My training thread!


New member
Today was the first day of my program that pullinbig had created for me. I did squats, box squats and leg press. Three warmup sets for each excersize and two working sets.
My working sets were pretty good today, although ive always had problems with my knees from injuries in the past from football and they were feeling a little weak, so i took lots of caution with warmups to feel how they can handle the load.

Squats-- 365lbs for 5/4
box squats-- 205lbs for 5/3
leg press-- 1020lbs for 5/4 (one assisted rep per set)
I did this same routine, just with calve raises instead of leg press, also given to me by pullinbig. Great workout.
my routine is probably quite different from yours. Created by pullinbig as well but aiming at putting on size and strength while remaining flexible and fast (am doing gymnastics and swimming)

So one week is heavy with 2 sets of 6-4 reps and the next week I do two light sets with 15 reps.

Split is chest/shoulder/tris, legs, back/bis; Have been on the 5x5 before but felt overtrained after a few weeks because with the gymnastics an swimming twice a week my body just couldn't recover enough I guess.

This routine right now I'M loving! The heavy week is a really tough one but you always know that next one will be light, which helps to stay motivated all the time.
Great routine!!!
Great to hear...pullinbig suggested i do a three day a week split, where i workout monday, tuesday and thursday.

monday-squats, box squats, and leg press

tuesday- WG flat bench, MG decline bench, dips, upright rows and cable pushdowns

Thursday- Deads, NG reverse grip pulldowns, bent over rows, and WG straight bar curls

Basically my goals are just to pack as much beef as possible on my frame as well as strength.

My split is doing the trick for me right now as well. Feeling fresh and recovered every session and got great pumps out of it.
I have already finished one light week and one heavy and am now in my second light one

Bench: + 5 lbs @ 6 reps
DL: + 15lbs @ 5 reps
Squat: + 12 lbs @ 6 reps
Dips: 6 reps with 33lbs attched

And all my lifts went up on light week as well. I'm now using the weights I used for 3X8 3 months ago for light week!

The nice thing about this approach is that I don't overtrain any more (which has benn one of my biggest probs in the past) However, I can stay motivated better than before because I know that next week will be light. So I manage to even put more effort into my heavy lifts, whcih might have been just the last little punch I have been lacking before.


just started a heavy week yesterday....was back/bis.

DL: + 6lbs (another pr ;) ) @6reps
One arm db row: +13,5lbs @6reps (did this exercise this time second and not third after dl)
Especially dl felt soooooo good this time. Really went to complete mv on the last set of 6 and was tumbling around like totally hammered after I put down the weight. Really great feeling!

wow, i forgot that i had this thread going...

Last week, i did puke on leg day, did chest and felt a massive pump for the first time ever on my chest, so i do agree that thats progress...

as for back, deads have been the same, with great progress each time i rack up..overall, my back has been improving in thickness, but im lacking width..Im hoping that the rowes will do the trick as well as the pulldowns.
Yesterday was leg day again, and as my knees were still feeling a bit tired, i felt that untill i get my knee wraps, I will not be able to progress in intense weight for 2-3 reps, where im sticking to failiture around 5 reps....
order you some wraps bro. ricky dale crain or inzer both make good wraps for around 20 bucks. worth the investment.
added 5 lbs to my squat after a week...however I felt like I was ready to add 10, so next week should be a breeze. It's definitely a start.