My UFC 46 Experience

Mark coleman, maybe the coolest person I met that night. He repeatedly told security that he was not gonna leave until he signed every autograph and took every pic with his fans because " these people are the reason I get paid, and I would be nothing without them". Cool guy we even talked about Pride and how he says they will never come to the US
team Militech. They were pretty cool as well especially Tim Sylvia. Matt Hughes did not want to stop for a pic, and I understand that he was not very happy, but Tim told them all to gather around and take a pic as team Militech. Robbie was pretty nice too, and afterward Matt apologized to me about being rude, and I told him I totally understood
Yeah you guys it was a cool time. Oh and Fyre I am about to start my diet that i talked to you about so I will keep you posted.
bigdaddy22 said:
Yeah you guys it was a cool time. Oh and Fyre I am about to start my diet that i talked to you about so I will keep you posted.

Very cool. Good luck with the diet hun.:)
Jackass said:
The Greatest!....Muhammad Ali

I love some of his wisdom hehe
My brother has a really huge ali poster on his door at uni and he said what the quote said reminds him of me hahaha

something like

"The fight is one long before i stard dancing under those lights, It's won on the road, in the gym etc etc"