My next cycle. Test, EQ, Masteron, Anavar

As of today, i have 105ish iu HGH left.
Been doing 2 iu's for the past 10ish days.

Not sure if i should run it alongside at 2iu, or if i should bump it up to 4iu.
I know 110 iu is nothing but I cant afford to buy more and my ribs is pretty happy I had any GH at all :P
So almost all results are back and they look oddly good lol...
My cholesterol is down, my HDL is up. All liver values spot on.
My estrogen is 40% lower than it usually is. My progesterone is 50% of what it was last time off cycle.
My FSH and testosterone values are exactly the same as a year ago before I started last cycle.

So it looks like i've recovered more than fine and I'm exactly where I was before this cycle which feels pretty good to be honest.
D-vitamin is starting to get bit low but its winter and I'm taking supplements again.

I'll post full pdf report once its finalized but this begs the question if I should really run my proposed PCT plan?
Here is blood work.
View attachment 567706
Doctors comments:
Here is my medical assessment of your test answers:

You have a good blood count, as well as good levels of white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (platelets). Your leukocytes and platelets have been normalized since the previous sampling.
Your iron value is just above the upper reference value, which can be seen in treatment with certain drugs or be a normal variant without connection to ill health. Your magnesium has been normalized since the previous sampling.
Your Vitamin D is a little low but above the limit for what is usually classified as Vitamin D deficiency (the level classified as optimal is 75-250 nmol / L). Low values may be due to insufficient sun exposure or one-sided diet and can often be corrected with increased sun exposure or dietary supplements containing Vitamin D.

You have a good level of cobalamin, vitamin B12.
Your blood lipids are essentially good but your cholesterol distribution is somewhat disadvantageous, as illustrated by a slightly elevated ApoB / ApoA1 ratio. What is sought for men is a ratio below 0.7, which can often be affected by dietary changes or by increased exercise.
Your blood sugar samples are good and give no suspicion of insulin resistance or development of diabetes.

All the values of your thyroid samples (thyroid samples) are within normal reference range and no signs of abnormal thyroid function are seen in your test responses.
All hormone samples, including testosterone, are within normal reference ranges.
Your kidney function and the levels of your body salts are within normal reference ranges.
Your PSA value is within the normal reference range. PSA naturally increases with increasing age, so there is a large normal variation. If you have symptoms from the urinary tract, contact with your healthcare center is recommended.

Otherwise, no deviation is seen in your test answers.
Any thoughts, feedback or advice? :)
The high iron is me currently eating the 2000 mg iron you have to take after donating blood, have like 3 pills left.
Östradiol = estrogen.
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So i've been researching and think i'll go with this dosing schedule.
Any input?

HGH Frag 250mcg / twice per day.
CJC-1295 without DAC. 150mcg / twice per day.
GHRP-2 / 100mcg / twice per day.

So that means a 2mg(2000mcg) vial CJC should last 6.6 days?
And the GHRP-2 is 5mg which should last 25 days?
HGH frag will last 10 days.

Optimally i would do 3 injections per day, breakfast, midday, evening (spaced 4-5 hours apart) but it takes its toll quite quickly and I didn't enjoy it all that much last cycle so gonna stick to 2 injections per day.
Still have HCG and actual AAS to pin too...
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I'm on my third day of 20ml MCT oil per day, dont notice any difference at all.
Everyone said you would live in the bathroom for a couple days :p
The ribs are having me superbored at the moment...Can't do anything and nothing is fun anymore so randomly decided to make some pills.
Mixed up glucosamine, MSM, NAC, milk thistle, l-tyrosine in a blender and used a "pill machine" i bought for this exact purpose.
The capsules are 2000mg so I figure 2 per day would be a good addition and i'll finally use the kilos of nac/thistle etc i have on hand.
So nobody has any advice or input for poor little me?

