is enought, but as u can know when u see the results u wanna more, so im taking low dose's of test and deka, and i just want information could i insert dbol in this cycle? Would that be great in getting more mass?
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jesus...you have to be joking me! 4weeks of deca? takes at least 8 to kick in, and 1mg of deca and test a week??? multiply those by 600mgs then your getting somewhere and do it for 16weeks.


then pct.

have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand.

I'm not gonna flame you at all because Im to cherry myself to be throwing any crap your way, instead Ill offer some words of wisdom. HEAR ME OUT:
Its clear that you are gonna be using gear regardless of what anyone tells you, so in that case...Do yourself a favor. STOP what you're doing now. Put everything down. Spend the next week...JUST 7 DAYS...reading through this entire forum. Those 3 links are perfect for starters. Then continue onto threads that pertain to your interests.
Get you priorities in order.
Determine your goal set.
Determine (through reading the right threads) what gear is best for you.
Determine how much you will need.
ACQUIRE ALL the gear you will need for a decent cycle.
THEN at that point, you're ready to start a thread, ask for advice, critiques, etc.

I dont mean to offend at all. Please just do more homework before jumping straight into this. Read up bud. And any questions you have along the way, there are plenty of vets here who can help out and get you ready. Just be prepared to catch some crap for your age. Good luck.
I wouldn't cycle yet as your natural test is at its peak. Wait till your 21 and need the boost some of us older guys need. ;) I'm close to 40 and without test I would be on viagra..