My wife is leaving me. Would appreciate some advice.

Maybe cook her favorite dish and put some canbles on the table and get her some flowers. My wife loves it when I do that for her. Or instead of buying her gifts suprize her some weekend and rent a cabin with a fireplace and a hot tub. That's what we did last fri. I hope it works for you too and I do strongly believe that goIng to church will help. And if she does want to with you, you should go yourself trust me it will help you become a better man. But find a good church that talks from the good book. Callvery Chappell is a good one I've found. Hope this helps for ya.
I have no experience to offer (married 2 years now), but here's my 2 cents. I'd tell her how much I loved her, admit you are wrong, and here's the kicker. Tell her you want her to go to church with you. Heck, maybe even tell her you want to get counceling. I can imagine any pastor worth his salt could get you right. Some people might think this is dumb, but dude pray about it. Hope it helps!

Damn good advise. Start with the truth. You have a kid it's not over. Relax. I've been threw the ringer with my wife. Once you add a child to the picture there is a bond that can never be broken. You may need to get in touché with your cool calm. It will be alright.
Okay, I'm old and have a few lesson learned from many years of making mistakes.

Rule number 1: If the woman you love is really pissed off and you have no idea why... it's time to eat chow.

Have you eaten that pussy lately? It sounds crude, sorry. It does work and I don't understand why, but it really does change their long term mood. I promise it works.

I'll go deeper into the rule book if this doesn't solve the problem...
Okay, I'm old and have a few lesson learned from many years of making mistakes.

Rule number 1: If the woman you love is really pissed off and you have no idea why... it's time to eat chow.

Have you eaten that pussy lately? It sounds crude, sorry. It does work and I don't understand why, but it really does change their long term mood. I promise it works.

I'll go deeper into the rule book if this doesn't solve the problem...

My wife is one of the few that doesnt care for it. She like just sex. Always just says, get your dick in me!

Anyways I am trying soooo so hard. Went to church today and it was ironic the message was how to heal yourself and they touched on healing your marriage. Its just sooo hard cause she is so resistant. Rightfully so but I am trying and doing everything i say. All i can do is keep doing it one day at a time and hope it doesnt take to long. She hasnt said for a few days she is leaving so that is a plus. I hope shell come around soon.
Damn good advise. Start with the truth. You have a kid it's not over. Relax. I've been threw the ringer with my wife. Once you add a child to the picture there is a bond that can never be broken. You may need to get in touché with your cool calm. It will be alright.

I have heard this from soooo many of my married friends. But they and their wives were always willing to fix it, to work it out. Mine isnt doing that. That is what is scaring me.
Maybe cook her favorite dish and put some canbles on the table and get her some flowers. My wife loves it when I do that for her. Or instead of buying her gifts suprize her some weekend and rent a cabin with a fireplace and a hot tub. That's what we did last fri. I hope it works for you too and I do strongly believe that goIng to church will help. And if she does want to with you, you should go yourself trust me it will help you become a better man. But find a good church that talks from the good book. Callvery Chappell is a good one I've found. Hope this helps for ya.

I would LOVE to do this kind of thing. But I know she will not go with me. They only time we have had together has been when we are both home together and that is it. I really want to take her out to do something but I dont think she will go.
Here is another thing. She asked for a North Face vest for Xmas. I want to get it for her. She asked for it 2 weeks ago. I told her 2 days ago I was still going to get it for her. She said no, I dont want any presents from you. I think this might be just because shes so upset with me but the worst in me thinks its cause shes leaving. But, on a positive not she also did say "we cant afford it we still have to make the mortgage payment." The house is only under my name as i bought it 2 years before i met her. She really shouldnt care about the mortgage at all if she was leaving. I dont know maybe I am looking into things to much. Input??
Can u take her to the place u met or the place u asked her to marry u? Maybe take the ring with u if u know where she put it. And say something like this is the place i met the person i wanna spend the rest of my life with (or soul mate kinda thing), or if its where u got engaged, then something like this is where i committed my life and love to you forever. Unfortunately, I lost vision of what mattered most, respect, affection and reassurance (or something like that) and I'm here again with the girl/woman of my dreams asking for a last chance to make it perfect. I dunno, u get my drift, I'm not so good at these things myself.
Can u take her to the place u met or the place u asked her to marry u? Maybe take the ring with u if u know where she put it. And say something like this is the place i met the person i wanna spend the rest of my life with (or soul mate kinda thing), or if its where u got engaged, then something like this is where i committed my life and love to you forever. Unfortunately, I lost vision of what mattered most, respect, affection and reassurance (or something like that) and I'm here again with the girl/woman of my dreams asking for a last chance to make it perfect. I dunno, u get my drift, I'm not so good at these things myself.

