Need something for my skin


New member
I find that any cycle I run past 8 weeks makes my skin break out and really dry up. I heard retin-a cream works wonders for alot of bbers. Is this available by prescription or can I get it OTC? Any international pharmacies have this?:confused:
If your skin is drying up you're not gonna want retin A. That stuff eats the top layer of your skin off and in my limited experience hurts. When I'm on my skin becomes more oily and not dry, but you could probably find a hypoallergenic moisturizer or something.
i have read about taking mega doses of vitamin B5 (i think it was this one). in daily doses of 10grams?? perhaps somebody could help me on this one.

anyway, it clears up the skin nicely
b5 works good, mainly called pantothenic acid. i took 3 grams a day for like 2 weeks and i was totally clear.
fuzzy-1 said:
b5 works good, mainly called pantothenic acid. i took 3 grams a day for like 2 weeks and i was totally clear.

thanks fuzzy. i will be looking into for my next cycle. did you find it expensive at those dosages?
DangerousGrounds said:
Many anti-biotic's work great! and are not harsh to liver.
A must for me if I'm going to do clomid, as I break out bad from it..

yes the ONLY time I get zits is on clomid , Ive been using Isotrex which is a generic form of accutane in a gel and this stuff works.
I use 100mg caps of Minocycline (anti-biotic) ED or EOD and clears right up in a few days.
A lot less harsh than accutane.
I would not imagine the gel form mentioned by projection would be bad on liver, never heard of it...
DangerousGrounds said:
I would not imagine the gel form mentioned by projection would be bad on liver, never heard of it...

This Isotrex gel is awesome, I found it on an online mex pharm. You just apply a tiny bit to the zit, next day BAM its gone.
If you want something otc you could try tea tree oil, haven't tried it yet but my doc suggested it.

thanks for the link focker. i think my best bet would be to go fo the straight powder.

now only if i can find a place within canada.
mcgirkz said:
thanks fuzzy. i will be looking into for my next cycle. did you find it expensive at those dosages?

very cheap. $13 canadian for 90 1000mg pills. so like $8 US for 90 1g pills.:)
thanks fuzzy. i assumed it was an american site because of the US currency for the prices. there based out of ontario.