My first serious recomp cycle

Is there something like too much cardio when cutting on tren? Like doing 4 30 mins sessions per week and another 5th of 1 hour going to hurt my muscle mass? Or will Tren take care of it and the only thing that's going to be reduced is the adipose layers? How much cardio can I do ?
Is there something like too much cardio when cutting on tren? Like doing 4 30 mins sessions per week and another 5th of 1 hour going to hurt my muscle mass? Or will Tren take care of it and the only thing that's going to be reduced is the adipose layers? How much cardio can I do ?

The thing is everyone is different and responds to AAS, cardio, diet,training differently. It may not hurt you at all and the gains will come. But you have to carefully monitor yourself , how you look and feel. Also remember you can get carried away when your on tren, you feel like you can keep going and training harder, yes to a point but there is always a limit.
I would experiment , try more for a week , try less for a week, take pics, ask friends and family how you look. Keep notes so you know better for next time.
Always keep refining your approach.
Ok guys, you've been heard. Pharmacon Test P 100 mg / ml , 10 ml vial on its way to me and should reach me in 2-3 days. The main reason for this besides your advice is me feeling like crap today, weak, tired, unmotivated, libido and dick have been buried and RIP recently (feeling nothing alive down there) and also a bit bloated and I'm sick of this. My eyes look and feel like i'm high on something and sedated and tired. My face looks like a 40 years old alcoholic waking up after a hangover and my belly fat and tits are gettng a bit bigger again out of the blue. Planning to pin 150mg / week , 3 shots a week, 2 mixed with tren, one 50mg by itself. Hope it will fix things cuz it suxxxxx. Feels like my brain is drowned in alcohol and at times vision is a bit blurry. I'm undead atm.. so tired.. Hope I'll survive until the test comes.. And I'll not suffer the same fate as my dick. heheh. going to bed.
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It appears that you have made some impressive t shirt gains. I mean you went from a white shirt to a black shirt in just a few weeks. If you insist on posting progress pics, you are going to need to stop hiding your progress. You can't tell shit from your pics.

I am glad that you you are listening to some of the advice given here though.

I will post a shirtless progress photo in one week then. Currently, I'm a bit bloated from the lack of test and I just ordered a pizza.. So in one week we have a go.

CHEAT MEAL ALERT : PIZZA ORDERED (sausages, pepperoni, tomato sauce, mozarella, hot pepper, olives) - last cheat meal / pizza was in 23 November. I will adhere to once a month cheating, rest clean dieting.
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I will post a shirtless progress photo in one week then. Currently, I'm a bit bloated from the lack of test and I just ordered a pizza.. So in one week we have a go.

CHEAT MEAL ALERT : PIZZA ORDERED (sausages, pepperoni, tomato sauce, mozarella, hot pepper, olives) - last cheat meal / pizza was in 23 November. I will adhere to once a month cheating, rest clean dieting.

I hope you got a big bottle of mountain dew to wash it down with fatty fat fat haha
Special thanks besides to my horrible mood today, goes to everyone here for helping me take the decision to introduce Test into my cycle, but specially to alphabravo whose unique, calm, scientific, impartial, nonjudgmental, exhaustive and good intended tone and style of argumenting, reasoning and suggesting has appealed to my mind more than anyone else's, has gotten better under my skin and has made me see the benefits and actually want to take the right step. Thanks man for your time to explain to me and thanks to all of you.
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Man its a long road ahead be patient and consistent and safe that's all I can say

Yes my friend, hard physiques aren't overnight made,
And there's no other path I'd rather take,
Than that of hard wark and to be safe,
I just want to make sure that I use,
Whatever the world has best in store,
To make me fit and able to rock n roll.
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the Dec. after pics look good, arms look beefy.

Well, thanks :)
And some midsection fat also got off, that's how it looks no?
Let's see how I'll do in 8 days from now.
Alphabravo said tren e should start showing its power and physical effects in week 6-7, so one week left.
I just hope cutting on tren won't leave me looking flat and shapeless, I hope for a aesthetic or at least pleasant, cut but hard and muscular look or something similar.
Just want to look nice, sexy and lean, nothing too extreme. I want it to be the ideal of a cut, my previous (natural) cuts were horrible to say the least. I looked like a concentration camp prisoner when I finished.
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Is the belly/tits bloating and what looks like more fat due to lack of test? Will it get solved by test? I'm injecting some Propionate tomorrow or day after.
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