New Pictures

This one time, there were all these naked chicks in my room and we were having sex and they kept telling me how good I look. I bench 405 for reps and I beat up 300lb. people all the time. And I drive a Porche.
bleachcola said:
This one time, there were all these naked chicks in my room and we were having sex and they kept telling me how good I look. I bench 405 for reps and I beat up 300lb. people all the time. And I drive a Porche.

I don't believe you, you peckerhead convo idiot!!11

it's spelled porsche.
allright fellas this ISNT the convo lounge either offer some constructive criticism or congratulations or just dont post in the pic forum at all .
bleachcola said:
This one time, there were all these naked chicks in my room and we were having sex and they kept telling me how good I look. I bench 405 for reps and I beat up 300lb. people all the time. And I drive a Porche.

i know that you're trying to mock me, but if you knew anything about anything you'd understand my posts. is what i said so hard to believe? did i say anything about beating people up? no, restraining people is much different. did i say anything about having sex with all those women? no. i'm sure that i could have gotten 3 or 4 good looking ones with no prob and a hell of alot more nasty ones. but, i don't need to since i have a girlfriend. and i never said anything about what i drive. i hope that you're just joking around and you're not this much of a dickhead... :nerd:
security1769 said:
haha... weight isn't shit when you're bouncing. it's all about technique. i was droping people twice my weight when i was 150lbs and bouncing. but now that i'm over two, it's quite easier lol. i was selling shots for a playgirl event. those fucking women are ruthless lol. made some decent money and was told that i looked better the the dancers by most of the girls lol.

This is what happens to a little man's ego when he gets bigger.