Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) Explained

Bravo andy that was an outstanding post.. Not.msny users understand some.of these compounds outside of the norm.. And personally love the deca npp cycles.. Last time.i ran decca i ran 500mg decca.. 122 cyp and 500 tren e all in one.. I start my npp in two weeks it will be npp.sus.primbo.proviron.prami!! That should be interesting but as far as ur post it hit thr nsil on.the head.. Im a year round cycler.. SO.i runn anywhere from 500 to 1g test all year n throw compounds in accordingly but im looking fwd to this.mixture of.compounds!! Keep up the good post
I am doing npp right now.. first week.. im doing 150 mg Friday,Monday,Thursday so far.. I will go up to 200 in the coming weeks.. I will go for 6 to 8 weeks.. im wondering about pct.. and should I be on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at all.. can you help me out. and no i dont want to add test or anything to it.. im taking baby steps back into it as I had a hair loss issue last year which I think was due to letro(i think it was letro because it grew back and was even thin on the sides of my head.. kinda like a cancer drug WOULD do.) but I am not sure so i am trying things one at a time and test will be last..

Gotta base test.. At least a minimal amt 1/week. Stand alone Deca no good. Agreed with above...Libido will be toast.