need advice for joint health info after blast


New member
Im currently on trt (120mg/wk tes cyp) and just started a small blast (150mg/wk tes cyp & 200mg/wk tren). Since i have no post and time im off trt what is the best advice for me to repair any weakening of my ligaments and tendons after my blast. HGH is too expensive so was wondering what other then that would help and for how long should i take it. I considered peptides but im not sure how long i would need to take a ghrp-2 and sermorelin combo and how much of each dose. Any alternative suggestions would be appreciated or at least the details on a protocol of the peptides would be great. Currently im just taking supplements like glucosamine and chiroitin with other vitamins to slow the process but from what i read on blast and trt its inevitable without a plan beyond that.
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"Since i have no post and time im off trt"

What do u mean by this? If your on trt, u don't come off gear..
"Since i have no post and time im off trt"

What do u mean by this? If your on trt, u don't come off gear..

yeah thats what i mean as i understand the ligaments and tendons rebuild when you come off a cycle but since my exo tes is never gonna stop since im on trt was wondering what i could do about rebuilding and damage or weakening that i hear comes from a blast. And thanks for your reply from my last post i had not realized deca and tren where a really bad combo but since your info have looked more into it and your right was a bad idea. More or less looking for an alternative since i cant use deca to help my joints while on tren. Thanks again for all your help
I believe there is a peptide tb500 or something like thag and it helps heals muscles and other tissues. Not sure if it helps joints but have seen say it will. I am gonna look into or soon fort shoulder tendinitis
yeah thats what i mean as i understand the ligaments and tendons rebuild when you come off a cycle but since my exo tes is never gonna stop since im on trt was wondering what i could do about rebuilding and damage or weakening that i hear comes from a blast. And thanks for your reply from my last post i had not realized deca and tren where a really bad combo but since your info have looked more into it and your right was a bad idea. More or less looking for an alternative since i cant use deca to help my joints while on tren. Thanks again for all your help

Do you actually HAVE joint issues or what?
I believe there is a peptide tb500 or something like thag and it helps heals muscles and other tissues. Not sure if it helps joints but have seen say it will. I am gonna look into or soon fort shoulder tendinitis

Been hearing good reports about 500.
Do you actually HAVE joint issues or what?

Right shoulder feels a bit tweaked and left knee but this is more about prevention and doing things intelligently then in need of recovery. I dont want to be that guy who ignored the info damages my tendons and ligaments by not providing them support with extra muscle
was thinking in terms of if i took peptides that up hgh production that bump would go toward maintenance of joints. Hopefully juiced porkchop sees this and can comment he seems to be the expert in this area
Right shoulder feels a bit tweaked and left knee but this is more about prevention and doing things intelligently then in need of recovery. I dont want to be that guy who ignored the info damages my tendons and ligaments by not providing them support with extra muscle

I ask bc prevention isn't always the same as recovery. Glucosamine/chondroiton/msm have been shown to have some slight joint help, make sure your form is good on all lifts, do dynamic stretching before lifting not static stretches. If you have info on how a blast can directly affect joints and tendons of love to see bc from what I've seen just running a blast won't affect them.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Long term research on glucosamine products has shown that it doesn't really help very much and after approximately 6 months of regular use it's recommended to stop use because it actually starts to become toxic. I use cissus quadrangularis, fish oil, collagen, and drink lots of water. Any methylated or dry compounds can aggravate joints and you probably already know your connective tissue cannot keep up with muscle growth on aas as far as healing and repair so be careful with the superman complex that comes from the strength gains. I am still doing a lot of research on boldenone, nandrolone, and sermorelin for connective tissue repair, but I don't know enough yet to talk about it conclusively.