my Ostarine log sponsored by sarm search


New member
So I received my Ostarine and will be starting my log officially this Monday.I'm currently 30 years old 5'10 215lbs.I will be running this along side of my trt dose of test cyp 200mg every 10th day.I think from what I see I will be using this @ 25 mg ed five days on two off.This will be my first sarm run and hopefully not my last.I hope to see some strength and lean gains.I will kick this off officially Monday happy Halloween everyone.
run it 7 days my friend. it has a 24 hour half life and you want to keep your blood levels saturated. Taking days off will just hinder the potential. Other than that, you will certainly enjoy this run! i'll be following!
run it 7 days my friend. it has a 24 hour half life and you want to keep your blood levels saturated. Taking days off will just hinder the potential. Other than that, you will certainly enjoy this run! i'll be following!

Will do! I seen some ppl running it that way but of course I want to get everything I can get out of it so ed it is.
run it 7 days my friend. it has a 24 hour half life and you want to keep your blood levels saturated. Taking days off will just hinder the potential. Other than that, you will certainly enjoy this run! i'll be following!

Will do! I seen some ppl running it that way but of course I want to get everything I can get out of it so ed it is.
Will do! I seen some ppl running it that way but of course I want to get everything I can get out of it so ed it is.

The 5 day 2 off protocol is more commonly used with the S4 due to the possible yellow vision sides you get with it. BUT in all the years I've run S4 (dozens of times over the years) I've always done 7 days straight. The one time I felt like I needed to come off to tone the sides down a bit (I was inexperienced and running too high a dose), I stopped on a Friday afternoon and by Saturday during the afternoon I realized most of the sides had subsided. This is due to S4's very short half life.
Today I took my first dose this am and hit the gym just now.I will be keeping my workouts simple once a week protocol.My goal is to put on some lean mass nothing special.


BB 135x15,225x20, 275x12, 315x4
Incline bench 135x20 225x20 255x15x2
Incline flys 45x15, 55x12, 60x10
Cable crossover 4 sets

Tricep pulldowns (rope) 3 sets 20 reps
close grip bench 135x12,205x12x2
Dips burn out 20
ab wheel 3 sets
Definitely a good base to start with! Excited to see the progress you'll make. Osta is a great compound.

Squats 135x12, 225x20x4, 275x12
Leg press 8 plates total 4 sets of burn out (around 20 reps each)
duck squat 90lbs three sets of 15
Ham curls 160 (3) sets 12
Leg extension 150 (3) sets 12

Machine crunches 3 sets

15 minutes of incline treadmill

Squats 135x12, 225x20x4, 275x12
Leg press 8 plates total 4 sets of burn out (around 20 reps each)
duck squat 90lbs three sets of 15
Ham curls 160 (3) sets 12
Leg extension 150 (3) sets 12

Machine crunches 3 sets

15 minutes of incline treadmill
looking forward to the results! the osta has a great recomp effect due to it's nutrient partitioning abilities. The gains will be very lean and maintainable for sure.
looking forward to the results! the osta has a great recomp effect due to it's nutrient partitioning abilities. The gains will be very lean and maintainable for sure.

Nice hopefully it can replace harsh compounds like tren, deca etc.Maybe just maybe lol

Pull ups 50
Pulldowns 180lbs four sets of 15
One arm db rows 45x12,70x12, 80x12, 100x12
Deadlifts 135x12,225x20x4, 275x12
Machine rows three sets of burn outs

Nothing really to report overall feel good.