My first cycle (Test Prop and D-bol) log, with pictures.

Thanks man, and hell yeah I'm happy with the gains! Everybody literally tells me I blew up over the summer after coming back to college. It's nuts. I can see it myself too, especially through the beginning pictures. I just hope I don't lose much size through PCT, I can't wait to cut though and get shredded. I'm banking on my second cycle to be a nice lean bulk and add even more serious size with that. I should be good to go after that. I love these gains, that I started dbol again 3 days ago. I'll do it for 3 weeks, and stop about a week before the last pin. I'm gonna actually use 50 mg's e/d now instead of 25 mg's, like I did last time, and see what magic happens, ha!
Here's a picture after a workout:

Update 23: So I think I've hit a plateau on weights. I'm going to switch up my routine for these last weeks and switch from the 5x5 workout to a 4x8 routine. I honestly can't wait to be done with this cycle. I'm looking forward to running clen after post cycle therapy (pct) and getting ripped to shreds.
I love the log, please keep us updated. Any noticeable mood swings, night sweats or other side effects?

The only side effect I have is my sleep schedule. Sometimes I'll wake up at like 2:00 in the morning and hits hard to fall back asleep. It might just be me. In terms of night sweats, nope. Mood swings, nope.
Couple of sides questions for ya...
1. Have you had any ever so common chest pains?
2. Blood pressure.....Have you checked it? have you noticed a slight palpuation or noticable hard heart thumping.
3. Are you a fan now..or completely sold on dbol
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Couple of sides questions for ya...
1. Have you had any ever so common chest pains?
2. Blood pressure.....Have you checked it? have you noticed a slight palpuation or noticable hard heart thumping.
3. Are you a fan now..or completely sold on dbol


(1) No man. I don't recall any common chest pains, maybe an occasional one, but nothing common
(2) My blood pressure is sort of high. Diastolic is normal, systolic is on the high side. I checked last week. I've been taking baby aspirin's again, ever since I started back on the dbol.
(3) I don't think I will run the dbol again. If I keep the gains from it that'd be awesome, but honestly you can spend $60, on something better I'm sure.

I think for my next cycle sometime in February or March, I'll be running prop and deca. I need to do more research on deca, but i'm leaning towards that right now.
Update 24: So I've been running 50 mg's of dbol for almost 2 weeks now again, and I must say this stuff is strong. These pumps make it almost impossible for me to do some lifts. I was lifting forearms and biceps today, and it literally felt that the pump I was getting on my forearm was going to make my forearm explode. It hurt so bad, haha, but felt good at the same time. Pinnacle's Dbol is some strong shit. I wouldn't recommend any newbie like me to try more than 35-40 mg's on the first go.
Damn you're making some crazy progress! I def see the difference bro, so you must be stoked... Keep up the awesome work man. How much longer do you have left?
Damn you're making some crazy progress! I def see the difference bro, so you must be stoked... Keep up the awesome work man. How much longer do you have left?

I have about 15 days left man. I'll even have an extra unopened bottle of prop left for my next cycle, which will save me some coin haha. It's going to turn out into an 85 day cycle (12 weeks). I'll be starting HCG in about 6 days at 500 iu e/d. I've got 4 more days left on the dbol.

Are u still on the test prop and dbol when u took this pic, or have u moved onto something else ?

I was still on the prop and dbol. I think I was only 5 days into the dbol when I took that pic, so it didn't really kick in to full effect at that time.
Damn dude ur guns are looking good! I can deff see a big diff from when u first started this cycle. It's been very interesting following ya and getting me pumped up for the very same cycle next month for me. Keep up the hard work it's deff paying off!!

Thanks man! Keep in mind, that that picture was directly after a workout and I was in the pump, but nonetheless everybody tells me i got fuckin big. I'm sad that the cycle is going to come to an end soon, but i'm lookin forward to running clen.
Well I just checked how much Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I have left and it looks like I only have enough for the next 2 weeks, therefore I decided to just start phase 1 of PCT today which was the first day of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast at 500 iu's. The injection went smoothly, except for some pain during and after the injection in the stomach. I got 9 more days of the HCG, which means 9 more days of the cycle left. I'm getting pretty fat and I can feel it, but i guess thats what happens on a dirty bulk when you are in college and the dorm food isn't all that nutritious, but nonetheless i am happy with the gains so far. I've learned alot on this cycle. The next one will be perfect. I'll get some pics coming on the last day of the cycle, then some after PCT, and lastly a few after a good month of running clen and getting shredded. I'll keep you all updated.
Whats up everybody. It's been a while, but I'm finally done with the cycle! I finished this last Tuesday on 11/6/2012. I took pictures the same day and I just put them on the first page. I'm starting post cycle therapy (pct) tomorrow, which is 4 days after the end of my last pin. I'm currently weighing around 198-200 pounds. So I put on 25 pounds this cycle. I could have gained a lot more, but my diet lacked in the end. I feel like I gained a lot on this cycle, and I am extremely happy with the results. Let me know what you guys think! I'll post pics after post cycle therapy (pct) as well, and after my run with clen after post cycle therapy (pct). I'm going to eat hard and make sure I keep everything I gained! I'll keep you guys updated!! Feedback is appreciated and thanks to everybody who followed me on this!