My next cycle. Test, EQ, Masteron, Anavar

More than likely they are marked for a specific insulin just like mine are. Insulin is measured in iu. Different insulins have different iu per mL.

Yes and I can even reconstitute my peptides whichever way I want... It has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand.

You are talking about potency per ml and i'm talking about how much to measure the amount.
And if you one more time say it has todo with reconstitution you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Period.
View attachment 567790

Being a 1mL slin pin U-100 insulin is dosed at 100 iu per mL.

Wow, you are so smart....
Now imagine mine says U-40 and that one is ALSO 1 ml.

Explain how one MEASUREMENT can be different, if you can't, please just don't respond at all. I'm trying really hard to not be rude with you cuz I like you but this is retarded bro, really fucking retarded.

I have 4 different slin pins and they all are measured in IU and ONLY the american made one is retarded and tries something different, go figure.
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While writing this I realized where you get confused lol... It's because HCG comes labeled in IU, but it's doesn't matter in the end because what you're interested is in drawing the correct amount, matters fairly little if you can't draw whatever you decided to reconstitute?

I reconstitute my 5k hCG with 2ml bac mater.
That makes each 0.1ml equal to 250IU
0.1ml is 10 iu on a slin pin.

But if the slin pin is 40 iu and still 1ml, how do you draw 0.1 ml now?

So I get your confusion, still doesn't change a standardized measurement lol.
Note to self...
Wednesday morning.

Winstrol ORAL started. 40mg ed split twice.
Masteron prop 80 mg (0.8ml) Right glute
Test Prop 100mg (1ml) Right glute
Clomid 50mg
Aromasin 10mg ed.
hCG 500iu.
166mcg GHRP2.
Var/Prov 20mg
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Well then it is made for an insulin with 40 units per mL and it is marked specifically for that insulin. There are insulins with 500 units per mL.

be as rude as you want it really doesn't bother me. What does is incorrect information. You contradict yourself in your own post about dosing it or you dont understand. You may need to read the thread about bac water and dosing YOU wrote because you obviously missed dosing points.

If your slin pin is marked from 0-40 and holds a volume of 1mL its marked in units not mL and meant for insulin with a potency of 40 units per mL

iu per mL is equivalent to mg per mL. It's a measurement of a substance suspended in a volume of liquid.

I wish I would have saved the sheet DIRECT FROM THE PHARMACY that showed a scale of water to HCG in the vial, iu per mL and then gave an example for dosing per mL for a specific dosage in iu.
I didn't even know how they looked before I got them, I ordered 1ml slin pins like I always do and brands sometimes shift but never seen 40 iu before.

It's just so stupid... How can you measure something in a a measurement? It should be labeled in MG/MCG and drawn in IU/ML/CC.
Nothing else really makes sense...

I have 4 different slins at home and you could use 3 of them and get exact same result drawing 10 iu but completely different drawing 10 iu in the retarded ones...

I honestly can't remember last time I saw something this utterly retarded.
here let me try another way for you

Quarts and liters right? measurments of fluids.

Pounds and kilograms right? measurments of weight.

Inches and centimeters right? measures lenght

So now its mg and iu right? A measurement of the dosage of the drug.

TEST 100mg/250mg/400mg per mL
HCG 100iu/250iu/400iu per mL.

U-100 slin pins are made for 100iu Insulin per 1mL. Get it? No? Then I give up and maybe a more experienced member can spell it out for you.

iu per mL varies dependant on the dosage of the solution.

I wonder what dosages of your shit you're actually injecting. haha
I have never even seen insulin before lol.
I don't even know anyone with diabetes.

But if the insulin comes in 100iu and is 1 ml in volume....that's correct though and yeh, i've gotten it since last page but its still doesn't have any shred of logic to it.

I suck at math and I've made it no secret but I know what im injecting and yeh, I could of course just go 2/2.5 and get the same result but it still doesn't make sense...

Yes the dosage will vary due to concentration...but the VOLUME will not...Do you get it? :P
What in the actual fuck dont you understand bruh. an iu is like a damn mg. it isnt a measurement of volume and yes volume will change based on concentration. hahaha so you still inject 1mL of test c 100 or test c 250? hahahahahah
What in the actual fuck dont you understand bruh. an iu is like a damn mg. it isnt a measurement of volume and yes volume will change based on concentration. hahaha so you still inject 1mL of test c 100 or test c 250? hahahahahah

What don't you get about it being a measurement?
Google iu to ml conversion and you'll see it's exactly what I've said... When you are so stupid you don't even know its a measurement of volume, maybe you should just shut the fuck up and let the grown ups speak? Go to timeout....
It has nothing todo with doses and I've never said so... I've asked what the conversion is because it doesn't make sense to have a fixed measurement be two things at once.

You really can't be this stupid... Stop trolling me lol :p
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So you stupid ass truly gets it...

Lets use your dosage bullshit...
5k hCG with 2 ml bac water.

Makes each 0.1 ml/10iu equal to 250iu(shoudn't be labeled IU but thats another topic)

Now take 2 slin pins, both are 1 ml in volume.
One has 100 iu markings
One has 40 iu markings.

Now draw 10 iu in both slins and tell me the dosage will be the same? No? Do you finally get it you dumbfuck?
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. . . . . . .
"Now take 2 slin pins, both are 1 ml in volume.
One has 100 iu markings
One has 40 iu markings"

. . . . . . .

You do realize this shows a mL divided into different increments right . . . . . . . .hahahaha
. . . . . . .
"Now take 2 slin pins, both are 1 ml in volume.
One has 100 iu markings
One has 40 iu markings"

. . . . . . .

You do realize this shows a mL divided into different increments right . . . . . . . .hahahaha

Answer the question... Will the dosage be the same?
Yes, i realize that, thats why i created the topic because its wrong lol... Its a fixed measurement...

You are either trolling or lack the intellect to continue this discussion, i'm done with you.