new jersey cops and fireman / steroids


Community Veteran
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Lawmakers in New Jersey are considering measures that would crack down on steroid use by police and firefighters, some of whom abuse the drugs in their efforts to keep physically fit, experts say.

The state Assembly bills introduced on Monday, believed to be the first of their kind in the nation, would require health evaluations before law enforcement could be prescribed anabolic steroids and growth hormones, and would add such drugs to a list of substances for which law enforcement employees are randomly tested.

"This is focused on uniformed public employees, but this is really a nationwide problem," said Assemblyman John McKeon, the Deputy Speaker who introduced the bills.

"A lot of these anti-aging clinics and charlatans are selling these products, and we need to examine the long-term health problems."

The National Conference on State Legislatures said it did not know of any similar legislation in other states and New Jersey's measures could be the first in the nation. Most steroid laws regulate high school athletes, it said.

Law enforcement steroid use is a problem around the country and, given that steroid use can cause aggression, can invite problems for police, said Larry Gaines, chairman of the Department of Criminal Justice at California State University in San Bernadino, California.

"Aggression is not very common but nonetheless it's a possible problem," Gaines said. "If it does occur, you could see lawsuits against police departments regarding citizens injured from steroid rage."

Competitiveness is a major reason why police and firefighters might use steroids, he said.

"A number of departments focus very highly on physical fitness and ability," Gaines said.

"Secondly, a lot of these officers see substantial dangers on the job so they feel they should be in some kind of top level of physical fitness."

The New Jersey Firefighter Mutual Benevolent Association, a state firefighters union, welcomes any initiative to crack down on steroid abuse, said president Bill Lavin.

"We're obviously in favor of testing and not in favor of using illegal drugs of any sort," Lavin said. "I think steroids represent a small segment of our industry, and certainly we're in favor of doing anything to curtail it."

The New Jersey measures come in response to reports last month of a local doctor who illegally supplied hundreds of police and firefighters with anabolic steroids, human growth hormones and other muscle-building drugs.

"Just like everybody I was outraged," said McKeon. "Being in the position I'm in, I'm even more outraged about the multiple millions of dollars that has cost our system for the years to come."

The state attorney general is investigating the allegations, first reported last month by the Newark Star-Ledger newspaper, that millions of taxpayer dollars were illegally spent on the drugs, spokesman Paul Loriquet said.

McKeon said he hopes the bill will stop police and firefighters from abusing steroids, saying most of them probably do not have a medical reason to use them.
I dont think this will happen,this is so big in police,fireman and correction officers there unions will never vote it in.
I dont think this will happen,this is so big in police,fireman and correction officers there unions will never vote it in.

Oh yeah sure buddy,

Hundreds of bills enter the legislative process and only a small percentage passes, if it does pass & this becomes a law, no matter what Union they have, the Union is not above the law, So this will take effect.

Kind of scary to know how the goverment if controlling & cleaning the system, but is funny they want to stop the waste of taxpayers money that gets spent on the "crackdown" of these roid users, but how much money would it cost taxpayers for all these new regulations & tests ???

Hey I see why police officers & firefighters would want to take AAS, weren't most bullied as kids ? lol
its only fair, when going up against crack heads, and guys running even more juice than the cops are, they should be issued steroids, not nailed for using them....

I am a CO in a maximum security jail and work on a range full of guys in for killing others...they are younger, faster, and you wouldnt believe how much naturally bigger this generation is...You can bet that when I jump in to break up a group beating, that I am happy to have a regular pharmacy coursing through my veins to even up the odds
They cant even get random drugs test in most states for LE its a joke you get tested one random time a year beside if there is an indecent on your birthday.
Everything is protected with labor aggrements and it has to be voted on.You can think other wise and your right it probible will happen down the road but after its modified and a lot of changes happen.Thats why there are unions

Oh yeah sure buddy,

Hundreds of bills enter the legislative process and only a small percentage passes, if it does pass & this becomes a law, no matter what Union they have, the Union is not above the law, So this will take effect.

Kind of scary to know how the goverment if controlling & cleaning the system, but is funny they want to stop the waste of taxpayers money that gets spent on the "crackdown" of these roid users, but how much money would it cost taxpayers for all these new regulations & tests ???

Hey I see why police officers & firefighters would want to take AAS, weren't most bullied as kids ? lol
And one other thing pinga
It took the supreme court and congress to try to clean up baseball and it still hasent happened
Look I'm not going to argue with you, all I know is that no Union even Law enforcement Union is above the law,
However, that they could debate & or how ever they handle this as a UNION to try to not get the bill passed, but if it passes,a dn becomes a Law... They have to apply it like everyone else.

And about Baseball, it took the supreme court and Congress to "Clean" baseball,
Then what's not to say this bill will pass,
I don't agree with this bill, I think the use of AAS, should be the person's choice, there's a lot bigger issues going on right now, for this to be such a big deal.
its only fair, when going up against crack heads, and guys running even more juice than the cops are, they should be issued steroids, not nailed for using them....

I am a CO in a maximum security jail and work on a range full of guys in for killing others...they are younger, faster, and you wouldnt believe how much naturally bigger this generation is...You can bet that when I jump in to break up a group beating, that I am happy to have a regular pharmacy coursing through my veins to even up the odds

I have to agree with you Needsize. I have a buddy who is a CO and he tells me some crazy stories. Your right, they are much bigger in the newer generations and all hyped up so you have to be prepared. I mean, shit all they do is lift damn weights all damn day in jail anyway so any CO must bring their A game right?

