My next cycle. Test, EQ, Masteron, Anavar

This cycle has been so weird up and down in weight... At one point I was up at 73 kg but dropped heavily again.
So say I started this cycle at 66.5kg and I was at 15% body fat (think i was higher but for simplicity) and i'm now under 10% and weighing in at 68.8kg
That is 2.3kg in gained weight.
But I've also lost about 3.325kg in fat.

So does that mean my total "gains" this cycle is about 5.5kg?
Pretty weird day in the gym today, went early out of boredom and it was packed.
Had to shift the routine and some exercises around and before I knew it, I had been training for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Did some 10 min abs and went home.
Was very hard to train hungry and decided to down as much water as I could and it removed the pain and shifted it back to normal hunger, so I'll just have to suck it up i guess.

Was chest, tri, shoulders today but shoulders was the one getting fried as usual.
I have noticed it for a few days but now its 24/7 and not only in the mornings but I definitely have never been this low body fat, big or ripped before :D
So unless I injure myself or some stupid shit, this cycle has already been a huge success, now I just gotta learn how to maintain and maintain over the winter when there's like 6 hours light per day and seriously cold...
Granted, first cycle I slacked off cuz I looked so good so fast and second cycle I fractured ribs and forearm first week of PCT... So should be bit easier this time around :D

I'd say I need to lose roughly 1.5-2 more kilos of fat. Which at this rate should only be 20ish days or something, just around when anavar and masteron should finish up.
The intense pain is finally over and now i'm "only" hungry 24/7 but that I can deal with, its all in my mind and now helps when I eat some, goes away for at least 90 min.

In hindsight it was pretty stupid of me reducing food intake by 50% over night....
Should have gone down to 75% for a week and then down to 40-50%.
Did some inventory and geez do I have too much gear lol...

I've decided to finish anavar and then stop all orals, which happens in exactly 20 days from today.
I have about 4-5 weeks left of test prop, which I'll also finish up. I'll save the remaining winstrol, test e, proviron etc and i'll keep using peptides at least 1 month after finishing PCT, will buy some more CJC to cover it fully, will also be switching from GHRP to IPA to avoid cortisol and prolactin issues off cycle.

Test prop ending will mark the end of this cycle and jumping on a power PCT.
So I got these super retarded slin pins...

They're 1 ml but only markings in 40 IU...
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to use a 40% conversion rather than 50% on a secondary fixed amount? That's like using imperial AND metric system at the same time and wonder why the space shuttle fell out of the sky....
I'm I supposed to guess how much I'm drawing or what?
Can't remember last time I had this little energy...
Feel so exhausted beyond words and slept and ate all day.

Knew today was gonna suck, even before I left for the gym I didn't feel good at all but figured I'd power trough it as usual.
That did not happen, I fatigued the second set of deadlift, started cold sweating, felt like I was gonna pass out, started getting migraines like I do when I have high blood pressure, felt nausea and third set of chin ups (about 30 minutes into the workout) I called it quits and gave up.
Would have puked or passed out otherwise and haven't cancelled a workout all year so felt it was ok given my well being.

Hopefully tomorrow will be fine again :)
So I got these super retarded slin pins...

They're 1 ml but only markings in 40 IU...
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to use a 40% conversion rather than 50% on a secondary fixed amount? That's like using imperial AND metric system at the same time and wonder why the space shuttle fell out of the sky....
I'm I supposed to guess how much I'm drawing or what?

I'm sure there is a simpler way but I would figure the 40iu measurement to a ml ratio. What the iu marking? 400iu means its 40iu= 0.1 ml

Then depending on the iu per mL you mixed do a conversion again dividing the dose by the number from the first conversion.
I'm sure there is a simpler way but I would figure the 40iu measurement to a ml ratio. What the iu marking? 400iu means its 40iu= 0.1 ml
Then depending on the iu per mL you mixed do a conversion again dividing the dose by the number from the first conversion.

They are called BD Micro Fine. U-40 Insulin. 1 ml.

So far so good but it only has 40iu markings.
Meaning it only says 40 units and 1 ml next to it.

And you can't have international units be something different... 10 iu is always 0.1ml, it can't be something else.
But these retarded ones says 40 units = 1 ml.

How the hell I'm I supposed to know what I'm injecting? They can't just change a measurement?!?
And fine if they used 50 units... easily, just half it... but having to do math for 40% is retarded in my world or I'm I missing something here?!

Edit. They're made in the USA, that explains the retarded conversions... You are already using the metric system, you signed the treaty but you are so stuck up you actually use the metric system to base all your imperial system measurements on and then forces ALL of your scientists to reconvert imperial back to metric again...
Thats why the last space shuttle exploded...because of shit like this... Just saying...
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They are called BD Micro Fine. U-40 Insulin. 1 ml.

