[Need Help Regarding Oral Dianabol/Thai 5 - Please Read]


New member
Hi, im planing to start my first cycle, i've read on forums and asked some people and they told me that as a newbie (beginner) you should run Dianabol 10/60 -> [10mg per day for 60 days, and you take the 10mg when you wake up in the morning]
I've seen people running DB 10/60 on forums with great results, and it aint an strong cycle, also according to forum articles the 10/60 cycle wont shut you down as much as an high dose of test or dbol, ofcourse i know that all steroids shut you down but in this case it wont shut me down as much as the others = I can start using pcts and get my recovery faster.

The question now is, a friend of mine ordered some Dianabol/Thai 5 from the manufacturer ''Malay Tiger'', it had the same package the green one with the label etc, The pills are Thai 5s and are Pink, are they real? I mean, i've only seen dianabol from Malaytiger whose round and White, never seen any pink ones, thats why im asking you if anyone knows if its a fake or if they have some pink too.

Im getting them for a fair price but i dont want to put in fake orals in my body incase shit happends.
Also im going to run nolva as pct, do you have any other recomandations? My goal is to bulk up, gain weight, mass.

thank you.
dbol only cycles are pointless, dumb, and all out counter productive imo. Guys around here get pissed when they see them proposed because it's the biggest newbie mistake. Go ahead and put that dbol away for a while and run a test only cycle.
dbol only cycles are pointless, dumb, and all out counter productive imo. Guys around here get pissed when they see them proposed because it's the biggest newbie mistake. Go ahead and put that dbol away for a while and run a test only cycle.

Thank you for your reply, i dont wanna go needle, also i dont want ro rub My testo lvl that much.

Pls help me with dbol, and i would appreciate an answer aboit if My pills are legit or fake. Pink malaytiger thai5
lol man.. don't do it. Dball after 60 days will most likely completely shut you down , and if you don't want to inject just fuck steroids man.. no point bro! BUT im not gonna tell you your an idiot, everyone makes mistakes

How come y say oral cycle is no point? I Will get results, or wont i
You definitely will get results, your results will be a shutdown of natural testosterone, lose of all gains which would be minimal at 10 mgs a day, and having to run a post cycle therapy (pct) for a cycle that you didn't gain anything... If you don't want to inject your not ready for juice..

Do a little reading
You definitely will get results, your results will be a shutdown of natural testosterone, lose of all gains which would be minimal at 10 mgs a day, and having to run a post cycle therapy (pct) for a cycle that you didn't gain anything... If you don't want to inject your not ready for juice..

Do a little reading

Thx 4 ur reply, why Will i lose all the gains? If i need à larger dose just tell me
I dont Wanna do neddles yet, been seing ppl gaining mass and good results with dbol only.

Also im 19, 188cm, 70kg, underweight, i know om too earlie for gear, but ive made my mind, pls help me out instead rather than fail.

Tell me good doses for bulk,mass and good post cycle therapy (pct)
thats not a cycle thats a bridge (a dose of dbol to run between cycles).

We are trying to help you, your just not hearing what you want to hear. Oral only cycles are a waste of time, sure your gonna put on some water weight and gain strength and size due to the bloating, but guess what happens when you stop taking the dbol, water retention disipates, you lose the strength gains and weight you put on. Your natural test production will be shut down and you will need to run post cycle therapy (pct) in order to restart it. You will be needing to this for very minimal gain and the effort is not worth the outcome. You could gain so much more by taking the money you are gonna use on gear and hire a nutritional coach like 3J. Build your base and get to a point where you are solid enough to try gear. No one here is going to give you advice on using a dbol only cycle for a first cycle bro because it is a stupid thing to do, I could care less if you are seeing people getting good results with it as you will see later they will be back to where they started.

Again read the Oral only cycles sticky all is detailed in there, you are the one who is going to decide for yourself what you are gonna do we are just trying to help you make the right decision and whether you are gonna listen or not is totally up to you.