My Spring Cycle Layout

PaiN iiS pLeasuRE

Test Subject
Hows this look for a layout? Missing anything?

Spring cycle

16 weeks Starting April 1st as long as blood test come back good in a month.

Stats- 23yr 5’9 198lbs Low body fat not sure as to percentage

Cycle history- Been messing around off and on for 6 yrs. This will be my first time around with Omnadren

as appose to Sust and first time around with Tren as well as EQ I usually go with Deca, trying something

different and I read a lot about dosage of EQ should be at 600mg but im looking for Increase skeletal

muscle & collagen synthesis, just like an icing on the cake thing yanno, ill count on the Omnadren and Tren

for the mass gains.

Goals- Id really like to hit a solid 225lbs with strictly lean gains which my diet will be crucial in reaching

this goal, im well aware id like to work with 3J by time I start my cycle we will see how my funds look


Weeks 1-16 Omnadren 250mg (Jelfa) - 750mg pw Mon/Wed/Fri
Weeks 1-10 Tren Enanthate 100mg (EP amps) - 300mg pw Mon/Wed/Fri
Weeks 1-16 Boldenone Undeclynate 100mg (EP amps) - 400mg pw Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun
Weeks 1-5 Anadrol 50mg (EP) 100mg ed 50mg in morning, 50mg an hour and a half pre workout

Looking to start HGH one month before cycle-dosed at 2iu per day and continue….

Weeks 1-16 HGH (Generic) 4iu Mon-Fri OFF Sat and Sun due to the costliness trying to make it last
Weeks 3-19 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @500iu pw split into 2 injections
Week 20-24 Clomid 50/50/50/50 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Arimidex on hand just bc I always get a problem with sensitive nipple and a small lump that comes back around every time I take Anadrol :wtf:. If anyone has a good solution to that problem please feel free to share.
THIS Forum: The "My Cycle" Forum is ONLY for members to post their current cycles and to keep us updated as to their results thus far. Also feel free to post your past cycles and their respective results.

Keep any questions in the Anabolic Forum

Thank you for your cooperation ;)
THIS Forum: The "My Cycle" Forum is ONLY for members to post their current cycles and to keep us updated as to their results thus far. Also feel free to post your past cycles and their respective results.

Keep any questions in the Anabolic Forum

Thank you for your cooperation ;)

Moved to the appropriate forum.......

It's amazing how the one and only "Sticky" gets overlooked so often !!
thanks stonecold sorry about that i wasnt sure where to put it ill pay more attention to the sticky's from here on out. Still learning the rights and wrongs bro. Just went back and read the sticky...pretty cut and dry not gonna lie feel pretty stupid now lol.
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i dont have a solution to your problem but I think i have something similar going on with me because of dbol. 2 days into it i got a small lump but no other gyno symptoms. Its not a small ball like people always describe, more like something is swollen. i only noticed it because i was just feeling around. I forgot to take my dbol one day and the lump is half the size it was the day before. I had something similar after being on a tren prohormone for 6 weeks and it went away when i started post cycle. Im hoping thats the same case for my current situation.
i dont have a solution to your problem but I think i have something similar going on with me because of dbol. 2 days into it i got a small lump but no other gyno symptoms. Its not a small ball like people always describe, more like something is swollen. i only noticed it because i was just feeling around. I forgot to take my dbol one day and the lump is half the size it was the day before. I had something similar after being on a tren prohormone for 6 weeks and it went away when i started post cycle. Im hoping thats the same case for my current situation.

im sure yours will go away mine usually does when i stop the oral and take some arimidex and nolvadex i still have a sliiight "ball' from my last time around it keeps getting smaller tho but my pct will be done after this week so im hoping it just goes away like it did the other times.
im sure yours will go away mine usually does when i stop the oral and take some arimidex and nolvadex i still have a sliiight "ball' from my last time around it keeps getting smaller tho but my post cycle therapy (pct) will be done after this week so im hoping it just goes away like it did the other times.

Yeah Im guessing it will subside a few days after i get off the dbol...if not ill hit it with letro and nolva after post cycle therapy (pct) and see what that does.
you wont be able to tell the difference between sust and omna, they are basically the same with only one ester being slightly different. it has caproate instead of decanoate.

that would be like trying to tell the difference between test e and test c.

cycle looks good, although i prefer less test with my tren.
This cycle looks like a BP issue waiting to happen. Tren is the strongest thing out there why not just run that and test since it's your first time?
oh and the lump comes back with drol cause it up regulates the estrogen receptors.

