Did you really believe your chiropracter that your quads somehow ended up in the wrong place? Maybe you have some adhesions to be worked out, but located in the wrong place? Nope.
Do you ever foam roll?
Ended up in wrong place? No.
Being misaligned due to training? Yeh sure, why not, you have several heads and different exercises will activate some more than others and if you do the same program over and over, why couldn't it happen?
Its stupid though, I had mad cramps in left quad and calves, that's why I went there.
Left leg has never been better... Right leg which didn't cramp at all, is now fucked and its been a week tomorrow like this...
And I can't walk, I can't train, everything is just shit...and nothing seems to help or lessen it. Well, ice helps a bit, makes the swelling go down a bit and makes it easier to walk but i'm in discomfort/pain 24/7.
I do foam roll but its more when needed rather than regularly.
And I've gone to him for years now, he's the go to guy for all the bodybuilders, he's actually located next door to one of our most famous bodybuilding gyms, where the owner recommends him. That's how I first found out about him

So I do trust what he says and this is first time I've had any issues from treatment too