New Pictures


New member
here are some pics of me recently. 22yo, 195lbs, 5'9.5'' let me know what you think. thanks-
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Good deal - You hold more fat in your abs then other places.

My suggestion - Really diet hard and get down in the 3 - 4% range and when you start adding the fat back it will be more evenly distributed.

Thats just a thought and personal opinion.
i'm still working on bulking up. my abs really aren't that great. i just started hitting them. i don't have too much fat on my stomach. i don't plan on really dieting down till i am going to do a comp. not too sure when that is though lol. i'm definately holding some water too...
At your height give yourself another solid 15 - 20 lb and do a comp.

you have a solid foundation and will do well.

Plus you'll notice that your body will look totally different once you do one and start gaining back.
i also thought about the comment... why would i diet down and then gain the weight back again. i was extremely lean (probably in that range) for personal reasons and then started bulking up again. if i am going to gain and hold fat in one spot then that's where i'm going to gain it... no matter what i do. that's always been the place that i gain fat. but i loose it as soon as i stop eating crazy amounts of food and weight gainers. just my thought on it.
DirkMoneyshot said:
My suggestion - Really diet hard and get down in the 3 - 4% range and when you start adding the fat back it will be more evenly distributed.

Isn't fat distribution mostly determined by genetics? Seems to me like if someone tried that, the new fat would come back in the same places where the old fat was. When you lose fat weight, you don't lose any fat cells, they just lose volume. I don't think that anything short of liposuction is going to accomplish what you're suggesting.
You would really think thats the way it is: However from personal and seeing it from several competitiors it is differnt.

1.) Until you really diet down to that 3-4% bodyfat range you probably have some fat on you thats been there your WHOLE LIFE. Its the fat thats really though to get off. Compare it to a river bed, all the settiment thats packed at the bottom of the river gets hard and compact. Well it takes a little help to stir it up. But once you do its not so hard to stir the next time. You'll see it gets easier and easier to get leaner each time.

2.) Fat distribution is genetic but i've seen it time and time again that once a competitor gets real real lean, that fat is more evenly distributed. Back to the analogy.

3.) There are times that hard dieting is actually good. Once you start to stagnat its probably time. Once you diet down there (which you can't stay at forever) and start gaining weight back, your body will rebound and you'll see tremendous growth in LBM.

- Also this doesn't mean ALL OUT BULKING (weight gainers ect). its about understanding your body and eating approprity.

Again this is from years of seeing these things happen and talking with several top competiors.

Here is another analogy. Look at any of your favorite off season professional. They get up to 13% regulary but do you see any of them with uneven fat distribution. Not typically.
when i was lean, probably about 4%, i started gaining weight again and it's at where it's at now. i've dieted down a couple times and it always comes back in the same spot no matter what i do. i've got my diet and training down. i know what i'm doing. not trying to insult, i'm sure it works for you... but not me. i'm bulking right now anyway so there is no point for me to diet down. thanks for the input though!
you have a nice quad seperation, my only critique about your wheels is that you need to bring out the outer sweep more since your teardrops overpower the sweep.
The calves could use more size as they do look like they are lagging a little.
Also, your traps look like they could use more size as well, but then again, i cant tell with the poses available.

Other than that, you look awesome!
thanks phreak. how would i create more of an outer sweep. i thought that it was just a genetic thing. also, check out my avatar, you can see my traps in there. they're pretty proportionate to everything else. but yeah, my calves need a lot of work. i started hitting my legs alot harder so hopefully everything will come together with them.