And Pinga, it does piss me off all the energy these lawmakers are putting into the AAS world. Until I give myself a shot in the quad and then hop in my car and kill a family of 4, then get off me about the AAS usage. I agree, there are much more things to worry about. Why do people care about what I put in my body if I am not hurting any one else?? There are millions of bars open aren't there??
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steroids were made illegal in the U.S. by Congress against the recommendation of the DEA, FDA, and the AMA. I think it should be decriminalized or made legal again. However, since it is illegal, it's bullshit that these crooked motherfucker cops do the same shit that they arrest people for. Although I am a little bitter because the last cops stole $125 cash out of my wallet, mother fuckers. Also I have a personal score to settle with one pussy mother fucker in LE and I know your slut gf reads my post, so fuck you both lol
its only fair, when going up against crack heads, and guys running even more juice than the cops are, they should be issued steroids, not nailed for using them....

I am a CO in a maximum security jail and work on a range full of guys in for killing others...they are younger, faster, and you wouldnt believe how much naturally bigger this generation is...You can bet that when I jump in to break up a group beating, that I am happy to have a regular pharmacy coursing through my veins to even up the odds

Yes this^ I would pay a tax to issue them cycles!
Im a forrest fire fighter and aas is a part of some peoples training program, I walk up and down mountains with a 35 lbs backpack and a chainsaw, and work up to 40 + hour shifts without relief, I dont see it fair for a fucking man who sits behind a desk to tell me I cant use aas for my tuff job. my 2 cents
Im a forrest fire fighter and aas is a part of some peoples training program, I walk up and down mountains with a 35 lbs backpack and a chainsaw, and work up to 40 + hour shifts without relief, I dont see it fair for a fucking man who sits behind a desk to tell me I cant use aas for my tuff job. my 2 cents

Couldn't agree with you more man, but if some guy is gonna arrest me for the same shit he's got in his body that's where I draw the line.
Put it this way the whole AAS law is a joke.

Thing i don't get is you can have a sex change.
From researching AAS most video's i found of IM injections where transexual who where given either Testosterone o estrogen to inject.....

You can arrest someone who wants to use these substances make them self most muscular.
o its ok to use Steroids to turn yourself from man to woman and vise versa BUT if you do it to look more muscular its illegal......or even use them to stay a step ahead in a job which involes protecting others from harm !?

Will only be a matter of time until they see sense and change it,
its only fair, when going up against crack heads, and guys running even more juice than the cops are, they should be issued steroids, not nailed for using them....

I am a CO in a maximum security jail and work on a range full of guys in for killing others...they are younger, faster, and you wouldnt believe how much naturally bigger this generation is...You can bet that when I jump in to break up a group beating, that I am happy to have a regular pharmacy coursing through my veins to even up the odds

In my 12 years as a crossing guard.. my ability to control and or pound people was greatly enhanced with the use..not abuse of these substances.
It also aided me in never having to resort to going up the level of force progression needed to protect myself and others..lethal force.
If they tested the cop s and fireman around here for aas they could not field a SWAT/TAC unit or put out a campfire.
Now...judges lawyers and lawmakers need to be next goddamnit.
In both jobs, these guys put their LIVES on the line. In structural firefighting they have to force doors and carry heavy equipment and rip open walls to find hidden fire. They have to wear in excess of 50 lbs of very cumbersome gear that makes them overheat very quickly. They need to raise ladders to windows & to the roof to then operate chainsaws while standing on this pitched roof to cut ventilation holes so the interior attack can continue safely. They need to carry victims out to safety, sometimes down a ladder!! -lots of these victims are overweight.They need to be able to rescue a downed firefighter too- a big guy loaded up with gear can weigh over 250 easy. Some of these guys have been doing it for 20 years and they are all banged up. Shoulder injuries, knee injuries, kneck/back injuies just to name a few. Due to age they cant bounce back after an injury or their natural test levels are just very low. If they feel they need something that will bring em home the next day then let em use it!
It may seem hypocritical that LE is doing it. But if you have a guy thats got tons of expierence & knowledge but hes gettin older & slowing down....what do you want him to do? Sit behind a desk where his knowledge is useless? He wants to work!! Let em get out there! Criminals just dont care about you! They are very aggressive alpha males that have complete disregard for people. That cop who is kicking his ass is our friend, they care about us! For the most part they arent even looking for roids on people.They are looking for guns & trying to stop drug gang shoot outs on our streets that we walk down. If your a decent person & respectful they may even look the other way if they find some roids in your pocket. But if your a wiseass to them well then your just asking for it.
Again, these guys wanna see their families when they come off shift or at least avoid a serious injury that will end their careers and therefore there incomes.
I am all for Military LEOs and Fire & Rescue having what they need. They are the front line warriors / first responders that need every advantage that they can get. Especially military-infantry.
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I'm with you pickle. When one goes hands on, survival of the fittest crowns victory. There are no rules of engagment when someone else is trying to rip your head off. You better be stronger, have more endurance and intensity than your enemy.
up here personal amounts are legal too so LE is not looking for juice at all, unless they are looking for a