My next cycle. Test, EQ, Masteron, Anavar

What can you do with the gear bro? Get even bigger? Your already big in your photo. I don't think people get much bigger than that lol.

Wrong forum Sir this web page is called steroLfatsosology,com you must be confused with yeah big difference we at the Fatso community here get a lot of novice like yourself malnourished rookies, ya know and they ask questions like how to get gear, gear means 2- 18'' pizza with everything on it, also throw In 2 liter coke that's non diet to gain fat. we tell them "good luck son If you can still see your dick your not a profatso.

sorry my friend If your looking for compounds to make you into a Bbuilder you got confused.
please find those people have a very high traffic of members looking for that which you are asking for.

we don't get as much as they in traffic, DAMN IT!!! NO ONE WANT"S FATSOS NO MO!!
Wrong forum Sir this web page is called steroLfatsosology,com you must be confused with yeah big difference we at the Fatso community here get a lot of novice like yourself malnourished rookies, ya know and they ask questions like how to get gear, gear means 2- 18'' pizza with everything on it, also throw In 2 liter coke that's non diet to gain fat. we tell them "good luck son If you can still see your dick your not a profatso.

sorry my friend If your looking for compounds to make you into a Bbuilder you got confused.
please find those people have a very high traffic of members looking for that which you are asking for.

we don't get as much as they in traffic, DAMN IT!!! NO ONE WANT"S FATSOS NO MO!!

LOL nice words, sounds like you need some help lifting that tire!
Right now, it looks like i'll go on TRT before this blast...
I left blood work yesterday and dealing with potential gyno lymp, broken ribs and just not where I want to be or should be on any level.

Doctors appointment and blood results will give some thinking and decision making to do next week.
One things for sure is that my testo will be low, very low.... So question becomes, should I try to recover natty before running this cycle?
Should I just accept the TRT fate? If so, it makes more sense to TRT for 3-4 months and have a pre summer blast. <--- Will cement the TRT decision and make it final.

So its a lot of bullshit to think trough and come up with a sensible approach to the coming 20-30 years ahead of me...
You're single right? Is everything in your personal life goin ok? Personal relationships pretty good? Roof over your head and steady income and all that? I say all this cuz from personal experience trt is a seemingly binding agreement. You're married to it and need other things to be stable or it's just an added nightmare. I am to the point that I am thinking about calling it quits and trying to recover. I love this life when all else is going well.....but it's so much more complicated when life isnt going your way.

Sorry bro.....just ignore me if ya feel I'm raining on the parade :)
A little sentimental cuz my kid got hurt, dads in the hospital, and the wife isnt real sure about us. Lol

If your life is solid and you don't have to rely on anyone then it's easier to handle the commitment......or if everything is going great and you are depending on someone else it's easy too. But if you have a whole family and shit doesnt go your way its hell to live with committing to this lifestyle for life. It's a long term you clearly stated.

I know that you know what you're doing. Just make sure ya have your life together before marrying the needle.

Good luck bro. Whatever ya do I know itll be the right decision for you
I'm single right now. Like i've mentioned a lot before, i do want to settle down and begin family life but its hard to find ladies when you're also looking at it from potential wife POV.
Anyhow, i do agree, i was just too night thinking about how much hidden costs there is to this lifestyle.
Just the diet alone takes a big portion and then you still have supplements and you know its rakes up pretty quickly.

Wouldn't call my life unstable but it certainly isn't that stable either but its mostly me and where i've apparently are in life right now. I need to grow the fuck up and not always find excuses to have fun, which is kinda fucked up and fucking with my on a mental level that's hard to grasp... Like, where is the balance for fun? I'm i really upset that I allow myself to be 20 again? I might never get that chance again bro.
Maybe the issue is me and its been me all along? I don't really know what i'm doing anymore. I wouldn't say lost touch with reality but its foolish to think that your surroundings but more importantly the people with whom you surround yourself with won't have an impact on your own views on life.

I don't really depend on other people, people just depend on me. Maybe that's the problem? I need to live life more stricter, every sense I broke off from my mentor and started flying solo life has been so fucking amazing but its a blessing and a curse. Its hard to manage life when you have to set your own rules.
I understand....kind of. Shortly after turning 30 I got divorced and started over. I went a little crazy and had fun and also went through a lot of bullshit too. I gave up that life for married life again. It's a struggle. From bro to bro.......I just suggest that ya do your very best to get all things in order as best ya can before marrying the needle.

