Yes I realize I only registered today and I'm asking this type of question. I can take the abuse so go ahead.
I am 42, 5'8", have lost 32 lbs down to 176lbs since getting on trt and starting to work out. My initial levels were 240ish. For background info I did a couple cycles 12-14 years ago. I also did the "legal" prohormones which did way more damage than good. I have gyno pretty bad from that. As I gained weight from inactivity, it got worse and will eventually require surgery when I get around to it. For now I just don't take my shirt off (and I'm thin enough now I have a four pack lol)
My doc is a new to me doc since I moved and had to find a new one. I'm pretty sure I know more about testosterone therapy than he does. I self inject test cyp. My current dose is 150mg per week. It has taken alot to get the doc to understand that I want to go no more than a week between injections, but he has finally got onboard with that. Initially he prescribed 100mg every two weeks, then 200mg, now 150 per week. Levels were 240, 600, then last time went down to 430 so he upped it to the 150mg.
I get bloodwork every 3 months. But he only checks test levels. He won't check liver function or estrogen levels. I don't think liver function is a huge concern at this low dose considering I stopped drinking alcohol completely. But I think it should be checked.
I did not tell him about my cycle. One thing I dislike about this doc is any time I bring up anything about an anti-estrogen or mention anything that makes it sound like I know what I'm talking about, he asks if there's any history of steroid abuse. I always answer no because I like the self injection method as it only costs me $7 per month for the script plus needles, and I don't want him to change it to a cream or dr visit every week for injection which would incur a copay.
I am 42, 5'8", have lost 32 lbs down to 176lbs since getting on trt and starting to work out. My initial levels were 240ish. For background info I did a couple cycles 12-14 years ago. I also did the "legal" prohormones which did way more damage than good. I have gyno pretty bad from that. As I gained weight from inactivity, it got worse and will eventually require surgery when I get around to it. For now I just don't take my shirt off (and I'm thin enough now I have a four pack lol)
My doc is a new to me doc since I moved and had to find a new one. I'm pretty sure I know more about testosterone therapy than he does. I self inject test cyp. My current dose is 150mg per week. It has taken alot to get the doc to understand that I want to go no more than a week between injections, but he has finally got onboard with that. Initially he prescribed 100mg every two weeks, then 200mg, now 150 per week. Levels were 240, 600, then last time went down to 430 so he upped it to the 150mg.
I get bloodwork every 3 months. But he only checks test levels. He won't check liver function or estrogen levels. I don't think liver function is a huge concern at this low dose considering I stopped drinking alcohol completely. But I think it should be checked.
I did not tell him about my cycle. One thing I dislike about this doc is any time I bring up anything about an anti-estrogen or mention anything that makes it sound like I know what I'm talking about, he asks if there's any history of steroid abuse. I always answer no because I like the self injection method as it only costs me $7 per month for the script plus needles, and I don't want him to change it to a cream or dr visit every week for injection which would incur a copay.