New Pictures

in these pics it was dbol, test, deca. that's one of the reasons that my stomach was kinda bloated. i'm quite a bit leaner looking now with the bloat gone.
also, i just recently started doing some extra squats at the end of my regular ones... i do them with lighter weight and my stance is close together with my feet straight forward. it seems to make the outer sweep a hell of a lot more sore then doing them the regular way. anybody else have any experience with this? a friend of mind said that he read about a study that showed it had no different effects as doing it the regular way.
thanks, i can't remember what my chest measurements are but i think my bi's are 17.5. i'm going to start my next cycle in a month or two. it's gonna be test prop, tren and eq. i might throw Winstrol (winny) in at the end for an added benefit.
Security - did you have a tattoo removed??? The second picture you posted looks like you used to have an armband on your left arm.

im thinking about having a few lasered off myself
lol, actually, all those pics were taken when i had (still have) my tatoo. i just use photoshop to remove it. some of the pics i actually put some effort in, like my avatar, but others i just did up quickly.

how come you want to have yours removed?
gay bar... i wouldn't call 300 horney women wanting to get fucked, gay... what's up with your homo erotic thoughts? hiding something?
STANG 98 said:
Forget the gear. Please tell me you didn't take a picture of yourself during your shift at a gay bar.

The idiot beacon is calling you home. Go back to the convo lounge.