My next cycle. Test, EQ, Masteron, Anavar

I've also started to gain weight pretty rapidly but I don't seem to be increasing in either size or fat, bit weird...
Maybe just holding more food and water and that's why I feel bloated.

This morning was 73.5kg. Just two weeks ago when I wasn't smoking, I was down to 69kg
I have sorted out my diet in theory.
Will be eating 1 morning oatshake with 7 eggs(3 whole) and 65grams spinach. Will look for some bread that's high in fiber/protein to go with the eggs, makes it 10 times easier for me to eat the eggs, just one slice per day.
My foodprep, usually stew and white rice.
Protein shake to bulk out the day. Also trying to have a snack with the shake, something easy as rice cakes, fruits or some nuts.
My foodprep, usually stew and white rice.
Late night meal, will be aiming for protein and salads, from chicken to red meat, will be whatever I feel like for the day and only meal I cook fresh as to not hate eating the same...I'm allowing it to exchange for a casein shake with some fruits.
I'll also allow one snack during the day to bulk out some protein and carbs.

Should come out to about 100grams carbs. 200 grams protein and no idea about the fat. Probably around 25-50grams.
Will aim to have my cheat day on fridays, which is legs, so it shouldn't affect the overall calorie intake for the week, too much.

Roughly I should land on about 1600-1800 calories per day including the snack. Thats if I keep it totally clean and keep good discipline.

I will also be adding some more serious cardio to go along this.
Note to self...
Second week of "reset", monday noon.

Winstrol inject 40 mg (0.8ml) Right quad.
Masteron prop 80 mg (0.8ml) Right quad.
Clomid 50mg
Adex 0.5mg. Last of adex, will wait until friday and start 10mg aromasin ED/EOD, depends on how I feel on 250mg test prop but I'm doing 3 times higher hCG so think estrogen levels will even out in the end.
hCG 1000iu (last of the vial, fucked it, dropped and cracked it)
Var/Prov 20mg

I can feel testo levels bleeding down, will wait until friday and start the schedule laid out by tankmanbob.
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Next cycle will definitely a bulking cycle.
Looking into this one.

20 week cycle.

Test E
Masteron E

Front Load with anavar kickstart. Will have about 10 weeks break between anavar and winstrol as to protect my liver better.
Winstrol injectable 50mg finish for last 6 weeks.
Next cycle will definitely a bulking cycle.
Looking into this one.

20 week cycle.

Test E
Masteron E

Front Load with anavar kickstart. Will have about 10 weeks break between anavar and winstrol as to protect my liver better.
Winstrol injectable 50mg finish for last 6 weeks.

this will be your first cycle right? youve never done a cycle before just trt.
this will be your first cycle right? youve never done a cycle before just trt.

What have you been smoking? Share some bro :P
The post above what you qouted it says: winstrol, masteron, anavar and proviron *Scratches head*
This is cycle number 3 i'm doing right now.

Decided to cut as much as I can and ignore the muscle increasing aspects and maintain and lose fat.

Next cycle will be all out bulking, really trying to eat 3500-4000 clean calories each day.
Then I'm kinda finished with cycling far as goals goes.
I'm sure I will do one blast every year or worst every other year.

And i'm sure I've jumped on TRT before the age of 40 anyhow so...yeh.. :P
Pain I got last thursday from chiropractor is just a reaction to "beating my quads into place" and I approached it completely wrong..
And that's why its gotten worse past days...
I used anti-inflammatory drugs which you shouldn't, i was training and you shouldn't, I was using heat pads when I should have been using ice pads...
Also trying to sleep on a pillow on my hips and if possible just very easy circuit training to do a blood body flush of the muscles.

Been using ice all day and its gone from, I can't walk to seeing the light end of the tunnel.

I couldn't train sunday, yesterday or today due to this... It's just impossible to get motivation and into the zone when its literally a small battle just walking to the damn gym and I don't like not warming up, stretching etc.
Did you really believe your chiropracter that your quads somehow ended up in the wrong place? Maybe you have some adhesions to be worked out, but located in the wrong place? Nope.

Do you ever foam roll?
Did you really believe your chiropracter that your quads somehow ended up in the wrong place? Maybe you have some adhesions to be worked out, but located in the wrong place? Nope.

Do you ever foam roll?

Ended up in wrong place? No.
Being misaligned due to training? Yeh sure, why not, you have several heads and different exercises will activate some more than others and if you do the same program over and over, why couldn't it happen?

Its stupid though, I had mad cramps in left quad and calves, that's why I went there.
Left leg has never been better... Right leg which didn't cramp at all, is now fucked and its been a week tomorrow like this...

And I can't walk, I can't train, everything is just shit...and nothing seems to help or lessen it. Well, ice helps a bit, makes the swelling go down a bit and makes it easier to walk but i'm in discomfort/pain 24/7.
I do foam roll but its more when needed rather than regularly.

