Natural male vs woman on 500mg Test e cycles haha.


New member
let's pretend a study of 10 natural men vs 10 woman who cycled 500mg test e and cruised at 200mg/week were to happen.

Who would you put money on to have greater results? Both groups start with no experience but have extremely solid coaches to guide them.

Both groups have 1 year to gain as much muscle/strength as possible.

Who would win in your opinion lmao?? The natural male or the woman on gear?

Just a fun question for the night haha!
being women have very very low levels of testosterone to begin with, their actual 'percentage' testosterone increase to super-physiological levels is going to be much higher then the males. and will be more of a shock and thus possibly more results.

just like a guy with naturally low levels of testosterone who does a cycle for the first time may have better results from the first cycle then a guy with naturally high levels of testosterone who gets on for the first time
being women have very very low levels of testosterone to begin with, their actual 'percentage' testosterone increase to super-physiological levels is going to be much higher then the males. and will be more of a shock and thus possibly more results.

just like a guy with naturally low levels of testosterone who does a cycle for the first time may have better results from the first cycle then a guy with naturally high levels of testosterone who gets on for the first time

Alright we got one for female! Female 1 Male 0 lmao
females e z p z.

Chicks can inject 50mg test/wk and get awesome results, whereas a man won't get fuck all, if anything it would hinder results...
Let alone at 500mg a week a guy is doubling their dose of natural T, a women is....adding maybe 50x
500 mg in a man will get plenty good results. You should be carefull about the does you throw around. The doses you are taking cant be used by the bosy and mostly are waisted.
let's pretend a study of 10 natural men vs 10 woman who cycled 500mg test e and cruised at 200mg/week were to happen.

Who would you put money on to have greater results? Both groups start with no experience but have extremely solid coaches to guide them.

Both groups have 1 year to gain as much muscle/strength as possible.

Who would win in your opinion lmao?? The natural male or the woman on gear?

Just a fun question for the night haha!

How do you measure results? Is it which sex has the greatest virilization effects on 500mg/wk? Mary's clitoris will grow a whole lot more than Mike's penis if they both run 500mg
. It seems pretty stupid to even suggest that a woman would run that much.