So far so good but it only has 40iu markings.
Meaning it only says 40 units and 1 ml next to it.

And you can't have international units be something different... 10 iu is always 0.1ml, it can't be something else.
But these retarded ones says 40 units = 1 ml.

How the hell I'm I supposed to know what I'm injecting? They can't just change a measurement?!?
And fine if they used 50 units... easily, just half it... but having to do math for 40% is retarded in my world or I'm I missing something here?!

Edit. They're made in the USA, that explains the retarded conversions... You are already using the metric system, you signed the treaty but you are so stuck up you actually use the metric system to base all your imperial system measurements on and then forces ALL of your scientists to reconvert imperial back to metric again...
Thats why the last space shuttle exploded...because of shit like this... Just saying...

Youngin good to know.
Youngin good to know.

Hahah. I was bit mad when I wrote that lol but its true though, the last space shuttle did crash because of a botched conversion math.
And you really are using the metric system and has been for decades now, you just didn't make the public switch due to cost reasons and now you're stuck with the most retarded measurement system ever in existence. As the only country in the world :P

I still find it super retarded they've literally tried to change a measurement into something else...
Or maybe i'm the stupid one but it sure ain't logical lol...
Doubt everyone will agree but then again, I don't care lol....

I look so fucking good right now, omg... Wanna make out with myself lol...
Jokes a side, it's been a really good cycle, i'm super happy.
I won't reach my goal weight and I'll clock in way under what I thought but I feel i've managed the goal of this cycle, which was to cut down below 10% body fat and I even added quite a bit of muscle :D

Will take 2 more cycles and not 1 like i thought to reach my ultimate goal, which is 72-73kg @ 7-8% body fat.
Back has made phemonoal progress, I can actually say I have a back for first time ever.
And can flex some too, I tried posing for the mirror but I realized I can't really pose or flex good at when it comes to pretty much anything besides the front.
My legs can take 500 * 8x pounds in leg press but can't flex it for shit... Even tried watching videos but never get any flex in legs except calves, my calves are fire :P
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an iu isn't always standardized. I reconstitute my HCG with very little water and on a slin pin it like .2 An iu is similar to a mg. Moat things come in standardized doses but not always.

What increments does it have? Like 40iu, 35 iu, 30iu on down? Scripted HCG came with a chart for how much BAC to add for HCG and what iu concentration someone wanted. say add "x" mL/cc BAC for "y" iu per mL/cc.

for every 1 iu there will be 0.025ml in the slin pin.
an iu isn't always standardized. I reconstitute my HCG with very little water and on a slin pin it like .2 An iu is similar to a mg. Moat things come in standardized doses but not always.
What increments does it have? Like 40iu, 35 iu, 30iu on down? Scripted HCG came with a chart for how much BAC to add for HCG and what iu concentration someone wanted. say add "x" mL/cc BAC for "y" iu per mL/cc.
for every 1 iu there will be 0.025ml in the slin pin.

How can a measurement not be standardized? That statement makes no sense bro.

Its uses the metric system, which is divisible ALWAYS by 10...
So 1 iu is 0.01ml, 2 iu is 0.02ml and 10 iu is 0.1 ml
That's what a measurement can it magically change?
Yeh, you can do that with HCG as one cc = one ml and one ml is always 100iu and easily divided.

So basically U40 is 2.5ish stronger, that's the math?
I have 0.5 ml slin needles but they are from europe and comes at 50iu, which would be the logical approach :D
5k iu HCG vile right? somewhere around there anyway. . . . A certain number of iu per vial in powder form. Understand?

The concentration/dose/iu per mL WILL BE DEPENDANT on the volume of water injected into it. 1mL = 5k iu per mL. 10 mL = 500iu per mL.
an iu is a measurement similar to a mg. Like I said I had pharmacy papers with a chart that gave water to vial directions for different iu per mL. Straight from a pharmacy.

I'm beginning to question if you even truly know what you're talking about man.
More than likely they are marked for a specific insulin just like mine are. Insulin is measured in iu. Different insulins have different iu per mL.
5k iu HCG vile right? somewhere around there anyway. . . . A certain number of iu per vial in powder form. Understand?

The concentration/dose/iu per mL WILL BE DEPENDANT on the volume of water injected into it. 1mL = 5k iu per mL. 10 mL = 500iu per mL.
an iu is a measurement similar to a mg. Like I said I had pharmacy papers with a chart that gave water to vial directions for different iu per mL. Straight from a pharmacy.

I'm beginning to question if you even truly know what you're talking about man.

It's because we are talking about two totally different things lol....
You are talking about reconstitution math for hCG, not sure why you do but you just started talking about it from nowhere to support your claim that a measurement is not standarized. Are you sure YOU know what you're talking about? ;)

I'm talking about the slin pins and how the measurement doesn't make any sense.