My pic


New member
I'm 22 years old.
Training for 4 years.
My diet sucks because I'm a student and have no money.
So I use no supps at all... Just 2 cans of tuna a day and
that's it :baby:
And offcourse I'm natural.

Tell me what you'll think.
My legs are way better then my upperbody though.
DougoeFre5h said:
Lets see the wheels. :eyes:
Dougoe is a leg man:gay2: ... J/K bro! It IS hard to evaluate someone without being able to see your legs. Your glaring weakness might be your symmetry afterall.
ectomorph said:
Dougoe is a leg man:gay2: ... J/K bro! It IS hard to evaluate someone without being able to see your legs. Your glaring weakness might be your symmetry afterall.
lol, caught! :spank:
but really to me, leg development is the key to a good physique. I see too many bicep and "how huge can I get my traps by cocking my head back unnaturally" poses. :rolleyes:
6 months ago I did a bloodtest, and my freetestosterone
was low, very low.

I did a few cycles a few years ago.
But last year I began a cycle and stopped in the 4the week without
doing post cycle therapy (pct). This was a big mistake I think
But my doctor said the low testosterone was no big deal.
So a few months ago I did some clomidtherapie on my own.

Now, I have morningerections, my libido is high, I'm horny all the time,
I got absolutely no erectionsproblems with my girlfriend.

A few days a go I did an other bloodtest and I got a call from the doctor.
Fuck... my free testosterone is very very low

I'm only 22 and I think I fucked up my htpa for lifetime.
I have to go to the hospital to get more intense therapie.

Pfff, stupid roids

Got test?
I dont think they send you to the hospitol for low free-test. They might prescribe you some proviron or tell you to eat better. Depends on the doc really.
dude bigrmases you posted that chest thread in the trainin forum a while back, but all that talk and look at your chest bro it sucks(trying to be contructive not an asshole) that was a great thread just wonderin what the hell happened?
the biceps looking great , for me they are huge
I am a admirer off biceps, its amazing how you'll get the vein on it.
great picture