My Transformation and Cycle


New member
Hello everyone. I'm new here as a registered user but have been reading a lot over the last 8 months or so. I'm a 5' 11" 47 year old male that has gone through a pretty dramatic transformation (picture attached). I live in the US. I did a few cycles back in my 20s and a little in my early 30s. I've battled my weight gain my entire life but always kept it manageable (except for a 3 year period in my 20s when I ballooned up to 270 lbs with little muscle).

At 40 years old I started very basic TRT, HCG and HGH but nothing earth-shattering (125mg of test per week and 1.5IU of HGH per day). Did that non-stop for 7 years just to keep my test levels at a normal level of about 700-750 and to benefit from some anti-aging. I worked out throughout but never really made the lifestyle change to make fitness my priority. That all changed about 8 months ago.

I started my recent transformation 8 months ago with nothing but hard work in the gym, great dieting and the above-mentioned TRT/HGH. At 5 months into my transformation after I had seen dramatic results with no gear, I added some gear (only injectables and troches- first Winny troches, Then Tren and then Mas) and upped my Test and HGH (went to 375mg per week and 4.5 IU of HGH ED.). To be clear, I took test and HGH the entire time. The Winny, Tren and Mas were never stacked with each other. Here are specifics from the point that I added the gear.

Week 1-8 - 50mg Winny Troches ED; 125mg Test EOD (100 ENAN 25 PROP); 4IU HGH ED; 1/2 Arimidex ED

Week 9-13 - 100mg Tren EOD; 125mg Test EOD; 5IU HGH ED; 1/2 Arimidex ED

Week 14-16 - 100mg Mas EOD; 100 mg Test Cyp/EN/Prop EOD; 5IU HGH ED; 1/2 Arimidex ED

Week 17 - 50mg Mas EOD; 100mg Test Cyp/EN/Prop EOD; 5IU HGH ED; 1/2 Arimidex ED

PCT - drop test to 125mg 1x week, whole arimidex ED for 1 week, then 1/2 ED. 2 weeks after cycle start HCG

I'm currently on Week 15.

I went from 250 pounds and probably 30% bf (never got a BF test back then) to 210 pounds today and 6% bf now (had BF test done recently). Getting ready to come down and start PCT.

That's my story guys. Looking forward to being a part of this community and learning more about how to safely continue to use gear and improve my physique. Any help or constructive criticism would be appreciated. What do you guys think about the above cycle?

I've attached a picture of my transformation

View attachment 563421
Welcome aboard Sir !

Ur dedication and return to the life are both evident and admirable. U look great for an old man my brother !
I ll bet your knowledge will a welcome addition here as well.
Degenrit love your name....maybe we can go in halves on a bottle of test, cialus and GERITOL someday...but not today. lol
Newbs- THIS is how u come into someone home and get a welcome, a cup of coffee and if needed a meal and a rack. Not demanding assistance and bitching and moaning. U know who you are.
U all need to write this down.

( I m using you, DG to school some punk whelps who want to be respected for surviving child birth-lil bastards.)

Again let me be the first to rep you " just cuz I can."

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Pct is for guys that aren't on trt. Just clearing that up for some that will read this. Otherwise, good stuff!
Hell of a transformation! That's some serious hard work right there....and without using a TON of gear. Goes to show how diet and training are so important.
Welcome aboard Sir !

Ur dedication and return to the life are both evident and admirable. U look great for an old man my brother !
I ll bet your knowledge will a welcome addition here as well.
Degenrit love your name....maybe we can go in halves on a bottle of test, cialus and GERITOL someday...but not today. lol
Newbs- THIS is how u come into someone home and get a welcome, a cup of coffee and if needed a meal and a rack. Not demanding assistance and bitching and moaning. U know who you are.
U all need to write this down.

( I m using you, DG to school some punk whelps who want to be respected for surviving child birth-lil bastards.)

Again let me be the first to rep you " just cuz I can."


Thanks brother. Looking forward to sharing knowledge.
Great transformation OP, hats off to ya, and welcome to 'Ology.

Can you tell us which compounds that you used were pharma prescribed and which you obtained from UG labs?

I'm also interested as to why you chose not to run HCG through the cycle but start it when returning to cruise dose (I presume you meant cruise dose and not PCT)
Great transformation OP, hats off to ya, and welcome to 'Ology.

Can you tell us which compounds that you used were pharma prescribed and which you obtained from UG labs?

I'm also interested as to why you chose not to run HCG through the cycle but start it when returning to cruise dose (I presume you meant cruise dose and not PCT)

None of my gear was prescribed by a doctor but all was generic pharma-constituted compounds. Actually the initial test I used was testoptim-D (Mexican pharma) - when That ran out, I went with compounded test. All else was US compounded.

Great question in the HCG - and I'm not 100% sure I did this right. Would like feedback on it. I took HCG (300IU ED) for 7 years straight while on TRT. I never cycled off of it. I also took it for he first 7 weeks of this cycle. I was advised that because Inhad taken it for such a long time with no breaks that my receptors are probably desensitized and that Inshould come off for 8-10 weeks to reignite my receptors before resuming again. What is your opinion on this and why?
None of my gear was prescribed by a doctor but all was generic pharma-constituted compounds. Actually the initial test I used was testoptim-D (Mexican pharma) - when That ran out, I went with compounded test. All else was US compounded.