I'm kinda out of my depth here and there's isn't really much to research on doing a second PCT or attempting to restore natty values to a higher value.
For each individual compound (HCG, Nolva, Clomid), they all are fairly harmless and does serve a purpose and I can't find any reasons why it would have an adverse and negative effect.

The HCG will make sure my balls are fully awake and honestly they only grew back to like 85-90% of the size from last cycle.
The nolva will take care of any potential gyno going on. The lump is still shrinking and i'm not sure what it is, but nolva would be the go to in that scenario.
Clomid, at the very worst will peak my testosterone values for 2 months allowing me to prep better for the upcoming cycle.

So it does seem like a sensible approach vs jumping on this cycle as soon as I can.
Plus im willing to try it as an experiment, I dont see any form of pitfall coming from this but would really like som input on the whole thing :(
I like the plan. Hopefully someone else will chime in with specifics. HCG kickstart followed by nolva and clomid. Your logic is all sound and as ya know I've been taking clomid for years.

As you know, a heavy cycle right behind this recovery attempt is gonna crash ya pretty hard again........but that's gonna happen anyway so might as well enjoy the higher natty test that you will surely have for a few weeks before the cycle.

Following along bro. Get the most ya can outta the cycle and be sure to give updates along the way. I'll likely be starting a blast around this time next month. Good luck bro
Yeh, i'll crash regardless next cycle and obviously have to recover again after every future cycle but its an intriguing thing as in, if it actually works? Even a 20% bump in natty test would put me at peak levels for my age and totally removing any TRT ideas or aspects.
I think a realistic thing is to expect minimum of one 12 week cycle every 18 month from now til death do us part.
But the important part will be the 15 months in between and how i feel there.

I'm not against TRT but bro... Compare me to mike for example, he's still cycling and I have 30 years just to reach his age... Do I really want to be on TRT for 30 years then what ? Go another 20-30 years trt til i die?
Thats a fucking long time, even hard to grasp. I can say i'm ready for it because the means justify the end but i'm not and most likely just like you and many others, i will want to bail in 2-5 years but then it might be way to late.

So bottom line is making sure future cycles wont drop my natty further down, if i can increase it, awesome totally worth this experiment.
I feel fine like i'm currently and I have lots of improvements to do in both diet, training etc to increase well being and probably even natty levels.
Agreed. Cycle and recover.....until you are not satisfied with your recovery and at that point trt :)
Hopefully many many cycles from now is when this happens. Trt is dumb.......until you need it.
TRT "saved my life" but it is old already. Like adding another chore and a new bill to my life. I would rather not be on it. not even a full year yet I dont think.

Thursdays shot in the evening. Have to pick the kids up at 3:15, drive 1 hour to a wrestling meet then back home then dinner, showers and waiting around till I can get 6 minutes to sit down do my injection at 10 PM. haha
After reading JP's post in my other thread im not so sure about this anymore :(

I'm at least gonna wait the for my upcoming doctors appointment and see what he says and does, specifically about the lump, that's my only concern.
Even if its almost none existable anymore, it still worries me for future cycles if it was gyno.

Weirdest thing, to appear from nowhere 3 months after pct and go away in 6-7 weeks :o
After reading JP's post in my other thread im not so sure about this anymore :(

I'm at least gonna wait the for my upcoming doctors appointment and see what he says and does, specifically about the lump, that's my only concern.
Even if its almost none existable anymore, it still worries me for future cycles if it was gyno.

Weirdest thing, to appear from nowhere 3 months after pct and go away in 6-7 weeks :o

Just wanted to touch on one of your Posts on this Thread.

If your Total Test Values are good for your age, then don't worry about TRT.
I'll be 66 in less then a month, and my Total Test is still Too High for TRT, and I like it that way.

Personally ~ I think there's a Big Difference between Wanting to do Something, and Having to do Something.
If I had to go on TRT for the rest of my Life, it would change the way I look at AAS.............................. JP
Hang in there till you see your Doctor and find out what's really going on.
Right now, all you can do is Speculate, and this makes Life both Confusing and Very Stressful.
Have you seen your doc yet?

