Newbie Pic

QUOTE] I didn't even go to the gym. Hell, I had never even had a gym membership! I just wanted to see if the crap was fake or not. [/QUOTE]

this statement makes me sick

so what do i think
your the reason why gear gets a shitty name thats what i think

I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I respect your opinion, I'm just curious as to why you think I'm part of the reason gear has a bad name. Your opinion IS appreciated! Please reply.
Supercharged said:

I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I respect your opinion, I'm just curious as to why you think I'm part of the reason gear has a bad name. Your opinion IS appreciated! Please reply.

i dont think its the touching gear early part that makes him sick,
you were taking steroids, not becuase you wanted to get bigger but because you couldnt drag your lazy ass to a gym or to even work some sort of diet out, you give gear a bad name because you only look around 18, you took steroids as if it was like a recreational drug, eg.for the fun of it, your not focused imagine if every snotty nosed kid just took juice for the hell of it, some of us are atheletes and train very hard and very long to achieve the bodies we desire , with hard work and effort o.k some of us take steroids but we do it with a purpose, and when we stop thje juice we dont stop training, dieting, or learning,:dumbass:
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I didn't expect to get slammed by you guys, but what the hell, I'm here to learn. If you guys get pissed at me, and give it to me straight, then I'm learning. I do appreciate constructive criticism. THANKS GUYS.
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you're a good sport , bro. welcome, and now you know what NOT to say around here, lol !!

in rebuttal to what you said, though, i could gain or lose 5 lbs at any given point of any day. so your 4lbs that you said was your proof that your gear was real was as equally "imaginary" as going to the gym that first week and making imaginary gains. just my 2cents
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well juicing without even going to the gym is a joke, even if you worked out before. You should definatly get your shit in check before you consider touching it again. Put on some weight naturally. Also how much wieght did you lose when you stopped and what gear were you taking and at what dose?
Well fuck everyone ripped into you good and you took it the right way and are willing to learn from everyone, that seems pretty rare lately.

Good work with the gains, i'd definatly say don't touch the gear for a while now though, you gotta let yourself get those natural gains first, and you might even just be happy with that and not want to juice again. But that's way down the road, just learn from on here and other places, and train hard and eat good and you'll be on your way to a body you want.

Good luck man.
hahaha, but i did wanna post


KID ROCK!!!!!!!!!
I hear alot of you guys saying get the natural gains first. Is this to avoid injury? I don't want to get huge, I just want to gain about 30 lbs. and maintain it. Why is it a bad idea to use gear to do this?
about all of these guys used to juice or were juicing

lol, ok that explains it. It's like the kids in my gym doing gear when they don't even know what a squat is, 'everyone else on the team is doing it'

no one should be doing Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) if they weigh under 200lbs unless they're super-lean or a shorter guy. It's fucking ridiculous, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are there to enhance your training not replace it

what House said x 2

I had never used gear before, and figured medical students who were using it would probably be a good source of info.

Why do you think guys under 200lbs. shouldn't be using it? I'm asking because I don't know. I'm not trying to call you out.
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Everyone here has basically the same mentality.

Learn for Breakfest
Train for Lunch
Diet for Dinner
Gear for Dessert

In other words, steroids are the icing on the cake. You need to eat a full meal before you get the dessert.

Or, another analogy. Think of a graph, one point on the graph is your natural limit - the most you can be without gear. Wouldn't you rather reach that, then SPIKE IT PAST YOUR Limit w/ gear?

Or would you rather hit that limit w/ gear, then not be able to go past it?
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