This sounds awesome and I would love to do this. But I asked her somewhere on the river driving back from camping, not sure which section. We met in a bar, which sounds terrible but we knew eachother from school also. And we got married in las vegas. So all of those are out of the quesiton. Maybe the parking lot of the bar or the reteraunt that is below that bar? And she hid the ring, told me i would get it when she moves out.
So here is a little update. Tonight when she got home she saw some flowers i got her. She told me to stop spending money on things for her. I told her now. Then I sat down with her and told her that I had no idea that she was unhappy and now she should give me a chance because now I know so now i can fix the things i was doing wrong. She said that doesnt change anything. I asked why not cause now i know, I didnt know before. I then explained my changes and my goals. told her i was giving it to god to heal and i was going to follow his guidance to obey change and take responsibility. I then explained that I have goals of once a day DO something to show her how i love and appreciate her and then tell her how i love and appreciate her. She just kept saying ok ok ok and that she wasnt going to promise me anything that it would change her mind, she didnt want to give me any false hope. I then asked her if i could ask her out on a date, she replied NO. That upset me a little but i didnt show it. I then explained again how i didnt know she was unhappy and if i would of know i would of fixed myself and now that i know we can be a team and fix it cause now we both know. She said NO. I then told her how much i lover her and she told me she doesnt want to talk about it anymore. I told her ok. I then said that I only talk to her about it cause im hoping that one of these times after doing all these things for you and showing you how i have changed that you would give me a little cooperation or at least say you miss something about me. I then told her that i was going to giver her some time. Time by not talking about it and to let her forgive me and space to realizes that she misses me and needs me. She said GOOD that she wants time from me and that she wants space from me. I dont know if its for the same reason or just wants to be away from me. I sure she just wants away from me. i can be patient i just miss talking to her, texing her, seeing her, and touching her meanwhile she is living her life just fine. Oh and ive lost 15 lbs cause i cant eat! fucking awsomse
sorry about the weight loss.... but after you sat her down and spoke to her, and she keeps saying no, and doesn't want to put any effort into it .... no offense, but fucking bitch... if a guy did that to me... i'm sure i would've tripped shit, said fuck it, fuck you, fuck this... and left... plain n simple... now you can show me that you miss me
if she wants to leave, let her leave. Stop belittling yourself by saying im sorry. she will most likely be back.

I'm sorry to hear your story. Take this as advice and not as accusatory, but your misunderstood inflammatory comment to her just seems to be the tip of the iceberg and you are going to have to dig much deeper to find out why this was so destructive to her. You mentioned a number of them, but there may be more topics that she hasn't even broached and there may be things that you try to change and they don't really bother her at all. For all you know, maybe she has had some doubts lately, fallen out of love slightly or may have even thought about/actually cheated to some degree and this is her masking her pain and guilt in this manner. We can sit here and guess all day, but my point is that things rarely are what they seem on the surface. In the summer of 2011, my wife did something eerily similar and I thought maybe I could share MY side of the story to help you better navigate. Woman and men are so very different, but maybe something I say will help at some point.

After my wife screwed up, lied to me and doubted her commitment for a brief moment, she came running back begging me to forgive her. She did everything she could to make it up to me, she begged, she grovelled, she let me do whatever I wanted and, to her credit, tried to make things better. The funny part, the more she tried, the farther I removed myself from the relationship. She never gave me a chance to catch my breath, to process the situation and to slowly mend the relationship. She wanted it fixed immediately and did everything wrong while trying to do everything right. Solving this issue is just like solving a rubics cube and it will take time and patience to put the pieces back together. We are now divorced and I think it would have been a lot different if she had given me the time and the space to process everything. Once I told her that she wasnt giving me the space I needed or the time to heal, she saw that her efforts were not working and she went completely the other direction, She alienated our friends, attacked me, told me how horrible I was, how small my dick was, how many guys she was seeing and so forth. Her anger with herself ruined our relationship and if she would have just taken a deep breath, e could have collected ourselves and started over.