Yes I have, i've been "sent" to two different specialist. One to check if I got another brain tumor (MR? scan)
Then another one for the lump on my left chest.

I went ahead with my proposed second PCT.
Started with 1k iu HCG first 2 days, then dropped it down to about 500-600 iu ED.

Just like JP said, i should have had aromasin(my friend got some left overs so getting it this week)
And I 100% got gyno as the lump started growing and my nipples started getting very sore.

Luckily I had both nolva and clomid on hand.
Started with 40mg nolva ed and been taking 40-100mg nolva (spread out, been a bit wasted on top of all this so wasnt sure if I had taken it that day)

ANYHOW... 3 days on nolva and the lump is almost completly gone, no soreness, I cant feel it.

My 2 cracked ribs has finally healed to the point im going gym tomorrow.
I can even sleep on that side again, i feel the crack occasaionally so I need to take it easy but its game time...

Tomorrow i start my 3 month challenge.
Bought 25 pounds (10kg) of frozen chicken and 15 lunch boxes, a food scale and a human scale lol.

I've made a plan of 4 chicken dishes (difference is a bit homemade tomato sauce in vegetables) and gonna have 3 of those per day.
And breakfast will be oatmeal+protein powder shake and i'm gonna try to eat 4 eggs (1 whole, 3 whites)

With that said... I'm happy to be back, its been a rough fucking 3-4 weeks....
Never been this fat, ugly and out of shape in my entire life lol.... :(
did you figure out what the lump issue is about?

Its gyno... Lump started growing on HCG, which would raise my estro.
I'm guessing its because how I ended my cycle with injury and couldn't train.

The very interesting part is that my body was actually healing and removing it.
Last blood work had my estro at half the normal value, so Im guessing my body was at a point where it was adapting, lowering estrogen and fixing the lump i guess...

But nolva also does the trick, thankfully :D

I do have specialist doctors appointment...

And the general physician i got is amazing, dude gave me morphine so I could do a tattoo lol....
I'm sure he would put me on TRT without blinking lol...
For now, this cycle will start in about 3 months.
I'm gonna fix my diet, which wont be that hard seeing as I've been eating 1500-3000 cals in just candy and juice everyday (excluding actual food)

I do notice a difference being on HCG, i wouldn't call it a recomp...but there's a change in my body for sure.

And plan is 4 smaller meals per day. Like one chicken breast, 0,5 cup white rice(YES WHITE) or 1-2 potatoes and filling it up with equal amount of vegetables.
And since I hate eating breakfast, i'll do my own morning shake. Not sure about the amount but was thinking like 0.5 cup oatmeal, 1 banana, handful of optional frozen strawberry and whey protein.
Blend it all up, hold my nose and just chug it down.

The idea is 2 fold.
1. Get my diet down and get into the habit of making food 3ish times per week and just fill up lunchboxes with food. In the microwave and chug it down every 4 hours.¨
(As to not be overly tired of chicken, i'm allowed healthy cheat meals, like buying a good steak etc. Healthy, but different)
2. Drop enough fat so I can see my six pack again... Im guessing its about 3-5 kilos that I need to shed. Which would put me at about 61kg... Ending of last cycle I was 72kg.
Goal is to be 9% body fat and 75kg AFTER PCT... Will bridge it with proviron and peptides.

Even with my 20 week cycle plan, i doubt i'll reach that goal.
The only real concern I have... Is never letting myself go like I have done.... Triple injury spanning 9 months... You do the math.. Netflix, hbo, weed and lots and lots of candy and cakes and take away and fucking living life haha :P
So i got my hands on some proviron and thinking if I should start it now or wait until after doctors appointment.
Chances are the gyno lump is completely gone by the time I get to the doctor because I've been running nolvadex for the past 2 weeks.

I read JP saying 50mg split twice daily would be ideal to run without many side affects to worry about so I guess ill follow his advice :)