
Sex of the baby? Conceived on or off cycle?

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Alright so, a myth needs to be busted.... (if you know what I mean ;))

Okay but seriously! The question for you boys is this!

Do you have kids? Were they conceived on or off cycle? Sex of the child?

Just answer the poll
I demand an option for those of us without kids. I refuse to be left out and discriminated against solely because of my ability to pull out before detonation!
LMFAO... You fucking tool... Then you opt out of this poll... I'm sorry buddy!

However... when you do have one... come back, and vote ;)
Can we vote more then once? I got 3 kids ! Thing is i dont remember if i was on or off cycle at the time of conception... I might not be of much help on this... But one myth we can bust right here is the inability to have kids if you run lotsa cycles...
o wow, i didnt kno u could conceive on cycle i always said i didnt need a rubber cause I was on bc....... i think i got a few phone calls to make uh oh :p
Interesting. I'll go ahead and bust this myth for you :)

Now, if the FEMALE is on cycle, the baby would come out with a tan. That's a fact.
Interesting. I'll go ahead and bust this myth for you :)

Now, if the FEMALE is on cycle, the baby would come out with a tan. That's a fact.

QUESTION... If the female is on cycle... Here is the catch... Likely her menstrual cycle is all out of wack or, more common, isn't getting one. Therefore, how would she get pregnant if her eggs aren't being dropped?

Oh shit! Her eggs aren't being dropped so... Fuck, they're up there waiting to be fertilized?
Interesting. I'll go ahead and bust this myth for you :)

Now, if the FEMALE is on cycle, the baby would come out with a tan. That's a fact.

I know if a woman has a high concentration of testosterone, the child can be born hairy (my daughter had a hairy back at birth LOL) - but I didn't know they could be born TAN. Is that due to a higher ratio of androgens to their progesterone/estrogen? :eek:

German, there something you want to tell us? Should we be ordering cigars and preparing for a congratulations? :eek:
I know if a woman has a high concentration of testosterone, the child can be born hairy (my daughter had a hairy back at birth LOL) - but I didn't know they could be born TAN. Is that due to a higher ratio of androgens to their progesterone/estrogen? :eek:

German, there something you want to tell us? Should we be ordering cigars and preparing for a congratulations? :eek:


Not yet halfwit. But you'd be the first to know!

I'm just trying to understand a little more as both of us are users of AAS. And I've noticed a lot of guys who conceive on cycle are most likely to have girl... I'm trying to decrease that chance...

Plus this is interesting stuff to know... Probably more broscience but, it's something we'd all like to know probably. If there is actual science information to back this up, I'd love to read it. But, not a lot of studies are done on people like us.

I figured if I posted this here, a lot more guys would answer but, no one really checks the "General Chat" area and this is where it got moved to, as usual.

I need more guys to answer, even girls if possible.
lmfao...not quite yet ;)
Hahaha, glad to know you guys are thinking about it though. ;)

Not yet halfwit. But you'd be the first to know!

I'm just trying to understand a little more as both of us are users of AAS. And I've noticed a lot of guys who conceive on cycle are most likely to have girl... I'm trying to decrease that chance...

Plus this is interesting stuff to know... Probably more broscience but, it's something we'd all like to know probably. If there is actual science information to back this up, I'd love to read it. But, not a lot of studies are done on people like us.

I figured if I posted this here, a lot more guys would answer but, no one really checks the "General Chat" area and this is where it got moved to, as usual.

I need more guys to answer, even girls if possible.

It's kind of funny because when we found out the sex of my daughter, I also found out that I was hypogonadic. I started looking into how male hormones could affect the outcome as sex is entirely based on the male chromosome, but the environment in which the swimmers have to find their way is heavily influenced (obviously) by the woman. I want to say it's still just a toss of the dice as there are calendars out there that the Chinese heavily believe in that was not only accurate for my daughter (conception dates), but that of my sister and cousin.

I too am curious about the results of this poll and if anyone that wants to dig deeper into any scientific studies done on hormone levels versus sex of the child born. I'd do some more digging, but I have a TON of homework to get done today and I'm already pushing my luck as it is haha.
I know if a woman has a high concentration of testosterone, the child can be born hairy (my daughter had a hairy back at birth LOL) - but I didn't know they could be born TAN. Is that due to a higher ratio of androgens to their progesterone/estrogen? :eek:

German, there something you want to tell us? Should we be ordering cigars and preparing for a congratulations? :eek:

lol. Twas a joke. I thought this thread was started as a joke. My sense of humor sucks :(
lol. Twas a joke. I thought this thread was started as a joke. My sense of humor sucks :(

no worries, i once went to kings buffet (its an all you can eat place) and there was these old people and one made a joke that went like this "so i was reading a book about gravity..... i couldn't put the book down" it was so lame but that joke stuck with me ever once!
lol. Twas a joke. I thought this thread was started as a joke. My sense of humor sucks :(

LMFAO... Well stop being so serious sometimes!!!!
It did start off with a joke... But my jokes are lame so...


I just would like some answers... There has to be more then a few guys on here with kids...