ChicOnSwole is right on this one. Training is training, I dont care who you are. If you have a lot of excess fat, not just some college beer fat, but a LOT of fat, there is the hard way to lose it, and the harder way.
The hard way is busting you ass with cardio...LOTS of cardio. The harder way is worrying about muscle loss and limiting your cardio. Now it is true that if you half ass your cardio sessions, and begin losing muscle by not weight training, you may very well make no progress at all. But if you BUST your ass, then you will shed fat when combined with a good diet.
All principles of bodybuilding say that you should burn off excess fat before you concentrate on bulking, or building new muscle. Chic is not suggesting that she do no weight traaining at all, but that it should be a secondary motivation. And brenyy, she is not going to elevate her metabolism enough by adding muscle that it would surpass the effects of an intense cardio schedule. Conversely, losing a LITTLE muscle due to the stress of an intense cardio program is not going to effect her metabolism negatively enough for this program to be inefficient.
This is not magic people. You can only get big or fat if you feed your body with the calories it requires to do so. If it does not get these calories, and you increase the amount of calories consumed(through intense cardio) then you will lose weight. Argue about diet all you want, there are many sucessful diet programs, but the fact of the matter is, without intense cardio you will not lose the amount of fat that you are looking to lose. You(nevaeh) were in the army, you should know sure you ran your ass off in basic.
I'm not even going to get into Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use here because it seems like most of you woouldn't agree with me anyways, but that is beside the point. Run, bike, etc, your ass off...and dont ignore weight training but dont focus on it either for now. I stand by my advice 100% as well, and I have never hidden behind a pics are posted for those who doubt me.