My first Tren E cycle...need some advice!!!


New member
I have done 2 cycles before of test only. Good results. Now I am going to try tren. Wanting to cut a little. My questions are:
1. Is 100mg of tren e twice a week enough?
2. How much test c should I add to keep my libido up?
3. How long should I run tren? ( I understand I need to continue test for a while after I finish the tren.)
4. Do you have any other tips or info that I should keep in mind?

I am 36. 5'10". 195lbs. Thanks for the help!!!
1) yes, i got good result from only 200mg/week; ( in the first cycle of tren of corse, it was the ancien trenabol-depot 200mg/ml) in 2003.
2) 400 test-cyp is realy good enough for almost anybody. i love test-c!!!
3) tren-e in first-cycle 8 weeks. ( then 10 weks for test cyp!)
4) have clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). in this cycle, ther's no need of other compounds.

great cycle, good presentation!

that's what i call a good thread! you get some green!
Would he not need prami or caber with his tren ?

no, not need at that dose. he will get only the benefit and low side effects ( if any)

since 2003 a lot of guys did the same cycle, especialy in UK, and nobody got sides effects.

you can believe me, it's real great cycle.

unless the tren is fake. that's an other story.
Tren is toooo hard on my mind....

it's a hard one sure!

but i guess than at 36 yearsold he will be comfortable at 200mg/week. i did tren till i was 38 ( at least 400mg/weeks).

i do not make steroids cycle anymore. i don't think i will turn on AAs... i finished with this part of my life.
Yeah, I've heard some horror stories from tren users. I would have tried tren a first, but couldn't get my hands on it as easily. I'll keep you guys posted on its effects on me. Hopefully minimal at this dosage. But in any case, hopefully the RIP will be worth it! Haha!
I'm currently on week 9 of a tren E cycle, i'd have caber on hand just to be safe. I'm very prone to prolactin gyno and the caber has helped immensely. This was my first tren cycle, and I started around 350mg EW, currently upped it to 440-500mg EW, but that was after realizing I luckily wasn't prone to too many negative side effects from it. Many will suggest you start with Tren A in case you do get negative side effects, so that they're out of your system faster. But, at 200mg a week, i think you'd be fine using tren e. This stuff is awesome, you should enjoy it
i dont see why theres any need to cut the tren early in the cycle... people do this for deca b/c of the esters longtime to clear... but i dont see why you shouldnt run them both for 10 weeks..
i dont see why theres any need to cut the tren early in the cycle... people do this for deca b/c of the esters longtime to clear... but i dont see why you shouldnt run them both for 10 weeks..

because to treat testo after 19-nor cycle is easyer in pct.

two week more makes the body able to clear the tren out, and stay only with testo, which the hormone than is already known by your body.

the COMPOUND added make the testo to have to be took longer,

the ESTER used makes how LONGER it have to be took. that all the "littles" diffrences that makes cycles to be good or not.

unless you find a girl able to s*ck and f*ck at the same time, you will not make the miracle to stop test and 19-nor hormone at the same time without agraving the sides.
This is a follow up to the thread i started...I just finished my first tren e cycle. The results are fantastic. About 5 weeks in, I stepped up my tren from 200 to 400. Also increased my test accordingly. I've put on about 18lbs of lean muscle mass!! Can't tell you how many compliments I've got. Nice to know the results are so noticeable. I'm lifting more weight than I ever have and I feel great!!!
200 mg is very low. Some people will get results off that while others will see nothing. I am currently running 700 mg tren ace weekly. But it seems I am the rare exception as I get hardly any sides from tren.
I was planning a 500 test/ 600 Tren cycle but U.S. Customs had other ideas.! So while I have the test for 600/wk for 16 wks, I only have enough Tren to run 200/wk for 10 weeks in the middle of the cycle. I was wondering if it was worth adding in or should I save it till I get enough and run it in the next cycle. If 200 Tren / wk does nothing more than help me metabolize my calories... It would probably be worth it. What do you think?
I was planning a 500 test/ 600 Tren cycle but U.S. Customs had other ideas.! So while I have the test for 600/wk for 16 wks, I only have enough Tren to run 200/wk for 10 weeks in the middle of the cycle. I was wondering if it was worth adding in or should I save it till I get enough and run it in the next cycle. If 200 Tren / wk does nothing more than help me metabolize my calories... It would probably be worth it. What do you think?

run 400 for 5wks by then you get more,steal a purse or