Hello, I have been browsing this website for the past few days, and I am so glad that I found it. Here's my situation: I used to be in the Army and had very good eating habits and workout routines. I got married after leaving the service, and had two children. I have gained almost 60 pounds in the past five years. I am 5'6'' and 182 right now. It is so depressing. My husband is always in the gym, and he is so into his training. He wants me to start working out with him, and I want to. My problem is: I don't even know where to start. I was thinking I should start out with cardio for 45 minutes a day, Monday through Friday, and add weights MWF. I want to get serious but I need some guidance. As far as diet goes, I need help there, too. Are the Myoplex shakes any good? A friend of mine did that "Body For Life" program, and she looks great; but I want to be more muscular than she is. My husband drinks alot of whey protein shakes. What is a good brand with quality protein? I have never wanted to be "skinny", but I need to lose alot of fat. How long do you think it would take before I can see results? The more that I see results for my work in the gym, the more motivated I will be to work harder. I have lost 30 pounds so far, just by upping my water intake, doing cardio, and leaving junkfood out of my diet. I was thinking about taking a fatburner, but I can't find a good one. I have tried Hydroxycut with Ephedra in the past, and it worked great, but they no longer sell it. The new Hydroxycut without Ephedra doesn't work for me. I also tried "Synedrex" made with Ephedra, and it gave me headaches. Any suggestions? Sorry for the long post, but I need your help!