I have a feeling you and i could sit down and really do some talking and story sharing. Lol.

When ya think about the hard times....ya think you could handle them well while having to remember multiple injections and pills every week? Blood tests and blood donations? Like a mild version of a cycle that never ends. A truly endless cycle for life.

If I could go back I'd try to talk me out of it. But now......I just dont know
At least you've tried being a married man bro.

Thats the issue bro, what exactly does that mean? Get all things in order?
I have a junkie gene for sure but it doesn't just apply to drugs, it applies to everything I do. I take things to the extreme in exactly everything I do. And we all know its far more fun and easier to do fun stuff than it is to take care of responsibilities.
I've always been very strict with always keeping my word and delivering on what i promise or say I'll do. Add to that, i have very little issue with doing things I might actually hate to reach the bigger picture goals.

The older and older I get, i'm starting to realize it might not be so much about having your shit in order as much as it is to keep everything in balance and moderation.
Focus should be on happiness for you and always putting your own happiness above everyone else's, because if you are the provider and you're not happy? You'll live a shitty life, that I can guarantee.
I was watching this ifbb pro video about dieting yesterday and he has a "cheat" meal every single day and its bit hard to summarize 30 minutes in a few words but he defends it with, "i'd rather eat an extra meal for the whole day and just keeping the "cheat" meal in moderation. (It was more about eating things that you enjoy eating without drinking heavy cream sauce lol...)
You can cook so much stuff that's gonna be 100 times better than processed foods or even that last chicken breast you've been juggling up and down your throat for the past 2 days lol...

And i think that rings true to most things in life (or at least it did for me while watching) that its all about consistency and enjoying what you do and more importantly enjoy life, if not? You gotta make changes bro.
Its one thing to go balls to the wall for a few months doing a cycle and its another one doing it 365 days per year. Its pretty much the last weeks i'm starting to feel I actually know what i'm talking about and not just on compounds but an actual grasp on the whole picture.
Personally, i'd had gained more if I pushing less hard but more consistently, steroids or not. First cycle being the exception though, i kept most of my gains from first cycle and since starting i've gained 20 pounds. Looking in the mirror I look horrible, looking at old pictures I've done a huge change for the better.

Which leads me into the whole TRT discussion.
Do I want to be on TRT for rest of my life? No, not at all. Not even with legal prescription.
Will i do more cycles? 100% yes.
Have I fucked myself up to the point where im reaching point of no return? Sadly, yes.
Did i get gyno or not? Hard to say, the lump is getting smaller and smaller but my left chest is slightly larger and i did have shoulder injury and fracture on the opposite side and training mostly free weights, it could just be asymmetric since I have shifted my dominate arm after those 2 injuries.

With those 3.5 things in mind, what options do I really have?

Been thinking of running another PCT for 6 weeks with a 10 day HCG blast beforehand. Standard clomid/nolva 50/20mg.

Obviously that would be 3 months experiment BUT I know 100% that clomid puts me at peak natty levels, so it would act as an intermediate prep for the next cycle. <-- Only drawback I can see is pushing the time table up 4-6 months.
Another option is of course TRT <-- Drawbacks are plenty.
Last option is to fix this gyno symptoms (already working on it, visiting doctor tomorrow) and accept what my natty levels are and do occasional cycles.

With that said... With how my natty levels looked after last cycle i seriously doubt it will come back better or even the same.
So it's pretty much pushing TRT ahead of me at that point.

Having done 5-6 injections per day for months, doing 2 per week doesn't really seem THAT bad honestly.
I hate the needle but i feel so fresh after donating blood that i'll probably keep donating regardless.

For you bro, i watched a video of this guy, he's younger than us but pretty much did exactly what you did. He called it quits after 2ish+ years of constant blasting/cruising and at that point his face was all bloated and nasty but he seemed to have recovered fine.
You can always go back on TRT, worst case you'll feel a bit shit but I wouldn't say its to late for you.
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Gotcha bro!! Yeah I'm gonna decide between now and my next doc visit in a month I think. I may try to natty up. Every time I convince myself to try going off the juice, like in the statement above, i tell myself that's stupid. Why quit. Why not maximize my test levels. What are the true long term effects and who is telling the true story about it all?

