My Story and advice in first cycle


New member
Hi Guys,

My stats
age: 27
weight: 120 ( drop from 160 in 4 months )
height: 6.2

I'm working out 5days a week, I'm on a good diet and have experience working out
anyway I was 160-165 but I had a tragedy when I lost 3 members of my family so I had to go to my country and I was sick as f###, anyway I'm over everything I'm back as a gym monkey, also diet on check.

I know I can put the weight naturally but it a hard task, I'm dedicated, but there is an issue
I'm joining the special forces, and they won't accept me with this girly weight ( seriously guys I feel like if I got in fight with a cat I will get my ass kicked ) so I decided to juice, I have my interview in Jan 17

and here is my cycle

week 1-12 Test E 500 EW
Dianabol week 1 - 5 at 30mg
week 13-14 nothing
week 15-18
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Prengyl EW

guys I'm open for all you suggestions, the main reason for doing that is I need to put as much weight I can before the interview.

So guys I'm seeking for your advice, so go ahead and guide me :)

I'm sure you know more than me losie but you can't seriously be recommending a 6'2 120lb guy to move forward with a cycle. Don't get me wrong, it's put together well for the most part but the type of stress that's going to be put on what sounds like virgin joints, ligaments, and tendons might be too much.

Again I'm no expert but this sounds like a bad idea to me.
I agree with the above. Probably need to change ur diet and put on some weight first. Trust me if u were 160 before and now ur 120 than if u just change ur diet you can rebound and easily get back to 160. But even at 160 I would say to Hold it off and build a better foundation before u jump into AAS. I know its not wat u want to hear, but u are better off staying away from the AAS at the moment.
Thank you guys for responding, anyway my diet is good, I'm eating 3500-3800 cal a day, I know I can get the weight back naturally but I don't think I can do it in a such short period of time, I really appreciate that guys, and I will keep you updated by doing (skinny guy juicing log)

Have a good pumps at the gym

I'm no expert on roids, but will tell you of one of my friends who was similar stats to yours (exept he was only 20) ie tall and very skinny. He has done i think 3 cycles now, and he is ALOT bigger now, he looks like a different person, he is also much more tougher now. (as in, before he started juice he was very mellow and never got angry). And he went into the cycle with no knolege about eating or anything, but once he started it made him much more hungy so he started eating more so got bigger. But yeah that sounds like the typical first cycle for a n00bie. (don't take this as advise or anything, im just saying it). good luck
mini bob thanks for the advice
I hope to hit around 160 in this cycle, and it's my only solution I have an interview in Jan, so I need to be as big as I can. actually you replay give this feeling that everything gonna be Ok

Thanks mate
LOL @ doing a cycle at 120lbs 6 feet 2 seriously that is beyond laughable. You're probably so deprived of any real muscle mass that hitting the gym naturally would in itself amount to cycling on 2000mg of Tren and Anadrol 50.

Please spend a few months actually building a half-decent foundation.
LOL @ doing a cycle at 120lbs 6 feet 2 seriously that is beyond laughable. You're probably so deprived of any real muscle mass that hitting the gym naturally would in itself amount to cycling on 2000mg of Tren and Anadrol 50.

Please spend a few months actually building a half-decent foundation.

well did you know that steroids were origionaly created FOR people in a sever catabolic state and with little body weight?
LOL @ doing a cycle at 120lbs 6 feet 2 seriously that is beyond laughable. You're probably so deprived of any real muscle mass that hitting the gym naturally would in itself amount to cycling on 2000mg of Tren and Anadrol 50.

Please spend a few months actually building a half-decent foundation.

if you just spend little time reading my topic you would understand why I'm doing this, you can laugh as hard as you can, maybe you're right it is wrong way to solve the problem, but on the other hand I may get the results I want, so it not that risky if you do it professionally and have every thing in hand you'll do fine, so just wait for my log it will be posted here after 2 weeks

and have fun mate :)
well did you know that steroids were origionaly created FOR people in a sever catabolic state and with little body weight?

well did you know the lobotomy was originally created for people suffering severe mental illness?

well did you know that heroin was originally synthesized to help people suffering from severe morphine addiction?

sorry mini bob but your logic sucks.
well did you know viagra was origianally created as a treatment for hypertension, angina, and heart disease.

well did you know Coca Cola was originally created as an alternative to morphine addiction, and to treat headaches and anxiety.

sorry lesbian, but its just a fact that steroids build muslce, no matter where you start out.
well did you know viagra was origianally created as a treatment for hypertension, angina, and heart disease.

well did you know Coca Cola was originally created as an alternative to morphine addiction, and to treat headaches and anxiety.

sorry lesbian, but its just a fact that steroids build muslce, no matter where you start out.

WRONG bro, you will no keep gains as you should if your diet is not good and have a good foundation when start a cycle. This is being prove by old timers and Guys who are being in this game for looong time bro. Yes they were created to help ppl with some muscle problems for the most part but without a good foundation He or who ever will waste lot more money on gear than need it cause poor diet.

No need for an expert to know this just being around the block and listen to the ones that know more than you. Here are guys who knows a lot and they will tell you the same eat more gain some weight natty then jump on gear. So get diet in check like hellyeah lesbian bro said lol love the name, and get at least to 160 maybe then start a cycle.
WRONG bro, you will no keep gains as you should if your diet is not good and have a good foundation when start a cycle. This is being prove by old timers and Guys who are being in this game for looong time bro. Yes they were created to help ppl with some muscle problems for the most part but without a good foundation He or who ever will waste lot more money on gear than need it cause poor diet.

No need for an expert to know this just being around the block and listen to the ones that know more than you. Here are guys who knows a lot and they will tell you the same eat more gain some weight natty then jump on gear. So get diet in check like hellyeah lesbian bro said lol love the name, and get at least to 160 maybe then start a cycle.

just blast and cruise then. easy bro
I was 150lbs @ 23 yrs old trained natty for 3 months got to 175lbs ran a cycle got up to 200 lbs and did all kinds of damage to my body!!! Currently doing a collagen synthesis cycle to repair some of that damage I did years ago not even sure if it's going to work!!
I REALLY wish I would have trained natty longer to strengthen my ligaments and tendons before I started!!
Listen to these guys they know what they are talking about it's not worth it trust me I have aches and pains everywhere!
Try to get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Adex or aromasin personally prefer aromasin as it can be run along with a serm which is handy when it comes to pct...