Thanks, I did the Hgc diet awhile ago and got use to the low calories a day,so I guess you are right, I need to eat more. I will check out the food list and see what i should do.
A few people I know that workout and use time to time were like, you have the body, you should just take clen or avatar? to get ripped and you are good, so....they got me thinking. So i started on this kick, but trying to find out the right things to do. Funny, everyone tells me about the quick fix, and I am on it.
They gave me a site today Alinshop, but I am scared. Not really of taking something, because that does not scare me, I am up for anything, but of getting caught since I am dumb and loss on this stuff. Thanks for the help, it's hard working all the time and 4 teenagers....I know I am someone that jumps on things and like the quick fix.....OCD is in my nature....the sad thing is I care more about looking thin and being slim than the bulk and cut....(I know, I am going to hear it now) lol...although, I love working out, and that will come with it.