Nandrolone with very low dose Test Cycle Opinions...


New member
Well this is my first post here... I'm new to the steroid world and still just researching and learning. Have yet to decide whether or not I will do a cycle yet as I'm weighing up the pros/cons...

Anyway I wanted to get some opinions or experience from anyone who has tried a cycle of low dose test with a normal dose of nadrolone...

I've been reading good things about low test ran with tren and dont see why this couldnt be done with nandrolone?
Once prolactin was controlled the normal side effect of 'deca dick' should not be a problem if I understand correctly? The test dosage would just be enough to replace natural production I.e 100 to 150 a week...

Basically I'm lookin for a first cycle with minimal sides and moderate gains only, hairloss and gyno primarily as I'm prone already... So test alone doesn't seem a good option...

Anyone tried this or have any evidence or scientific reason why it should not be done? Input greatly appreciated :)
If you've never cycled, how do you know you're prone to gyno? Yes, low test and high nandrolone is great, but you want to go with testosterone ONLY as a first cycle, so you understand how your body reacts to the base of all cycles first.

Read the stickies a bit more to get a feel for what all is needed to have a successful cycle. It is time well spent. ;)

My .02c :)
Thanks for the input :) I meant prone as in I am predisposed to mpb (receeding hairline) and have very mild gyno (puffy nipples) noticeable only at times so I just assume I would be at higher risk on cycle...

I appreciate the test only first cycle advice but just looking at this alternative as the sides associated with test at higher dose I really don't want... I would be happier with less gains if they were maintainable and I kept my hair...

Have you ran this cycle? If so how did it go? Sides? Gains? Thanks again
Op, I understand your concern BUT I think your a little too paranoid. If you know what your doing you can run a 500+ mg test only cycle and have no sides. And I'm sure your hairline will be fine, it's not like your warning to blast 1000mg of a dht steroid for 20 weeks.

IMO just do a test only cycle your first cycle and just see how it goes.. But you should provide some info and stats so guys here can better help u out.

As for a low dose test higher dose deca cycle,, plenty of guys run this with no issues.. As for me, I tried this, and my nympho wife who needs it 3 times a day and who wants to go pick up chicks for us to bang on the weekends, was no longer getting what she wanted. So I had to bump the test back up higher. You may not have those type of demands on you though ;) so maybe it would be fine
Op, I understand your concern BUT I think your a little too paranoid. If you know what your doing you can run a 500+ mg test only cycle and have no sides. And I'm sure your hairline will be fine, it's not like your warning to blast 1000mg of a dht steroid for 20 weeks.

IMO just do a test only cycle your first cycle and just see how it goes.. But you should provide some info and stats so guys here can better help u out.

As for a low dose test higher dose deca cycle,, plenty of guys run this with no issues.. As for me, I tried this, and my nympho wife who needs it 3 times a day and who wants to go pick up chicks for us to bang on the weekends, was no longer getting what she wanted. So I had to bump the test back up higher. You may not have those type of demands on you though ;) so maybe it would be fine

Thanks for the input, much appreciated!

Well I'm glad I don't have your demands on me lol but still wouldn't want to lose any sex drive... if prolactin is controlled efficiently with caber could this not be eliminated with deca and the low dose test just replacing your normal production? Assuming you used this anyway?

I fully understand the test only first cycle theory just have read a lot about heavy hair shedding at doses sub 500mg and I dont want to risk it so just looking at an alternative thats safe and and low on the sides... Anyway its just research and learn for now and get opinons from people who've tried it

Stats are 80kg at 182cm and 12 to 14% bodyfat, ectomorph type build with small frame/bone structure!
I'm 24 this summer. wont be running anything for another 6 months at least
I always have caber and prami on hand being deca is part of every cycle I do.. But when my libido was slightly low, I simply uped my test dosage and everything was fine .

If your worried about running over 500mg of test,, just run like 400 mg, but for a longer period of time. You'll be shut down longer. You need your pct planned out. You may consider to just stay natural for now and get your diet dialed in before considering a cycle. Are you aware that doing even one cycle could shut you down for life, and you'll be having to inject test every week for the next 60 years!
Your only 24.. Weigh the risk/reward
Yeah don't want to run long cycles either and be shut down too long... What's this about being shutdown for life? Fuck that! How could that happen?

Yeah the diet is everything but still a slow a process to get where I need to be, I just want to reach my genetic limit faster for increased performance as I play a sport at a semi elite level... another reason I dont want long cycles and would be looking at shorter esters... Yeah it's a big jump though, very tempting but not sure.
You need to do some reading up. There's a thread that has all the negative sides you can get from aas. A 19-nor shuts u down the hardest making recovery more difficult. That's why everybody is telling you to run a test only cycle. If u are afraid of the sides then don't use gear. Your goals don't really require you too. Get a diet coach like 3j and put in the time. Gear aint magic...
Ok I wasn't aware a 19-nor made recovery that much harder, yeah fully agree I need to research it more I'm not just going to jump on it. I appreciate the gear isn't magic but it does make things possible that aren't naturally and speeds up the muscle gaining process tenfold... For me to hit 90+kg at 10 to 12 bodyfat is years away naturally I think... It would be very beneficial for me to have them kind of stats a lot sooner is all... Just trying to minimse sides is priority, makes sense to me. Thanks :)
Yeah don't want to run long cycles either and be shut down too long... What's this about being shutdown for life? Fuck that! How could that happen? .

If u do AAS, your hpta will be shut down, period,, a good pct will "help" you recover, but there is no guarantee.
But there's no guarantees with anything in life (except death and taxes)-- so it's your own personal choice and risk
Yeah obviously going to be shut down but not recovering is something I hadn't considered, presuming its very rare if the cycle is ran correctly.

Good to see someone reading and asking good q s. Seems gyno and hair are your biggest concerns w deca dick I hope a close 3 rd.

If you can do test for say 3-500 for 10-16 wks and control sides...anext step would be to do it again.
Stacks should also go w estro controllable sides being the only side to counter; your desire to run higher deca than test is understandable---u like ur hair ? Or ?
Yeah obviously going to be shut down but not recovering is something I hadn't considered, presuming its very rare if the cycle is ran correctly.

Rare but possible.

If hair loss is your biggest concern with running a test only cycle, well if you don't have the MPB gene then you have nothing to worry about, but if you are MPB prone and your hairline is more important then your dick then you could always use a dht blocker
Yeah this the problem I seem to have to chose between my hair and dick all the time lol. I would prob be on propecia as it is except for the fact it can cause limp dick and I would have no prob running test solo for my first cycle as it makes complete sense except that I've read countless times that it's very hard on the hairline... I dont want sudden hairloss at my age it's bad enough as it is and I'm not ready for the shaved head yet! That was the whole reason behind the short test prop and npp cycle but I just didn't realise that it could be very hard to recover from so don't want to fuck up myself up longterm

Good to see someone reading and asking good q s. Seems gyno and hair are your biggest concerns w deca dick I hope a close 3 rd.

If you can do test for say 3-500 for 10-16 wks and control sides...anext step would be to do it again.
Stacks should also go w estro controllable sides being the only side to counter; your desire to run higher deca than test is understandable---u like ur hair ? Or ?

Thanks you :)

Yeah hair and dick are the main concerns, gyno can be more easily controlled and dealt with I guess...
Just thought deca dick could be eliminated by controlling prolactin and just enough test to replace natural production...
Yeah I completely agree test only would be the way to go first time but I fear losing a lot of hair which I can't afford as it is lol So I was just looking at alternative options...