So for my "advice," which isn't worth jack, I would just get back to fairly normal living. Don't overcompensate or go balls to the wall to prove to her that you want to change or have changed. Doing that comes off as desperate and we all know that people don't change in the short term, but through a concerted effort over a long period of time. Leave her a note stating that you are sorry for the way you made her feel, that you know she doesn't want to discuss the matter at this time, that you are ready to talk if and when she is ready to talk and that if she chooses to work through this difficult time, that you are excited to see how you can better the relationship and your communication to make sure this doesn't happen again. Be genuine in your efforts and truly aim to change. We should all be trying to make ourselves better our entire lives, but we tend to try to change only when our backs are against the wall. Start to change your habits for yourself and not necessarily for others as true change needs to happen internally and not just because someone asks you to change. That type of change is short lived and just alienates people. Get a few self help books and start reading them. Don't leave them around the house so that she can see that your reading them or try to talk to her about what you learned today in Chapter 6 of whatever book you are reading. Make a conscience choice to change for the better and start your journey towards that goal. In all honesty brother, if she isn't willing to work on the issue, or if the damage is already done, no degree of grovelling or begging or bending will change anything. It's like trying to change the political views of someone on the far left or the far right of the aisle.....they won't hear you unless they choose to hear you and anything before that becomes one giant waste of breath.

The pain of divorce is sooooo much greater than most people realize, as they think its the easier way out, and all you can do is remain calm and collected and open to being productive. I'm an analogies type of guy. I've sailed motor boats and sail boats all my life. In motor boats, if you want to change direction you turn the wheel and the boat changes course. In sail boats, you make a small steering adjustment and wait for the course change to take effect. It doesn't happen right away. If you are too impatient, and you oversteer, the boat will lurch in the wrong direction and require corrective measures. In no time at all, you are caught in a constant state of over-corrections and you find yourself getting no where fast. Take it slow and keep the faith. Don't over apologize and realize that you deserve a certain amount of respect regardless of your mistakes. We are all warranted a few mistakes here and there and its our response to these circumstances that measure the quality of a person and not the mistake itself (within reason). My ex-wife, and sadly myself, allowed me to treat her poorly for her mistakes and that is not fair either.

Good luck!
sorry about the weight loss.... but after you sat her down and spoke to her, and she keeps saying no, and doesn't want to put any effort into it .... no offense, but fucking bitch... if a guy did that to me... i'm sure i would've tripped shit, said fuck it, fuck you, fuck this... and left... plain n simple... now you can show me that you miss me

What i am hoping for. I have been so nice and sweet to her. I have to win her back. I am giving her time, to forgive me, and space, to miss me. as I do the things to show her i miss and love her dearly

I'm sorry to hear your story. Take this as advice and not as accusatory, but your misunderstood inflammatory comment to her just seems to be the tip of the iceberg and you are going to have to dig much deeper to find out why this was so destructive to her. You mentioned a number of them, but there may be more topics that she hasn't even broached and there may be things that you try to change and they don't really bother her at all. For all you know, maybe she has had some doubts lately, fallen out of love slightly or may have even thought about/actually cheated to some degree and this is her masking her pain and guilt in this manner. We can sit here and guess all day, but my point is that things rarely are what they seem on the surface. In the summer of 2011, my wife did something eerily similar and I thought maybe I could share MY side of the story to help you better navigate. Woman and men are so very different, but maybe something I say will help at some point.

