New member
Listen bro. U dont need much to bulk. 3000 calories a day would do wonders for u
250g protein
350g carbs
66g fats
And don't forget your peanutbutter and bagels.
Listen bro. U dont need much to bulk. 3000 calories a day would do wonders for u
250g protein
350g carbs
66g fats
Lets coear some things up first up ur not 6% bf but ur close. Secondly i need to know ur level of activity. Do u play sports. Whats ur job look like? E. G. Do u sit at a desk move boxes etc
Take that bagel ane have it pwo with ur shake and leave the pb for the last meal of the day. Itll do 10 times the goodnness for u there
See now thats some important shit to know. Thats a heavy duty job. Yea we will start u at 3500 calores and maybe even move u up thx to ur job. Though i doubt it
300g protien 400g carbs 77g fats
make a diet following that. Use my sample bulk as reference to help u out
Ur first paragraph got me lost. Wheres the fat guy? What do u mean u dont talk about macronutrients. Where are u going with this?OK, this is like where someone with a BMI of 50 comes in and asks how to lose some weight. You don't go off the deep end straight away talking about macronutrients and phytochemicals imo. I have found they get overwhelmed and say fuckit and keep eating fried pork 8 times a day.
I think it works well to have a fatty start by identifying where the super excess calories come from, 4 liters of coke/day (not diet mind you), that kind of stuff. They drop weight great that way.
Drewsifer, find a good calorie source that works well for you and eat it. I totally agree with BJ on the insulin spike but will say that in someone with a high level of activity can do the carbs and fat or carbs and whatever because they are in constant need of fuel. Their liver glycogen stores never fully replenish.
If you got a desk job things are different. You got to pay attention to the details more then .
you got to figure out what you burn a day and then bump it up by 500 cal or so. see what response you get. You got to be honest with yourself though otherwise all bets are off
Ur first paragraph got me lost. Wheres the fat guy? What do u mean u dont talk about macronutrients. Where are u going with this?
If you just eat then urr just playing a guessing game. Which takes much longer to figure out. There is a science here that im implying. And it does work. My clients are proof. Yea i agree he needs to eat more. But it isnt that hard to mak a diet ane count calories
Still confused a little. Right now I'm taking it that I should eat whatever I can whenever I can and not worry about how much fat there is etc. just eat!?
Still confused a little. Right now I'm taking it that I should eat whatever I can whenever I can and not worry about how much fat there is etc. just eat!?[/QUO
I think that would be a reasonable approach for you at this point. Keep it simple, look at the ingredients on stuff and pick what has the lower number of words. The less processed the better imo.
But i would just eat and while you are eating spend time learning about the macronutrients, micronutrients. Figure out how many calories you are burning which will include your BMR and total daily expendature which is based on activity level. This is work activity and exercise. Getting this number dialed is super important. From their you can adjust your intake up or down to get the results you want.
There is a finite amount of muscle that can be gained within a given period of time. For this reason it does not make metabolic sense to me to jack the calories totally through the roof but again you must know how much you burn a day. For me 4500 cal/day and I'll get fat as shit because i sit all day right now. For some guys they will lose weight at that number.
The guy has thick skin. I never would have tolerated people talking to me the way it has happened here. I didn't see him mention anything about training for Mr.Olimpia. Fact is that he's going to get discouraged pretty quick and not come back here at all. I wouldn't blam him if he didn't. All he wants to do is put some meat on his bones and some muscle for the ladies. He's 22 years old and can probly burn 1000 calories just thinking about going to the gym. People are getting freaked out over a lousy bagel and PB. I gave him good andvice and I think he should take it.