Newbie Pic

good job man, do what you gotta do. your looking good but i agree with everyone else i think you shoulda gotten a good base before you started Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but if thats what it took to get you in the gym then at least you're there. now work hard......

and oh yeah meatball.... 200 lbs???? give me a break when i first started hitting the wieghts i only weighed 150. sure i put on about 20 lbs in about a year and a half Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) free but i dont have the genetics to weigh 200lbs. everyone in my family is thin. where do you get your figures from??? i believe that as long as you've reached your genetic limit to how much muscle your bodytype will allow then its time to hit Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) if you wish. i would never be 200 lbs or more without Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) its just genetically impossible for me.... and probably in supercharged's case too.
r3ver3nd said:
Everyone here has basically the same mentality.

Learn for Breakfest
Train for Lunch
Diet for Dinner
Gear for Dessert
Thats a good one, I wasnt sure how I woulda put it but you summed it up pretty damn good.
Allright guys. I keep hearing work hard, get natural gains first, and then start the cycle.

My question is why? I hear this from all of the guys I know here in town that have been working out a long time, but none of them can give me a straight answer as to why.

Is it for health reasons? Chance of injury?

Fill me in guys.
Well, if you gain a lot of size and/or strength in a short period of time, you do stand a pretty good chance of becoming injured. Semething about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is that they cause rapid protein synthisis, which triggers storage of nitrogen and hypertrophy of your muscles (in a nutshell). What gear does not do is help your other vital connective tissue to hypertrophy (grow) at the same rate as your increasing musculature. This can lead to tendon or ligament dammage, due to your psycological edge (because you know you can lift heavier weight). This may not be a problem in your case, but it has been known to be a problem in the past.

Working on form is another important point, as well. If you have been training for a long period of time, you can really hone your form to get the maximum isolation out of a given exercise. No one wants to see you get hurt, dude. For every person using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that somehow hurts themselves, or throws their natural HTPA out of wack, or messes up their liver... no matter how educated or uneducated, or confident they were, they will tarnish the name for all people surrounding this rather secretive society.

We don't want you to get hurt for you, and we don't want you to get hurt for us.
Thanks Majic! I couldn't understand why steroid use was kept so hush hush. No one will talk about it. I figured it was to keep dealers out of trouble. No one talks about it, and I had to learn on my own. I wish I would have found this site earlier. I didn't hurt myself in the gym. I was aware of the fact that my muscle tissue would be grower much faster than bone, tendon, and ligament tissue. I did work out before hitting the gear, but not at the gym (at home). I had a friend who is a trainer tell me that I would need to be in the gym for at least four months before using gear, so that I wouldn't tear anything.
Supercharged said:
Thanks Majic! I couldn't understand why steroid use was kept so hush hush. No one will talk about it. I figured it was to keep dealers out of trouble. No one talks about it, and I had to learn on my own. I wish I would have found this site earlier. I didn't hurt myself in the gym. I was aware of the fact that my muscle tissue would be grower much faster than bone, tendon, and ligament tissue. I did work out before hitting the gear, but not at the gym (at home). I had a friend who is a trainer tell me that I would need to be in the gym for at least four months before using gear, so that I wouldn't tear anything.

I, myself, have been training for a little over 3 years, and I've seen wonderful results for being all natural (I've gained about 50 pounds, at least 30 or 40 of which is lean muscle). I am of the belief, however, that I still have a lot of gaining to do naturally.

If you want the best information, sites like this help... but you can also get books on the subject, which are usually more reputable than hearsay or people's personal opintions. A particularly interesting read that I found very helpful was "Anabolics 2002". The guy makes a new issue every two years, as such there is an "Anabolics 2004". There are all sorts of books out there, if you don't mind reading.

I have a few pre-med student friends, myself, and I often like discussing endocrynology and things of that sort. So first hand sources like that are usually a big help to =)
[Learn for Breakfest
Train for Lunch
Diet for Dinner
Gear for Dessert

In other words, steroids are the icing on the cake. You need to eat a full meal before you get the dessert.

Or, another analogy. Think of a graph, one point on the graph is your natural limit - the most you can be without gear. Wouldn't you rather reach that, then SPIKE IT PAST YOUR Limit w/ gear?

