My, how things have changed.....


New member
To all at 'ology...YO!

It has been a long time since I have been here, but I felt its time to resurface.. kinda miss all you fuckers lol.

Just a quick background: 5'11, 212, roughly 15%bf... my history has mainly been test/tren. I have been off for over a year, and I come back to the game w/ no more fina available... So I am gonna dust off my Syno skills and make some Revalor 200. No biggie, but I will miss the convenience of Fina.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everyone, and this will prob get moved to discussion forum; but the anabolic forum is most frequented.. Maybe I can add some experience to some of the newer members.
Welcome back. Cool to see someone who has been a member since 2004. No doubt you will likely bring a ish ton of knowledge to the table.
Thanks everyone. I have been looking around and it looks like there is a bunch of good peeps here