After my wife screwed up, lied to me and doubted her commitment for a brief moment, she came running back begging me to forgive her. She did everything she could to make it up to me, she begged, she grovelled, she let me do whatever I wanted and, to her credit, tried to make things better. The funny part, the more she tried, the farther I removed myself from the relationship. She never gave me a chance to catch my breath, to process the situation and to slowly mend the relationship. She wanted it fixed immediately and did everything wrong while trying to do everything right. Solving this issue is just like solving a rubics cube and it will take time and patience to put the pieces back together. We are now divorced and I think it would have been a lot different if she had given me the time and the space to process everything. Once I told her that she wasnt giving me the space I needed or the time to heal, she saw that her efforts were not working and she went completely the other direction, She alienated our friends, attacked me, told me how horrible I was, how small my dick was, how many guys she was seeing and so forth. Her anger with herself ruined our relationship and if she would have just taken a deep breath, e could have collected ourselves and started over.

So for my "advice," which isn't worth jack, I would just get back to fairly normal living. Don't overcompensate or go balls to the wall to prove to her that you want to change or have changed. Doing that comes off as desperate and we all know that people don't change in the short term, but through a concerted effort over a long period of time. Leave her a note stating that you are sorry for the way you made her feel, that you know she doesn't want to discuss the matter at this time, that you are ready to talk if and when she is ready to talk and that if she chooses to work through this difficult time, that you are excited to see how you can better the relationship and your communication to make sure this doesn't happen again. Be genuine in your efforts and truly aim to change. We should all be trying to make ourselves better our entire lives, but we tend to try to change only when our backs are against the wall. Start to change your habits for yourself and not necessarily for others as true change needs to happen internally and not just because someone asks you to change. That type of change is short lived and just alienates people. Get a few self help books and start reading them. Don't leave them around the house so that she can see that your reading them or try to talk to her about what you learned today in Chapter 6 of whatever book you are reading. Make a conscience choice to change for the better and start your journey towards that goal. In all honesty brother, if she isn't willing to work on the issue, or if the damage is already done, no degree of grovelling or begging or bending will change anything. It's like trying to change the political views of someone on the far left or the far right of the aisle.....they won't hear you unless they choose to hear you and anything before that becomes one giant waste of breath.

The pain of divorce is sooooo much greater than most people realize, as they think its the easier way out, and all you can do is remain calm and collected and open to being productive. I'm an analogies type of guy. I've sailed motor boats and sail boats all my life. In motor boats, if you want to change direction you turn the wheel and the boat changes course. In sail boats, you make a small steering adjustment and wait for the course change to take effect. It doesn't happen right away. If you are too impatient, and you oversteer, the boat will lurch in the wrong direction and require corrective measures. In no time at all, you are caught in a constant state of over-corrections and you find yourself getting no where fast. Take it slow and keep the faith. Don't over apologize and realize that you deserve a certain amount of respect regardless of your mistakes. We are all warranted a few mistakes here and there and its our response to these circumstances that measure the quality of a person and not the mistake itself (within reason). My ex-wife, and sadly myself, allowed me to treat her poorly for her mistakes and that is not fair either.

Good luck!

I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you. I will continue to be patient, live my life but tell her how much i love her. I have started a self marriage help book and am starting counseling soon. Thank you for your advice. What your ex wife did to you beggin and what not is what i did the first few days. No i am playing it cool talking to her like a normal person and not about us and keeping my distance but remaining positive. She has actually been texting me alot today. Before she never would text me through out the day. Thanks again and since you recently went through something similar i implore you to keep tabs on this as i am going to keep updating it like you guys do with a cycle log. Thanks.
Ok a little update. I wrote her a letter the letter was just a list of promises that i am making and how I am going to fulfill them. She read it. We then got to talking about us, which you all told me not to do. She got very very upset. She told me she isnt going to stay here if i keep talking about it. So i told her i wont and that she can add that to the list. A little later, I was staring at her. She goes, what? I said I just love you so much so so much and I just want a chance. She then said. Well i am still here arent I i havent packed anything and havent left. I took that as this is your last chance if you dont change or i dont feel for you im outta here kinda thing. Made me feel a ton better now I know i can just be myself and change and let her see it. Also she said something about putting shelves in our closet for all of her shoes. Why would we do that if she is for sure leaving? I wont call her bluff cause I know she will but i dont think shes planning on it unless i mess up or push her away.
Well I guess I'll be the jerk who says it: but you asked for advice, 90% of it was to relax and let her breath and work on you. yet you kept at her like a rabid puppy. In less than a week you've said you're giving her space and working on you and then immediately you're at her and saying things and writing letters and staring and on and on.