Or would you rather hit that limit w/ gear, then not be able to go ]

very nice post:)
Heres the real reason. When a newbie comes on this board that doesnt even take pride in his training and hits a cycle, people get offended. Most of us take pride in what we do, its an unofficial club. Thats why so many boards like this exist. Ever study social psychology? Its simple...the "in" and "out" group. Your the out group. Sorry bro but a skinny dude who juices before he even squats his own bodyweight pisses me off a little, im not gonna lie. BTW, none of that takes anything away from your gains... :rolleyes:

edited slightly, bad mood
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Supercharged said:
I hear alot of you guys saying get the natural gains first. Is this to avoid injury? I don't want to get huge, I just want to gain about 30 lbs. and maintain it. Why is it a bad idea to use gear to do this?

you could have put on 30lbs in a year with no gear use since it looks like your a beginner from the looks of it even with the gear use you did, you did not gain much from it. YOu could of gained more and learned more if you did not take gear during those two gears doing research that you claim you should of researched propper traininig methods and learned about dieting at the same time. combine those two years learing about dieting and lifting along with two years of gear research and then started using them now you could have been bigger than what you are now.
This is a lifestyle for most of us, so seeing people skip the hard work and dedication to get gains they could have got naturally is viewed as an abuse of steroids.

Anyone using steroids before they can bench 315, squat 405 or deadlift 500 is being premature, and the 10,000's of kids doing them before they can even bench 225 need their balls whacking.

Go read every post by pullinbig and hopefully you'll understand what this is about.
Congrats on the gains..but if you don't have your diet and training in order, expect to lost most if not all of what you've put on. I know you said you've gotten your diet together and have been training hard..but honestly, if you really knew what you were doing and were dedicated enough, you could have EASILY gained that weight naturally since you're clearly new to the game. Good luck though and keep up the hard work.
Supercharged, I think ur doing OK. Keep hitting the gym up, eating, and whatever else. This is a great place to learn but you'll have to weigh out a lot of the BS people throw at ya. Truth is, if ur a little guy, then ur always going to be a little guy, if ur a little guy that's going to be big, you'll have to use some serious enhancers. Don't let anyone fool you by telling you you'll be big if you eat ten chickens a day for lunch....I call BULLSHIT! They probably just forgot how small and weak they used to be. It's amazing how quick people will judge you just because they're story is a little different. I think raising hell at the drive through B/C they got your order wrong and trying to kill your friends when ur tanked up gives steroids they're bad name. Chears
Thanks Slider. I am a small guy. 5'5". Super thin. Busting my ass before never got me any good results. At least coming across a good deal on some gear got my diet on track, and got me in the gym finally. I can see myself in the gym for the rest of my life now, because now I realize I can put on weight. Weight training is awesome now. In the past I could get stronger, but I couldn't gain any fuckin' weight! I could care less about being stronger. To me, this is a good "side effect". I wanted to show a change on the scale. I just couldn't do it before. I've had football coaches in the past that would say, "if you don't have the genetics to be big, you'll never be big, no matter how much your in the weight room...................." I just assumed my genetics sucked. The only way I figured that I could "trick" my body into growing was gear. Beleive me, this was a LAST resort. I turned 25, and was tired of looking like a little fuckin' boy. Maybe if some of the others guys on this board were my size, they'd understand.
Supercharged said:
Thanks Slider. I am a small guy. 5'5". Super thin. Busting my ass before never got me any good results. At least coming across a good deal on some gear got my diet on track, and got me in the gym finally. I can see myself in the gym for the rest of my life now, because now I realize I can put on weight. Weight training is awesome now. In the past I could get stronger, but I couldn't gain any fuckin' weight! I could care less about being stronger. To me, this is a good "side effect". I wanted to show a change on the scale. I just couldn't do it before. I've had football coaches in the past that would say, "if you don't have the genetics to be big, you'll never be big, no matter how much your in the weight room...................." I just assumed my genetics sucked. The only way I figured that I could "trick" my body into growing was gear. Beleive me, this was a LAST resort. I turned 25, and was tired of looking like a little fuckin' boy. Maybe if some of the others guys on this board were my size, they'd understand.
I understand exactly where your coming from bro. A lot of these guys talk like they've never done what you did, when in reality, they probably don't even train when they're off a cycle.

You have to do what makes you feel better as a person. Not everybody has a medium to high testosterone level to begin with, so for some including myself, gaining weight was always a struggle no matter how much weight gainer I drank. Whe I did my first cycle I was so damn happy that I was finally growing that I loved to be in the gym to watch my body grow. I finally had to confidence that I needed. That was 16 years ago and I still train hard and love working out. Sometimes you need that little edge to take you past your genetics.

Good luck bro, and just be careful and you could never stop learning!
I'd ignore the 'you should be 200 lbs' or 'bench 315' post, if that were the case, there wouldn't be many people to respond to the posts on this site.

I have mixed feelings about you for a few reasons.
1. If something went wrong, it would have been you on the news I would be cursing the t.v. about.

2. Being 5'5", gaining weight and great shape should be easy when compared to a guy like me 6'2 (long legs and arms). Low reps and high calories would have worked in your case. I put on 15 lbs when I did this for 6 months, natural. It's slow and sucks, I know.

I bet you dont have post cycle therapy (pct) either.

Hang in there, I threw on nearly 60 lbs in the last two years. I'm less than half way through my 2nd cycle now.

P.s. check out:
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