And I've gone to him for years now, he's the go to guy for all the bodybuilders, he's actually located next door to one of our most famous bodybuilding gyms, where the owner recommends him. That's how I first found out about him :)
So I do trust what he says and this is first time I've had any issues from treatment too :(
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Note to self...
Second week of "reset", wednesday evening/night

Winstrol inject 40 mg (0.8ml) Left delt.
Masteron prop 80 mg (0.8ml) Right glute.
Test Prop 50mg (0.5ml) Right glute
Clomid 50mg
No AI, waiting to friday to start aromasin.
hCG 500iu, new reconstituted vial
Var/Prov 20mg
Haven't been able to train at all since fridays... It sucks so bad but I can barely walk to the gym as it. I'm in constant pain and discomfort.
Tried everything, anti inflammatory creams and pills, icing pads, heating pads, massaging, foam rolling, ointments, not doing anything for 48 hours. Nothing seems to make it go away and not even sure what the fuck it is... Haven't even injected there in weeks....
Tried getting some overall blood flow at home with some lunges but hurts to bad. Tried some squats with dumbbells but same there, really doesn't feel right so don't wanna make it even worse...

Diet has been super bad, don't have appetite, i'm depressed and so on...
Praying this goes over soon and i'll never use vent glutes again... Keep to quads, delts, glutes... Shit, i'll do calves or pecs before doing vglutes again.

Anyone sitting on some magic remedy? Please tell me and i'll name my unborn children after you lol (not really but in heart i would) :P
I really have no idea. If it came from the chiropractor it's a pissed off nerve of some sort Id guess.

Possible infection of some sort.

Small/actual injury of some sort.

Damn bro
I really have no idea. If it came from the chiropractor it's a pissed off nerve of some sort Id guess.
Possible infection of some sort.
Small/actual injury of some sort.
Damn bro

I've removed brain tumour, cracked ribs, fractured arms, broken leg and a host of other injury related shit...

And this is BY FAR the worst i've ever experienced in my entire life... Its so crippling and debilitating...
Haven't been able to train for 10 days now and last 2-3 days I can barely eat because the pain makes me so nausea I feel like puking half the time.
I'm literally living on watermelon and protein shakes...

The only thing that lessens the pain is sleeping with feet above chest, with a huge ass icepack and taking a few xanax so I can fall asleep in that **********
But it feels mostly temporary...
And earliest appointment I can get is next thursday OR visit the ER...but that's easily a 8-16 hour waiting time because they wont consider it an emergency...
Today was a fun injection day.
1 pin with GHRP
1 pin with CJC
1 pin with B12 vitamin
1 pin with hCG
1 pin with Winstrol injectable
1 pin with testo/masteron.
I also invested in some GHRP-2 to test out if the fatloss equals the hunger feeling on GHRP6.
Also bought a different brand of CJC... Thinking mine is probably bunk because it comes in 5mg for the same price that everyone else sells 2mg for...
So pretty fishy there to have it at 65% discount... Same time, their GHRP works wonders so might just be a typo on the printing machine, who knows.
Looking in the mirror, i've lost so much definition, gained fat, look deflated and just huge feeling of depression...
Really need this fucking ventro glute to heal so I can get back to training and actually do this finish and not just risk my health.... lkgjdfkjgdlfkgjdflkgjdrlfkjyhpsx4i ör5yuj puödäorphjnkåäxfrtoj FUCK
Also started aromasin today at 25mg.
Just to catch any rebound from adex.
Will drop that down to 10mg per day, maybe eod, will see how I feel but knowing myself, 10mg will be the sweet spot.

I also forgot to take GHRP, CJC and Winstrol yesterday... But don't think it matters much.
Bro, on a serious note:

Scale back on all the bullshit while you are injured. 500mg of test or less a week, and drop the rest. Focus on healing instead of doing 10 pins a day.

If it's been 10 days and it's not getting better, go to a real doctor, not a chiropractor. It could be an abscess, it could be a tear, it could be lots of things, but a bunch of igf, grp, and winstrol isnt going to be what fixes any of it.

Get healthy, then worry about the cycle. Just my 2 cents, and best wishes on getting back at it.
The pain is mostly gone and I can walk again, it still swollen and pretty hard to the touch.
For some reason I decided to stick a 31g needle in 6-7 places to release any potential knots...
It just bleed heavily and instantly bruced but didnt seem to be worse.

What has helped past 2 nights is sleeping with legs above chest and sleeping with icepack inside boxershorts on the swollen part.
Hopefully it'll be healed by monday.

Even my girl today was look smaller... Exactly the motivation I needed....not...
Keep us updated on what exactly it is if/when you can get it figured out.

I'm not sure on the HGH peptides things. I've looked into them a couple times and cant tell shit from shine and need more personal experiences about using them, the stacks, what someone should expect and other things. ANYWAY rambling over. . . . Dropping the rest and cruzin seems to be the concervative thing to do. Stabbing it is pretty hardcore. If it worked I just worry for how long and if it wont come back and be even worse.

My wife has a degenerative disk in her neck and she has been crippled for about 2 years now. Just about everything pisses it off. The muscles anyway it isnt even her neck. Chopping lettuce hurt her. Delayed onset. I'd like to spike her coffee with some HGH or a peptide stack but that wont work. Pain never goes away. She was gonna get an MRI of her shoulder but it basically effects 1/2 of the top of her. back sometimes shooting down the back and inside her arm. Several different chiropractor, different messages and some hurt it worse other short time better with is coming back worse. One chiropractor was making it better slowly and that seemed to help but one false move and she will stop dead in her tracks from pain. She loves cooking but shredding cheese and cutting veggies is out the window.

I'll keep my epilepsy it doesnt hurt like that.

Keep us updated on whatever is going on. Fuck everything else. My opinion anyway.