Dude I totally get that you are freaking out. But you have got to slow down. Even after you said she could put it on the list that you'd back off you force it by staring until she balks and you take that as another opportunity to start in on her.

"She told me she isnt going to stay here if i keep talking about it. So i told her i wont and that she can add that to the list. A little later, I was staring at her. She goes, what? I said I just love you so much so so much and I just want a chance"

Hello? she just told you to stop that.

So I dunno. There's no way in a week you've gotten professional therapy and been to your pastor (or whomever) and cleaned up your act and made a difference. This is an addiction, and she's told you that falling off the bandwagon is not an option. In other words it's a marathon not a sprint. So slow the fk down, breath, relax, and LISTEN to her. According to several of your posts she has given you DIRECT input as to how NOT to mess up again. And I guess I'm the jerk who is going to point out that you keep doing exactly the opposite.

all that said, men are from mars and women are from venus. And about the time you think you've figured it out, they change the game. but in your case she is waiting and watching. but just from your posts you are in hyperdrive over her. And she's still there. So who the h3ll am I to poopoo your approach? I'm just stating my observations from the posts. And I certainly hope it resolves into a stronger relationship with you guys.
A little update for you all. Things have been going good. Still doing the love dare. It seems to get better and better every day. Still no affection from her no kisses or I love yous
Were sleeping in the same bed still as she hasn't left. She talks about future events like new tires on my car and about restaurants to try. We haven't talked about us at all and just staying positive and keep showing her I love her. She says she hates seeing me so depressed and so I told her let's just be happy, enjoy each others company and be together. She said OK that she doesn't want me to tell her how much I love her and want to change that she wants me to show her. I told her that we need to communicate more and tell me if something is bothering you like being to lovey and she has and I've been calm and accepting of it. All in all things are going well just waiting for her to come around and put her ring on. Also she never called me or texted me when this was all going on and she has been last couple days like she used to. After work after school. I just don't know if her responses are a.good sign or what. We go to dinner, breakfast out shopping and we also make a lot of decisions together and I really think if she was done and leaving she'd be gone. I think she is still testing me and seeing if its for real. I'm determined to do this and keep it going. She talks about buying a new entertainment center together. I don't think she's leaving but yesterday I gave her a hung and she one arm hugged me back. I said honey you can hug me. She said I don't want to lead you on and think I've changed my I'm so confused
Well, I have read this thread and I will add in my 2 cents and take it for what it is worth.

My wife and I separated for a few months over the summer. The best thing you can do is give each other space. I know you are married and have a lot invested but at the end of the day, if she doesn't want to be with you, you can't change that. For every woman out there leaving a guy, there is one that wants to be with a good one. Are you a bad guy?? Who knows. Is she a fucking nag?? Who knows. But what some guys don't understand is that women are strongly attracted to confidence. When you are talking to her and asking her what is wrong constantly, she knows she has your balls in a vice. If you just told her that you fucked up and you want another chance and that you will give her space and even move out if she wants......that would throw her for a spin and inside she would say....."Damn, this guy wants to move out?? WTF?? In my experience, women want that confident man that knows what he wants and once they start seeing him go soft (and I am not talking about dicks here either), then they want another guy that has that confidence radiating from them.

During my break from my wife, I got a room mate, focused on my job, the gym, and hanging out with friends. It was hard and yes I did suffer some lonely nights and wondering what she was doing, but time can make the heart grow fonder. Unless this girl is already out of your league looks wise, then maybe I could see how you are so attached, but seriously, it is making your situation worse in my opinion. Give her the space. Like I said, if you have a history together, that is something a new guy will have a hard time competing with. We all know how guys are. They are only about sex for the most part, so let's say she meets and dates another guy, she will find out that he is probably not as mature as you, etc. Shit will eventually pan out. Who knows what my wife was doing while we were separated. I was drinking a lot of booze and having a good time and letting loose. She reminded me that drinking was bad for my health and then I reminded her to fuck off. Good luck!!