My Ostarine (MK-2866) Cycle


New member
Hey everyone,

So I am new to this forum tho I have been stalking for awhile now. I am looking for advice and will also post a log if people are interested afterwards. A little about me first - I am 27 years old and have been training for about two years now, before that I was in and out of the gym but never really dedicated. This will be my first time taking a SARM.

My planned dosage is 25mg for 4-6 weeks. I would like to run it for 6 weeks but I will make that decision later on. I will not be running anything else with it, except for creatine and maybe a pwo. My goal it to add lean muscle gains and drop a little bit of fat (not really trying to cut).

This is where I need some help....

Should I start at 25mg on day one or should I ease into it - like 15mg for the first week and also is there any reason to taper off?
I have also heard of people taking 25 mg the first two weeks and then 12.5 the next 4 weeks - is there a reason for this?
Real dumb question but I have to ask - I will be buying Ostarine in a liquid form because I think it will be easier for dosing the correct amount - Should/can I mix it in water or something or just take it orally?
Any other advice or something I am missing?

I should add I have used the search function but feel better this way:)
The best for you is to put Osta under your tongue during few minutes.

Hard at the beginning but this will be easier with time.

Concerning dosage, if there's your first time I would propose you to start at 12.5 or 15mg during 1 or 2 weeks and see how you feel.

As for me, absolutely no effects (20mg/day for 6 weeks)
It's people dependant
i woud run it 8weeks straight thro 25mg and run test booster alongside it like hcgenerate.
it is slightly suppressive so will take care of you,
i run it in pct aswell but thats when id use the lower dosage of 10-12.5mg to help solidify gains of a cycle. if youre running it solo run it 8 wks at 25mg buddy
TAP508 have you started the Osta yet? What have you notice.
Olivier and Nick what did you two notice while on Osta?
my S4 experiment starts in the morning. Is Osta a good partner experiment to run with S4? and to go one step further, T3/Clen together or just one or the other to add to the experiment with an end goal of max fat loss and muscle gain possible. THanks, if you have word
Looking forward to seeing how you get on with this. I have tried ostarine in the past, but only for a couple of days, as the taste, just made not want to do it. Will probaly try again in the future, just need to mask that godawful taste somehow
I put the stuff in a capsule. I wouldn't be able to handle them if I had to taste it every time; I might puke. I can't believe some people squirt it under the tongue. Does this help much? The MK is by far the best formula. This stuff feels like the fountain of youth to me. Im looking for for a better deal on it the price is high for me. Anyone who is worried about the vision sides need not worry for they are short lasting and you will recover 100% within days of stopping use. I love how all my back pain has been relieved.
I put the stuff in a capsule. I wouldn't be able to handle them if I had to taste it every time; I might puke. I can't believe some people squirt it under the tongue. Does this help much? The MK is by far the best formula. This stuff feels like the fountain of youth to me. Im looking for for a better deal on it the price is high for me. Anyone who is worried about the vision sides need not worry for they are short lasting and you will recover 100% within days of stopping use. I love how all my back pain has been relieved.

What size capsule? I have '00' size capsule maker, and was thinking the same, but it looks like i would need to fill a lot of caps for one dose.
The 00 is perfect for 1ml if I remember correctly. I had a pack 000 and I liked them because, the could fit more than I needed and I could mix the MK and the S4 in one pill. The GW dissolves the capsules therefore you must consume the GW capsules quickly before spill the product. I solved this problem by freezing encapsulated GW. So yes is the answer to your question the 00 will hold a nice dose and the 000 will hold a larger dose. I would not try to store formula encapsulated because it will leak. The freezer is the best way to store your doses for a short period of time.
i woud run it 8weeks straight thro 25mg and run test booster alongside it like hcgenerate.
it is slightly suppressive so will take care of you
i run it in pct aswell but thats when id use the lower dosage of 10-12.5mg to help solidify gains of a cycle. if youre running it solo run it 8 wks at 25mg buddy

Nick would u need to run any type of PCT if running hcgenerate along with the Osta at 25mg for 8 weeks?
my S4 experiment starts in the morning. Is Osta a good partner experiment to run with S4? and to go one step further, T3/Clen together or just one or the other to add to the experiment with an end goal of max fat loss and muscle gain possible. THanks, if you have word

run the osta sarm alongside the s4 for 8 weeks buddy that will shred you up big time and may add 3-6lbs of muscle aswell, id stick to this combo and get a feel for it, youll see how it works and can then add the clen etc and see if its worthwhile running all 3 or just the sarms, i think you be very happy with the sarms tho bro.
stackit like this and run a mini pct of 3 weeks:
1-8 osta 25mg/day (best at this dosage no extra merit in increasing)
1-8 s4 50mg a day (can increase if you can tolerate it but it has nasty sides so start at 50 and assess tolerance)
1-8 hcgnerate
mini pct.
9-11Daa 3gs a day
im sure youll get what you want if you run this and stay disciplined
Nick would u need to run any type of PCT if running hcgenerate along with the Osta at 25mg for 8 weeks?

osta is shown to be suppressive at 25mg for 8 weeks runs but this how you gotta run it to get the most from it, by using hcgenerate on cycle youl be stopping any suppresive issues, i alway run a mini pct of 3 weeks buddy, just to make sure you recover well after stopping. so in short yes but not a huge more serious pct like in AAS. stack it like this buddy
1-8 osta
1-8 hcgenerate
Daa- this is optional if you got it or the cash run it, but youll be sweet without buddy.
What size capsule? I have '00' size capsule maker, and was thinking the same, but it looks like i would need to fill a lot of caps for one dose.

great idea im a liitle more basic lol just open and squirt the stuff inbut i like this idea..
osta is shown to be suppressive at 25mg for 8 weeks runs but this how you gotta run it to get the most from it, by using hcgenerate on cycle youl be stopping any suppresive issues, i alway run a mini post cycle therapy (pct) of 3 weeks buddy, just to make sure you recover well after stopping. so in short yes but not a huge more serious post cycle therapy (pct) like in AAS. stack it like this buddy
1-8 osta
1-8 hcgenerate
post cycle therapy (pct).
Daa- this is optional if you got it or the cash run it, but youll be sweet without buddy.

Nick I just got two bottles of HCGen and a 92 ct of power chew. Site is out of of the unleashed/postcycle combo. I will keep checking back.
Nick I just got two bottles of HCGen and a 92 ct of power chew. Site is out of of the unleashed/postcycle combo. I will keep checking back.

you could run a double dosage of "Forged post cycle" in replacment to unleashed im sure youll be fine with that alongside the daa and hcgenerate on cycle.
TAP508 have you started the Osta yet? What have you notice.
Olivier and Nick what did you two notice while on Osta?

Sorry everyone I have been crazy with work and have not had much time to do anything!! I plan on ordering my osta later today. I am planning on running osta for 8 weeks with APE testbooster alongside it (I already have 3 bottles so I want to use it up). I am going to follow it up with 3 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) afterwords. I here mixed things about needing to do this but might as well be on the safe side.

Then before summer depending on how this first run goes I am going to do it again but use s4 with osta for the 8 weeks.

I will let you guys know when I start and keep you updated on how its going.