My next cycle. Test, EQ, Masteron, Anavar

No pain at all today, still swollen... Can walk, sit etc without any serious pain, some positions are not nice but hey...
I'ts a lot less hot to the touch.

Think I get a nerve or something and my initial tries to make ot better only made it worse.
It feels like I have sorta of a blood clot/buildup and if I just do some light circuit/HIT training, it should improve a lot.

I just dont wanna jump the gun, so gonna hita few more needles in it 2night, sleep with ice and high legs and go ham in the gym tomorrow.
At least thats the plan for now :)
If I hadn't experienced a host of side effects, from crippling pip, to insomnia, to hitting nerves, to piercing my own finger doing sub-q injections etc etc etc etc etc etc

I would probably be a bit afraid...but its not any compound that's doing this...
If it was, its the weirdest localized place ever and it came directly as a result of chiropractor treatment...

1+1 is usually 2 bros ;)
I love you all for the concern though #nohomo
Quitters is for losers :D
I've gotten a lot of acne lately...
Might be rebound from adex...
Been on 25mg pharma aromasin for 2 days now...
Will drop it down to 10mg tomorrow monday.

FST, also known as “Fascia Stretch Training”, is a form of bodybuilding training that targets the fascia layer with 7 sets of an exercise performed as the final exercise for a muscle group. It’s highly effective for all stages of bodybuilding, from beginner to advance, and is considered to be a very flexible training regimen that is highly effective in achieving multiple fitness goals.

The goal of FST-7 is simple. By targeting the fascial layer directly beneath the skin (and above the muscle), when performed at 7 sets, it stretches the fascial layer to capacity, allowing for greater muscle growth. In theory, the potential of muscle growth depends entirely on genetics and the thickness of the fascia surrounding the muscle. For example, those with a thicker fascia will have a harder time building mass than those with a naturally thinner fascia.

As a two-tiered training system, the first principle is that the stronger a muscle is, the larger it is, which implies that it’s necessary to maintain a certain minimal strength level. From there, it’s important to focus on strength gains, which is followed by natural muscle growth.

The second principal focuses more around the fascia itself. By expanding the fascia through high volume sets (not reps) and pumping as much nutrient-rich blood into the muscle tissues, it helps to further expand the fascia. These 7 sets are performed on a specific exercise after 2-3 “base” workouts of only 2-3 working sets with heavier weight and fewer reps.

In terms of prioritizing which exercises to perform your FST-7 on, it depends entirely on your weightlifting experience. Typically, for beginners, it’s recommended to start with an isolation-type exercise to start (leg extensions). As you become more advanced you can start performing FST-7 on compound exercises (squat).

"you can mix triceps or biceps into back, legs or chest days."

Barbell Incline Bench Press: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Dumbbell Bench Press: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Cable Crossover: 7 sets of 8-12 reps

Bent Over Barbell Row: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown: 3-4 Sets up 8-12 reps
Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullover: 3-4 Sets up 8-12 reps
Seated Cable Rows: 7 sets of 8-12 reps

Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Front Plate Raise Press: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Side Lat Raise Press: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Cable Seated Lat Raise: 7 sets of 8-12 reps
Dumbbell Shrug Press: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Barbell Shrug: 7 sets of 8-12 reps

EZ-Bar Curl: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Seated Tricep Press: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Incline Dumbbell Curl: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Overhead Cable Curl: 7 sets of 8-12 reps
Tricep Pushdown: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension: 7 sets of 8-12 reps

Barbell Squat: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Leg Extensions: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Leg Press: 7 sets of 8-12 reps
Lying Leg Curls: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Seated Calf Raises: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Standing Calf Raises: 7 sets of 8-12 reps
I barely understood half of that lol :(
And that seems to be 5 days?

I'm looking to change from 5 days to 6 days to make sure I hit every muscle group at least twice every 7 days :)
I misread it the first time and after rereading the top take it as adding a 7 set exercise as a blast.

"A fascia (/***712;fæ***643;(i)***601;/; plural fasciae /***712;fæ***643;ii/; adjective fascial; from Latin: "band") is a band or sheet ofconnective*tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs."

I boiled it down to that program looks exactly like standard high volume 8-12 reps bodybuilding with a 7 set blast at the end.

As far as 6 day split I dont know.

1) Arms
2) Legs (quads and hams)
3)Pectoral isolation
4) Shoulder / upper back
6) lats and lower back.

I have no clue really. Push, Pull, Legs for me. about 2-3 slower rep warm ups with one working set slower reps and then some form of forced reps, drop sets or rest/pause at failure.
And one last time for a retarded preschooler?

I need to have it spelled out like:
Monday. Legs.
Tuesday. Back/Chest.
Wednesday: Arms
etc etc

Obviously days will change each week as its 6 days per week but just to get a grasp on things. Thanks.
Thanks bro, sorry for being retarded lol :P
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Monday Push workout. Basically excercises that push the weight away from your body. Chest, shoulders and triceps.

Tuesday Pull workout. Exercise that pull the weight towards you. Back and biceps mainly.

Wednesday Leg day.

Thursday rest day.

Friday Push again

Saturday pull again

Sunday legs again

Monday rest
Monday Push workout. Basically excercises that push the weight away from your body. Chest, shoulders and triceps.
Tueday Pull workout. Exercise that pull the weight towards you. Back and biceps mainly.
Wednesday Leg day.
Thursday rest day.
Friday Push again
Saturday pull again
Sunday legs again
Monday rest

Perfect but that's still 2 rest days? :(
Could someone help me calculate my total calorie intake for the day.

meal 1.
6 eggs (3 whole), 65g baby spinach, 80-100 grams oatmeal, 50g frozen berries, about 8 grams peanut butter, cinnamon and 0.6l low fat milk (1 liter is 5g fat, 35g protein, 49g carbs, 1 gram salt, total 400 calories.