I would take nolva 3 weeks prior to starting drol, and through, to prevent this from happening.

Nolva down reg those receptors, but only after like 3 weeks of being on it.
oh and the lump comes back with drol cause it up regulates the estrogen receptors.

I would take nolva 3 weeks prior to starting drol, and through, to prevent this from happening.

Nolva down reg those receptors, but only after like 3 weeks of being on it.

nolvas on cycle instead of arimidex??

and hard2gain ive ran sust deca and drol numerous times before so really the only thing new im throwing in is the tren...
only with the drol. like i said though nolva can potentially up regulate the E receptors for 2 weeks, so starting before your drol is essential for it to work.

lots of guys get gyno on drol and dont know how to stop it, AI's dont work cause its not the amount of estrogen thats causing gyno with the drol, its your sensitivity to it.
so what 20mg nolvas for 3 weeks before then continue 20mg for the 5 weeks of drol...stop and pick up nolvas for post cycle therapy (pct) after cycle again?
sounds like a plan to me, i bet you have less trouble with the lump this way. make sure the nolva is good, cause 20mg isnt much, but if its right it should be enough, if its underdosed at all you would need 30 ish.
I like the sounds of your cycle. You might decide to run the anadrol for 4 weeks instead of 5 though, it can make you feel pretty rough. By 4 weeks in your test and tren should be working hard. That's all the kickstart oral is for, just getting you to the point where your injections have taken hold.

Would you be interested in posting pre and post photos? You're welcome to edit your face out or any smudge any identifying tattoos. If you're 5'9 and extremely low BF% at 198 pounds, you are just a diet away from winning a BB contest.
Would you be interested in posting pre and post photos? You're welcome to edit your face out or any smudge any identifying tattoos. If you're 5'9 and extremely low BF% at 198 pounds, you are just a diet away from winning a BB contest.

I'm all for before and after pics I just want to wait untill I'm going to start in April to take them bc I'm sure I'm going to drop a few more pounds by then, and really wante everyone to see the full effect of it yanno? Ill be trying to keep it as detailed as Dahurt's log tho.

I would deff not say I'm in any BB comp shape allthough I'm very interested in downside is I never touch abs so thts where my bf lies and my weakpoint is my legs right now.

I will be posting my diet training routine and before and after pics when the time comes tho for sure.

And I think ill take your advice on dropping the 5th week of drol my liver will thank me I'm sure and your reasoning makes perfect sense.
Hows this look for a layout? Missing anything?

Spring cycle

16 weeks Starting April 1st as long as blood test come back good in a month.

Stats- 23yr 5’9 198lbs Low body fat not sure as to percentage

Cycle history- Been messing around off and on for 6 yrs. This will be my first time around with Omnadren

as appose to Sust and first time around with Tren as well as EQ I usually go with Deca, trying something

different and I read a lot about dosage of EQ should be at 600mg but im looking for Increase skeletal

muscle & collagen synthesis, just like an icing on the cake thing yanno, ill count on the Omnadren and Tren

for the mass gains.

Goals- Id really like to hit a solid 225lbs with strictly lean gains which my diet will be crucial in reaching

this goal, im well aware id like to work with 3J by time I start my cycle we will see how my funds look


Weeks 1-16 Omnadren 250mg (Jelfa) - 750mg pw Mon/Wed/Fri
Weeks 1-10 Tren Enanthate 100mg (EP amps) - 300mg pw Mon/Wed/Fri
Weeks 1-16 Boldenone Undeclynate 100mg (EP amps) - 400mg pw Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun
Weeks 1-5 Anadrol 50mg (EP) 100mg ed 50mg in morning, 50mg an hour and a half pre workout

Looking to start HGH one month before cycle-dosed at 2iu per day and continue….

Weeks 1-16 HGH (Generic) 4iu Mon-Fri OFF Sat and Sun due to the costliness trying to make it last
Weeks 3-19 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @500iu pw split into 2 injections
Week 20-24 Clomid 50/50/50/50 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Arimidex on hand just bc I always get a problem with sensitive nipple and a small lump that comes back around every time I take Anadrol :wtf:. If anyone has a good solution to that problem please feel free to share.

This cycle looks gtg. Bc you have a gyno-symptoms with the drol I'd be careful with it and the test as you can get progestin gyno from the Tren by the time you finish the Drol. Have some Letro on hand just in case.

cycle looks good, although i prefer less test with my tren.

Me too. Too much test floating around is no bueno if your sensitive to aromatization. Aromatization leads to those famous sauce-like sides of acne, water retention, raising of prolactin levels, etc. Good luck:devil2: