My trt doc isn't the best. Reccomendations?


Yes I realize I only registered today and I'm asking this type of question. I can take the abuse so go ahead.

I am 42, 5'8", have lost 32 lbs down to 176lbs since getting on trt and starting to work out. My initial levels were 240ish. For background info I did a couple cycles 12-14 years ago. I also did the "legal" prohormones which did way more damage than good. I have gyno pretty bad from that. As I gained weight from inactivity, it got worse and will eventually require surgery when I get around to it. For now I just don't take my shirt off (and I'm thin enough now I have a four pack lol)

My doc is a new to me doc since I moved and had to find a new one. I'm pretty sure I know more about testosterone therapy than he does. I self inject test cyp. My current dose is 150mg per week. It has taken alot to get the doc to understand that I want to go no more than a week between injections, but he has finally got onboard with that. Initially he prescribed 100mg every two weeks, then 200mg, now 150 per week. Levels were 240, 600, then last time went down to 430 so he upped it to the 150mg.

I get bloodwork every 3 months. But he only checks test levels. He won't check liver function or estrogen levels. I don't think liver function is a huge concern at this low dose considering I stopped drinking alcohol completely. But I think it should be checked.

I did not tell him about my cycle. One thing I dislike about this doc is any time I bring up anything about an anti-estrogen or mention anything that makes it sound like I know what I'm talking about, he asks if there's any history of steroid abuse. I always answer no because I like the self injection method as it only costs me $7 per month for the script plus needles, and I don't want him to change it to a cream or dr visit every week for injection which would incur a copay.
I'm sorry that got a little long without really saying much. I am hoping to find a recommendation for a doc in Houston, TX that I can be honest with and that knows at least something about testosterone.

As an added benefit, if that doc would even consider being open to the idea of an anti-estrogen to keep my gyno from getting worse that would be great. Specifically letrozole. It most likely won't help me but I read it's the only one that people are saying has reversed gyno as the others just prevent.
I should also add that my current doc is only concerned with getting me to a "normal" range for my age. When my levels were at 600, I felt pretty good. When they dropped back to 420ish, he was still happy with those levels and wasn't planning to up my dose until I mentioned I was feeling really tired all the time and was lacking the motivation to make it to the gym or do much of anything.

I realize trt will be permanent for me if I wish to have anywhere normal levels, but I also wouldn't mind getting at the upper range of normal provided I had the proper anti e and blood testing in place. I also can't/won't take anything that I don't have a legal script for because of drug testing at work. I know they're probably not looking for anti e drugs on the test but I make too much money to risk it.
Have you looked around at some of the TRT clinics in your area? It will cost more than you're paying now, but at least you'll have a doctor that understands how to properly treat low testosterone.
Agree with Chiefy, I use a clinic. A bit more expensive but so worth it. Love the group im with.
On other hand, look around and get some anti estrogen yourself and take. Plenty of info here and advise for dosage.
First thing I would do is split that 150 in to 2 injections of 75 per week. You can monitor your Estradiol yourself with tests from PrivateMD and you can order Adex if you need it from Rui if your doc won't help you with it. That will cost a lot less than going the 200/month TRT clinic route.
First, I'm on 150mg per week. Second, I won't take anything I don't have a script for.

I have a friend who goes to the low t center. From talking to him, they don't seem a whole lot better than my doc.
you need to find a trt specialist.. sounds like your doc is just a general practitioner
I looked up privatemd. Expensive, but which test would be the best to order if I went that route?

Yes my doc is family practice. He seems to know very little but keeps writing the script as long as I play dumb and pretend I know nothing about steroids or ai. I don't want to go back to feeling like I did 5 months ago before starting to take trt again. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago. Tried the creams/gels, then patches, then self injecting. Ended up just giving up on it and dealing with low t. When I found current doc, I told him I was self injecting before and had no interest in creams or patches so he prescribed test cyp. I had to follow his stupid dosing somewhat for a while until I just plain told him I was ignoring his script of every two week dose and splitting it in half and doing weekly. Then he wrote it for weekly.

But he is basing it only on test levels and if I mention ai or anything else he immediately stops and asks about prior steroid abuse. If I want to keep getting test, I need to play dumb. BUT, I can't just go out and buy ai or anything else without a script. I won't risk losing my job for failed hair follicle drug test. I'll stop and go back to feeling like crap before I risk losing my job.
I recommend you check out Elite Medical Group. I use them for my TRT and have been very pleased. Comprehensive treatment, good service and fair pricing. They have a variety of HRT services available from what I recall.
I sincerely doubt you'd need an AI at all on 2 x 75ml T injections per week...

Obviously blood tests are the way forward - but at those doses, I really doubt it

I sincerely doubt you'd need an AI at all on 2 x 75ml T injections per week...

Obviously blood tests are the way forward - but at those doses, I really doubt it


Ok. My biggest concern is my gyno getting worse, but I assume it would start out the same way as it initially started with puffy, sore nipples if it was gonna get worse.

So far no real issues as far as side effects.
Hey man, if that's you in your avi...I wouldn't call that too much gyno to not take your shirt off.

Honestly it doesn't seem that bad at all...

Also I agree at two 75mg shots a week, you MIGHT not need an AI. However, it's approaching that range, I'd say.
I also feel the same about my doc. Hope it works out for you. I have been going to the gym now for 3 years, I seen results but very little muscle gain. Checked my t levels and was low similar to you. Never thought just a little boost would help. Now I'm seeing some positive gains in muscle and energy!
Keep up the hard work.
Hey man, if that's you in your avi...I wouldn't call that too much gyno to not take your shirt off.

Honestly it doesn't seem that bad at all...

Also I agree at two 75mg shots a week, you MIGHT not need an AI. However, it's approaching that range, I'd say.

That pic is of the "good side". My right is the worst. I'm self conscious about it. I'll just keep trying to add muscle and cut fat until I can afford surgery.
And of course I'm not gonna pose for a selfie that accuntuates my gyno. In that pic I have my shoulders slightly raised to lessen the look of the saggy boob. I may take a pic of how bad it is to post, but probably not.
I sincerely doubt you'd need an AI at all on 2 x 75ml T injections per week...

Obviously blood tests are the way forward - but at those doses, I really doubt it


You mean 75 mg x 2 a week. Some ppl (like me) will reach 1200 at that dose. I'd imagine estradiol will come along for the ride.
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Actually, I don't know anyone here so I snapped a quick pic. I've only been working out 5 months so I'm hoping addimg mass to my chest and dieting will do something. If not, surgery.
Also, I'm following dr's orders and doing 150mg once a week. Not 75 twice a week. It's been two injections so far at that dose. I feel good, motivation is high, but my abs are disappearing some and a little acne. But my work schedule changed to nights and 12 hours so my diet has been substituted with a little fast food and easy meals like sandwiches. Normally I don't eat bread at all. I try to follow a paleo diet as much as I can with the exception that I take protein shakes that aren't allowed.
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Actually, I don't know anyone here so I snapped a quick pic. I've only been working out 5 months so I'm hoping addimg mass to my chest and dieting will do something. If not, surgery.

Ok, I see. It looks like it's only your left side.

I'm thinking you'll probably need surgery for that though.

Damn good results for 5 months! Keep doing what you're doing in the gym.