Need a bulk meal plan really bad!


I am stuck around 155lbs and I can't seem to break past it... I have a crazy fast metabolism so I need a meal plan for BULK bulking! My daily schedule is wake up at 2am, work at 3am, break time around 5am, off by 7-7:30am. Either gym right after work or around 9am, then after the gym my day is wide open. If there is an already designed meal plan for my body type and weight I would appreciate it :) if not I just need help constructing one
I already this question in your other thread. I gave you an amazing example of how to put high calorie meals together.

Drop the girly shakes and actually READ the meals that I posted. Eat half of what I posted on there and you'll gain weight. The meals don't have to be the exact same, it's just to give you a rough idea. Your goal should be around 4000 calories a day.

Oh - and if you really end up EATING (not drinking) 6000 cals in a day and not gaining weight, you need to go see a doc cuz your thyroid is fucked up.
Here's his current diet 3J....I'll let you sort this one out. I've given the kid enough shit as is lol.

My meal plan right now goes as follows

Meal 1- 2 heaping scoops of ON serious mass (1250 calories), Banana, and yogurt

Meal 2- Large chicken breast with 2 cups of rice

Meal 3- 2 more heaping scoops of ON serious mass PWO (1250 calories)

Meal 4- 14 oz lean ground beef or steak with 2 cups of rice

Meal 5- 2 filets of Tilapia with red potatos

Meal 6- 1 last scoop of ON serious mass (625 calories)

So already I am consuming over 3000 calories just from my protein powder. I am not sure what the total number of calories is but my friend who is a body builder made it and confirmed it was over 6000 calories. So what now faggots? Don't fuckin sit here and say I am not eating when I eat probly more than you!
22 years old
6 foot tall
6% BF
Fastest metabolism on the planet :p

any help is much appreciated cause I have very little knowledge on meal plans

fastest metabolism my ass..

what do u do for a living..

also.. take the diet u posted up and put it into come back to me with totals..
Fastest metabolism on the planet :p

please be an example for all the other newbs out there and stop saying this. its not the fastest on the planet, you just fail to eat properly.

Shakes don't make you big, real food does.

And the only skinny people who should be eating tilapia are underwear models. if you wanna get big, you gotta eat big.

And start eating cheats. Big meals from fast food joints are great for guys like you. I train with a strong little fucker who thought i was crazy when i told him to start eating BK 3 days a week. Now he's up 10 solid plans... and he doesn't argue anymore. :D
Bagels and peanut butter buddy.
780 calories each.
Add some honey to make it 800.

1 Bagel + 3 Tbsp Peanut butter:

Total Fat 49g
Total Carbohydrate 66g
Dietary Fiber 6g
Sugars 9g
Protein 32g
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Bagels and peanut butter buddy.
780 calories each.
Add some honey to make it 800.

1 Bagel + 3 Tbsp Peanut butter:

Total Fat 49g
Total Carbohydrate 66g
Dietary Fiber 6g
Sugars 9g
Protein 32g

I have heard about eating bagels and peanut butter. Will definately try it out. I assume whole wheat bagels?
What a horrible food choice and combination. Bulking doewnt mean eating like crap. U guys should be smarter then that
I hate fast food? Your saying to eat it?

yes. i am. why do you hate fast food? if its because you are worried about the fat content, then you are failing to understand how to get big.

Hell, you can make burgers at home if you want.

Basically you want the most calorie dense foods you can get your hands on.