Meal 2.
Post Workout 75g whey protein and 2-3 rice cakes or maybe a handful of some nuts.

Meal 3.
Meat stew 150 gram, 100 gram 90% beef and 50gram mix of black/kidney/chickpeas beans, in tiny tomato sauce and some spinach. With 50g uncooked white rice.

Meal 4.
Same meat stew / sometimes a new steak also with 2 scrambled whole eggs and a sallad, no carbs/rice.

I couldn't math this out to save my life lol.
Please help!
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What about this?

Day 1. Chest shoulders, triceps.
Day 2. Back, traps, biceps.
Day 3. Quads, hamstring, calves.
Rest day.
Day 4. chest, shoulder, triceps.
Day 5. Back, traps, biceps.
Day 6. quads, hamstring, calves.
Rest day

Will be adding cardio 15-20 min on monday, wednesday and fridays because I've been slacking bigtime and now its time to go all in :)
This in combination with getting diet perfect again should make a huge improvement.

Is it a solid approach? Any input? Thoughts? Famous last words? ;)
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Try it out and see. For me personally Mike Mentzer/Dorian Yates style HIT Monday/Wednesday/Friday gave me amazing results. I was gaining weight and adding more reps and lbs on my lifts. I'm 5' 10" and basically 160s. I was eating 3.5k calories a day with a huge portion from fats. Lots of carbs bloat me and cause me to get drowsy and sleepy and really make me less hungry.

For tracking my food I downloaded an app. I cant remember the name it was an under armour one. fitness pal or something. I basically disregarded its recommendations after putting in my stats and used 3Js calorie calculators.
Went to the gym first time today in about 10 days... Just couldn't sit around at home and wanted to try out the new workout program.
I know understand their disclaimer about it being an "advanced program". And it sure didn't help with the amount of xanax i've been eating past week or so lol...
They wanted me todo 4x15 sets of weighted dips... I struggled to 4x15 without any weight lol, last set i could only do 8 and was shaking like a leaf...

All in all, a super nice program, really like hitting several muscles that's used together so to speak.

And I can definitely tell i'm on winstrol, yes, pump was gone after 10 days but holy fuck, never seen so many veins in my chest before and it pumped up like never before.
Super excited for the coming weeks :)

My chiropractor has also offered me free sessions until i'm pain free again, first appointment tomorrow :)

Also had this shirtless clown in the gym today, he was a tall dude but not very well trained and I openly laughed at him and called him a clown... He got bit upset so I removed my shirt and flexed... He put his shirt back on lol... Then I left because I was done with abs :D
And his buddy was crying laughing. Was hilarious... Dude tried to be mad and aggressive but just couldn't when even his friend was calling him out :D

I hate these cheap community gyms... But its to much to travel 90min back and forth to our real bodybuilding gym...damn, I miss living close to there... Everyone is so much more friendly and helpful, plus there's sometimes "celebrities" visiting, some olympia guys and such. Pretty nice to get some photos :D
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Could someone help me calculate my total calorie intake for the day.

meal 1.
6 eggs (3 whole), 65g baby spinach, 80-100 grams oatmeal, 50g frozen berries, about 8 grams peanut butter, cinnamon and 0.6l low fat milk (1 liter is 5g fat, 35g protein, 49g carbs, 1 gram salt, total 400 calories.

Meal 2.
Post Workout 75g whey protein and 2-3 rice cakes or maybe a handful of some nuts.

Meal 3.
Meat stew 150 gram, 100 gram 90% beef and 50gram mix of black/kidney/chickpeas beans, in tiny tomato sauce and some spinach. With 50g uncooked white rice.

Meal 4.
Same meat stew / sometimes a new steak also with 2 scrambled whole eggs and a sallad, no carbs/rice.

I couldn't math this out to save my life lol.
Please help!

3k per day
3k per day

Thank you so much for this, no wonder I'm stalling and not losing more fat.
It's a solid diet but to high for cutting.
I think closer to 2000-2500 calories would be better.

What should I cut out?
Half the oats?
Half the carbs from rice?
Remove peanut butter?
Reduce the food portions by 1/3rd?
Remove a meal, maybe nr 3?

A combination of all of the above?
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So new brand of CJC-DAC and starting out GHRP2.
I do have some other brand CJC and some GHRP6 left but curious to see how i respond to GHRP, if it it has even half the fat loss capabilities as hunger from GHRP6, it will be golden :D

So some math for reconstitution here...
CJC is 2000mcg / 20. Which makes 0.1ml equal to 100mcg. And each dose will be 0.5ml.
GHRP2 5000mcg / 30. Which makes 0.1 ml equal to 166mcg and each dose will be 0.1ml before bedtime. Going tiny bit lower has it more aggresive on cortisol and prolactin and saturation dose is 100mcg anyhow.
What about this?

Day 1. Chest shoulders, triceps.
Day 2. Back, traps, biceps.
Day 3. Quads, hamstring, calves.
Rest day.
Day 4. chest, shoulder, triceps.
Day 5. Back, traps, biceps.
Day 6. quads, hamstring, calves.
Rest day

Will be adding cardio 15-20 min on monday, wednesday and fridays because I've been slacking bigtime and now its time to go all in :)
This in combination with getting diet perfect again should make a huge improvement.

Is it a solid approach? Any input? Thoughts? Famous last words? ;)

Jay Cutler says in videos after leg days always have rest which are doing. Smart move.

Ever think of adding "Cabbage to your diet" I am gonna start adding a whole head cabbage a week.