New thread - Week 7 cycle update pics


Beast in training
The old thread had alot of comments so I decided to make another one lol.. shoulda just made a logg but its too late for that now.. started at around 178 and am now around 196-202lbs depending on the time of day.. Bodyfat seems to have stayed the same which is odd. Hoping to jump to around 210-215 and once I let out my water sit at an even 200, anything over is a bonus.

These are pics from tonight, sorry for a bunch of the same style pics but I had no one to help take pics so fuck it.







These pics are pretty much useless and im not at the gym anymore where theres alotta light but you can kinda get an idea of the bi's








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im thinking 95% water is whats stopping my peak from forming, this is an old but natural pic meaning no water retention and i had a pretty good peak going.


The dog is a chiwawa, back when i was in the pawnshop business and did house calls some heroine addicts called me to buy some gold but I ended up offering them cash for the dog just to get him out of that home.. had him ever since, gave him to my x for xmas but he still lives with me. My 95 pound pitbull is too heavy and wild to drive around with me so this little guy goes everywhere with me.

The peak will come I'm sure!

That's cool story about the dog...put him in a tank-top....will look buff then...haha
baaahahaha nice chihuahua... pit is cute. id rock him for sure in my car.

looking good tho man. definitely a big change
looks like you're carrying some water bro but im sure once you come off you'll lean out a bit and look good. you've definitely put on some size, half pint.
Can you feel the deca yet? maybe you posted this already not sure...

im not sure, im holding alot of water and feeling puffy, puffier then if I was just taking just test so I guess thats a good indication to tell its working.. Ill tell you what though, I still cant get over those gp dbols, I felt like a fucking animal on 50mg a day, lost alot of strength since I've been off, but still stronger then natural.
im not sure, im holding alot of water and feeling puffy, puffier then if I was just taking just test so I guess thats a good indication to tell its working.. Ill tell you what though, I still cant get over those gp dbols, I felt like a fucking animal on 50mg a day, lost alot of strength since I've been off, but still stronger then natural.

good stuff! never tried orals myself..tried injecta dbol- swiggin it and it worked.. also I didn't do enough as in for length of time.

But I may try oral db.....and prolly at 60mg if i do....pumps I got from the liquid were almost doing legs..they got so shakey i stumbled when getting up from the calf throbbing! loved it!!!
Lookin good broski. Test, deca, dbol def holds some water, but it'll come off once you stop. Whats your diet look like? Doin any cardio?
thanks guys, diet is loose, shake 15 min of waking up, shake mid day, and shake 15 min post work out which is about an hr before bed.. Besides that, alot of meat, pasta, rice, yogurt, wheat goldfish, tons of oatmeal, pretzels and when im real hungry and lazy ill whip out the hungry mans lol, not the cleanest food, but over 1,300 calories, 50+ grams of protein, tons of carbs ext.. Getting in a full gallon of water a day is still tough though, cant imagine 2... no cardio at all, I've got small man syndrome, id rather be bloated/puffy big then small and ripped big, every pound counts to me.
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lookin solid my man. what Aromatase inhibitor (AI) are u running? im running a sust/deca/dbol cycle now only two days in..running gp's dbol as well. i used it during my first cycle. good shit!!!