new deadlift video - 525lbs x 7


Community Veteran
I've pulled 500 for 10, so I'm not overly impressed with this effort today, but since I havent deadlifted heavy since the summer I guess its not bad.
I've been favouring my lower back a bit since I strained it a few weeks ago, i can really tell on the video as I am letting it round out a bit. Gives me something to work on though
My last shot of enth was 14 days ago this I'm almost clean too

deadlift 525 x 7 reps

I shot some other vids this week that are in the training forum
Nevermind, the video finished. :D

I was j/k anyway, damn bro that's just beyond impressive. :bowdown:

I'm so pissed I hurt my back cause I was right there about to finally hit the 500 mark. I was doing rack pulls with 600 and no straps. :bawling:
Needsize, I can get any of your videos to download. They always just completely stop at some point. This one stopped at 2%, while the bench one stopped at 86%.

They just stop cold.
string_bean00 said:
Needsize, I can get any of your videos to download. They always just completely stop at some point. This one stopped at 2%, while the bench one stopped at 86%.

They just stop cold.

yeah i have cable net and it took me a while to get it...
Are you sure you didn't have some of those styrofoam plates on that they use in the muscle magazine shoots?? Just kidding. That's awesome.
thanks guys. mvmaxx, I hear you, I messed up my back bad a few times, a few weeks ago i couldnt stand up straight.

string_bean00, it must be the site I'm using to host the vids, even when it downloads it takes forever
500 for one was years ago, over 5 years but I cant remember for sure, I dont train for strength or there would be a lot more on there
I have cable and it looks like they have it capped at modem speeds, its about 4.4kB/s

I dont go over 435 for reps, but I prefer SLDL over regular deads :D

Thats way beyond anything I would even dream of attempting right now, 500 anything even for a single, would scare me. I dont trust my spine or spinal discs with that crap.
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Thats solid bro. I see what you are saying about your lower back. Strong as a mother fucker.