New to TRT.....taking Ultra Test 250 & sermorelin


New member
I am new to this site and just found the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum!

I had my bloodwork done about 3 weeks ago and found out my T level was at 117. Im a pretty healthy 31 yr old, 5'11 208 lbs. My T which use to be naturally high dropped so low due to taking a crap load of doc prescribed pain pills. I had no idea opioids would drop your T.

Doc put me on the following:
* Ultra Test 250, 1cc weekly (20 weeks)
* Sermorelin, 1 iu nightly (promotes HGH for those who havent heard of sermorelin).
* HCG, 5 iu 2 times per week
*B12, 1 iu weekly
*Anastrazole, 1 o.5 mg pill every 3rd day

I am on my 13th day and have felt only mild benefits so far. I work out 5 days per week and Im really excited to see if the Ultra Test250 & sermorelin help make changes to fat loss, and add more stregth. My true goal is to lose the 20 lbs I gained when on all the pain medicine and to get my body athletic looking again.

My questions to you guys are.....
1) is Ultra Test 250 a good steroid for a true beginner like me with a T level of 117? or is it pretty mild stuff?
2) from your experience when will I see/feel noticable benefits? Ive heard stuff like 3 weeks before the Test 250 kicks in??

I would love to hear your stories....thanks!
you should be feeling "more like a man" real soon.. but too notice it in the gym give it a few more weeks.. im assuming the "ultra test250mg" is just test enanthate or cypionate 250?
how do I know if it is test enanthate or cypionate 250?

I know that probably sounds dumb but Im brand new to this. Ive looked all over the bottle and cant find anything.
i would think it should say it on there but not positive since its comin from your doc.. just ask him next time you go "which ester is attached".. based on the dosage i think its pretty safe to say its eith cyp,ent, or deco.. either way youll be fine in no time.. patience.. its comin