I don't know. I'm just not sure itll fit into my life if things get any tougher than they are right now. My personal life is a bit fucked and being a slave to the needle seems depressing. Guess if I stick with it, pun I tended, itll give me more motivation to keep my diet and gym trips in check. I'll let ya know what I decide :)

As for you......I just meant "get all things in order" as a caution to do your best to stabilize all your relationships and your career. Make sure you are in them all for the long haul. Obviously you know yourself better than I do....I just know for me that this game is A LOT more difficult if any of the major factors in your life are unstable.

Just some relatively worthless advice from a man who is going through some shit :)

Final note....I like the idea of not jumping on trt right now, using clomid to cruise into your cycle and then reevaluating the trt situation after cycle.
I've always been a very goal oriented person but that mentality is really not for everyone. If you don't feel good with the bigger picture and the road there it might not justify the end result for you personally. Have you considered that?
It feels like you're talking in such extremes, very black and white but there's a middle ground too. Just because you jump off TRT doesn't mean you'll stop training and run occasional cycles.
I'm in the same spot, my life is horrible on so many levels, not even gonna start to depress you with it. But i'm no stranger to rock bottom and I always come back stronger. Its just been oddly long and random freak occurrences i've had no control over which just makes it sucks.
It really sounds like need to figure out where you're going and not where you are bro.

Do you have clear defined goal as where you want to be? Whats the real reason you're doing all of this?
Once i reach my own goal, i'll stop running cycles. For life? Nah, cuz i know myself but its definitely gonna be more of a once per year, every other year type of deal where i put my focus into martial arts and 2 days gym time to maintain.
But i also hate the lifestyle lol... Its purely end result oriented for me. So what is my goals ? 75-77 kg and 8-9% body fat. Which with my latest injury will be about 2 cycles and 1.5 years away. For reference im 5.8 (i think. 177cm).

About the "get all things in order", I understood it from the first post, i merely meant that boils down to society's view and in which social hierarchy you find yourself living in. I mostly meant is it really worth it the confinement or should you just live life?
And will you ever truly be prepared? I'm just gonna dial everything back and take it week by week and for me personally stop hunting love and substituting it with 20 year olds while having the audacity to tell myself it could lead places lol...

Bro for fuck sake, stop it... Don't call yourself worthless and dont devalue your own worth. I know....but drop that bullshit, if I didn't want your advice you'd know about it :P
So i missed my doctors appointment about gyno today...

But waiting for full blood work including complete female panel.
The lump has almost vanished completely the last 2-3 days. Starting to doubt it was gyno at all, would be strange for it to self cure, right? Unless GH would help stabilize everything? It's been around 12 days on GH after it started becoming smaller.
Maybe just was a staph infection after all, no idea at this point and been lazy researching gyno.

But doesn't hurt to get all values anyhow, was long overdue.

What does my veteran bro's think. JP, tank, casanova?

What should be my next course of action? Obviously blood work will give pointers but i'd like to hear some input from y'll. Thanks :)
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Part of my blood work is back and bit surprised but all values are spot on.
Even my cholesterol values and ratios has improved A LOT. I'll chalk that down to my diet choices.
Liver values spot on even without having ran NAC/Milk Thistle.
Also have perfect values for calcium, kalium etc so my ribs should be healing just fine, specially with having run a small blast of GH.

Even the previous inflammation values which has been high is now good again.
I'll upload once all values are back, start/mid next week.
Just having a really hard time right now....may come out in my advice :)

Thanks for the post and all the info. I can definitely benefit from your advice there
Got two painkillers beginning of the weekend from a friend and holy shit...
Not only was I painfree for 2 days, I slept like a baby... Haven't slept this much and long in years.
I feel like a new man. :D
Ribs feels half as much and its more a feeling of having stayed in bed for to long, over 20 hours. First I slept 11 hours, went up, had dinner and a sparked a fatty, watched simpsons and slept another 10-11 hours :D
I'm also strongly thinking about running another pct:
1k HCG ED for 10 days.
Wait 3 days.
50mg clomid/20mg nolva for 50 days.

Gonna wait for bloodwork from last week and then plan is doing another one in 1 month and then another bloodwork 6 weeks after finishing PCT.

Should give me off values, mid clomid values and post clomid treatment values.
And if I do have gyno flare, the nolva should combat that just fine, right?

Could the veterans please give some input on this?
Have anyone tried this before? PCT after PCT?
Is there any health risks?
Other concerns?

Or should I do something else completely?
Thanks bro's, i'm bit out of my depth here :(
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