My Top 5 Lifting Routines

whats a "smythe "? dumb question but what can I say . . . . IM a fucking newborn

incline smythe
decline smythe
hammer strength press (incline and decline)

why is there only 3 days training in 1 week for each training program.....?? that seems like nothing especially for a steroid user...... that would be more for a beginner / noob 3 days a week wtf... and the amount of sets / reps is nothing aswell..
Hey on your 2 day one. how does it work? what days do you lift and how many off am willing to try it . am 6 foot 190 but i wanna get mass not worried about being lean.I know food and more food steak,chicken and carbs. u grow out of gym. any tips man .love to just look giant.

Hey on your 2 day one. how does it work? what days do you lift and how many off am willing to try it . am 6 foot 190 but i wanna get mass not worried about being lean.I know food and more food steak,chicken and carbs. u grow out of gym. any tips man .love to just look giant.


I would assume that it's any two days of the week. Monday and Friday, Monday and Thursday, Tuesday and Friday, Wednesday and Saturday, take your pick. The whole point of the routine is to keep the work volume relatively low and have as much rest as possible since the majority of hardgainers are either overtrained or not eating enough quality stuff.
Anyone have any success running dc three or wave volume routine on a cycle. Is this enough to obtain serious muscles gains?
I can now see I have been over-training big time. 5-6 days a week squats and deadlifts on the same rotation and even did abs between 90% of my sets. Time to change to a three day/ week routine. I will give one of these a try.
Hi Everybody!
I am new here. I have searched this site and now glad to join it. I hope to get valuable inforamtion from this site. I also try my best to give my useful knowledge to others. Actually I like to meet with new peoples & like to communicate with them on informative topics...
Thanks for the post ironaddict, i've been looking for some new routines, doing Metzner style HIT right now, but long term was looking for something with more of a strength focus. Definitely interested in WSB variants. I really like the idea of cycling WSB and traditional BB volume monthly, sort of resonates with me for some reason.

The 3 pages of responses following your original post.... Were pretty damn worthless. Not sure what tgis guys beef is with you but I was hoping for some intelligent questions, etc. and instead wasted my time reading nonsense.

Thank you again for the original post, definitely got my gears turning.
i know it has been said about a hundred times but what a great post.... i really think i am over work..... on the first one is that just two days of working out and then the rest of the week off?
again thanks for this post , i am so glad i joined this site.