Great question in the HCG - and I'm not 100% sure I did this right. Would like feedback on it. I took HCG (300IU ED) for 7 years straight while on TRT. I never cycled off of it. I also took it for he first 7 weeks of this cycle. I was advised that because Inhad taken it for such a long time with no breaks that my receptors are probably desensitized and that Inshould come off for 8-10 weeks to reignite my receptors before resuming again. What is your opinion on this and why?

HCG use for TRT patients is a purely personal matter. Some docs prescribe it, some tell you to do without it.
Here in the UK, Doc's are content to prescribe Testosterone, but aren't interested in helping you with regard to AI or HCG.

Aesthetically, I hate it when my nuts pucker up like raisins - so I take HCG most of the year to maintain fullness and give more volume to my 'loads'.
Like your friend suggested, I'll come off for a month now and again to freshen up the receptors. Whether this helps or not, the jury is out, but it makes sense to me.

Your results are remarkable considering it's quite an unorthodox cycle.
Your results are remarkable considering it's quite an unorthodox cycle.

Thank you. Why do you say that my cycle is unorthodox? Not questioning you - just trying to learn from others like you. I stayed away from orals to not tax my liver too much. Aside from that, what makes it unorthodox and how could I improve upon it for the next one?
...and then there s me who only runs a 5000 iu bottle 2-3 times a year as raisin s make the stock look thicker

I ve not really seen a big difference in volume in loads but that s HER area, not mine. :)
Thank you. Why do you say that my cycle is unorthodox? Not questioning you - just trying to learn from others like you. I stayed away from orals to not tax my liver too much. Aside from that, what makes it unorthodox and how could I improve upon it for the next one?

Merely because you've added in lots of different variations in a 17 week cycle.

You started your cycle with Winstrol, whereas most people would use it to tail their cycle off...
Winny can be brutal on the joints, to throw it into a cycle from week 1, and follow it up with Tren is 'different' to say the least.

You have also incorporated a lot of different forms of Test, again an unusual tactic - I know many that start with long esters and then change to short esters for a show, but to jump from enanthate to cypionate mid-cycle is very unusual - I'm not saying it's wrong by any means, it's just unorthodox.

Most people who run Tren, tend to run it for more than 4/5 weeks, and Masteron is predominantly run for more than 4 weeks....

Hey bro, I'm not knocking your cycle - because let's face it, with results like that, how the fuck can I!?

I'm just saying it's an unorthodox cycle, not like many you see posted on here.

Your results can back it up - and that's the important thing.

Although I am curious as to how much of your results can be attributed to good quality HGH, and wonder whether that is the reason why this cycle worked so well.

I guess the jury is out on that one....
Although I am curious as to how much of your results can be attributed to good quality HGH, and wonder whether that is the reason why this cycle worked so well.

I guess the jury is out on that one....

I did fail to say that my HGH is big pharma - Serostim.
I did fail to say that my HGH is big pharma - Serostim.

This is quite possibly the most amazing 4 month transformation I have ever seen. How was youre diet and training like do you mind posting it?

And what was the rational between the multiple compounds if you could enlighten me I would really appreciate it
This is quite possibly the most amazing 4 month transformation I have ever seen. How was youre diet and training like do you mind posting it?

And what was the rational between the multiple compounds if you could enlighten me I would really appreciate it

It was an 8 month transformation but I did the first 8 weeks with no gear other than TRT and HGH (2IU ED). After 8 weeks and some good progress, I added the other gear. Diet was flawless (and still is) aside form 1 cheat meal a week (notice it's a cheat meal and not cheat day). It was macro based. I started consuming a maintenance level of 2800 calories a day (70F, 225P, 320 C). Did that for 5 weeks and dropped 3 pounds in that time. Once the baseline as established, I began to cut back on carbs. Went to (70F, 225P, 190C) for 17 weeks - weight dropped was an additional 12 pounds. Then adjusted carbs down to 170 for 7 weeks and eliminated carbs from my last 2 meals of the day. Weight fell off at a rapid rate down another 8 pounds in 7 weeks. Keep in mind that the weight loss is net - meaning there is muscle being added too. I think began to add carbs back into my diet (reverse dieting) up to 195g for 2 weeks and then 225 for 2 weeks and currently at 250. All along weight and fat keeps dropping and muscle keeps building. This is known as reverse dieting and allows the body to slowly handle more calories while remaining in a calorie deficit. I am currently down 30 net pounds and at 6.18% bf. My calculations show that I lost probably a little over 45 pounds of fat.

I hope this helps.
...and then there s me who only runs a 5000 iu bottle 2-3 times a year as raisin s make the stock look thicker

I ve not really seen a big difference in volume in loads but that s HER area, not mine. :)

lol - thats some funny shit.