Newbie want to try dinitrophenol


New member
Hello everyone!

I'm a 20 year old, 85kg man.

I recently ordered 50 x 125mg DNP from the internet, and i have a couple of questions.

- Can i loss weight with just 1 x 125mg/day? Or its too low dose? I want to stay safe

- I work from 6 am to 2 pm. I cannot sweat in my workplace. If i take a pill everyday at 2 pm, its okay?

- If i only take pills on weekends, will it work?

Sorry for my english.
Can you turn yellow and sweat while at work?

Don't use this stuff. It isn't safe. Just get on a good diet and start exercising.
Yikes man. I'm not sure you fully understand what you're dealing with here. DNP is a pesticide. People use it for fat loss sure, but the average person could do some serious damage to their health very quickly with this stuff. It can kill you if you're not careful. DNP is complete overkill for the average person trying to drop some weight. Not to mention at 20 years old your body is primed for fat loss and muscle growth. A good diet and workout regimen will do wonders for you.
Hello everyone!

I'm a 20 year old, 85kg man.

I recently ordered 50 x 125mg DNP from the internet, and i have a couple of questions.

- Can i loss weight with just 1 x 125mg/day? Or its too low dose? I want to stay safe

- I work from 6 am to 2 pm. I cannot sweat in my workplace. If i take a pill everyday at 2 pm, its okay?

- If i only take pills on weekends, will it work?

Sorry for my english.

I absolutely agree with the posts above in that diet is going to be the biggest issue here. However, I can answer your questions.

1. Odds are that 125mg/ED will not be sufficient. The scary part about DNP is that the effective dose is also very close to the point of overdose. There are several factors that determine what the appropriate dose would be, but even at 125mg, you could experience some very negative side effects, like a rash or yellowing of your skin.

2. DNP has a 36 hour half-life; this means that it doesn't matter if you take it at 2pm or 2am, the drug will still be active in your body while at work. This means that you will likely experience sweating and flushing during the work day, and even possibly shortness of breath.

People will notice, this I assure you.

3. Taking the drug on weekends only will really cause problems for you as you will not only be lacking enough drug in your system consistently for the thermogenic benefits by mid-week, but you'll be seeing a considerable amount by Monday - come work time.

DNP is a drug that a great deal of care and preparation must be in place for a successful run. Yes, it can reduce body fat, but it can also kill you if it's not respected. I do not think you have spent enough time reading up on the drug, nor do I think you will see the benefits you're after based on the information you have provided.

I strongly suggest you continue reading EVERYTHING you can about dinitrophenol before you swallow that first capsule. I also suggest that you optimize your diet and spend time in the gym working on building new muscle mass to burn even more calories.

There is no easy way to lose fat; if there were, obesity wouldn't be the epidemic it is right now. DNP works at a cost, but it's certainly not a magic pill either. This is coming from someone that has taken it and has experienced both the pros and cons of the drug.

My .02c :)
Thanks for the replies.

I see that lot of people recommend to not use this stuff.

I saw that the peoples who died from this stuff used 1200+ mg.
I read 250mg is safe to go.

Nobody born with knowledge to use steroids. This forum is about to helping people using it.

If i try the first capsule and i see too much negative effects, i'll not use again. If I can handle, than why not?
Re read post #4 the whole thing.

Halfwit is only vet on this site that talks about using it because he used it himself safely. He's a very respected member and knows his shit.

He spent time giving you a detailed response in his second to last paragraph "learn everythung you can before you take the first capsule"

And your answer I'll take it and see what happens WTF?
Everybody here is trying to prevent you from killing yourself. You don't even care. You probably won't get the results your looking for even if you do have a "successful" run. You would be safer to just not eat. Atleast that wouldn't kill you over night. 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks. You'll die without oxygen in 3 hours, you'll die in 3 days without water, you'll die in 3 weeks without food...
This thead makes my head hurt. Why did you even ask, if you're just going to say thanks for the answers. One of the big side effects you should watch out for and may be a sign you should stop is death, even with that it's not that big of a deal at least you'll look like shit too!
Everybody here is trying to prevent you from killing yourself. You don't even care. You probably won't get the results your looking for even if you do have a "successful" run. You would be safer to just not eat. Atleast that wouldn't kill you over night. 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks. You'll die without oxygen in 3 hours, you'll die in 3 days without water, you'll die in 3 weeks without food...

Man! You can hold your breath a long time.
I've done dnp successfully and Ive over dosed too. I had to go get in my freezing swimming pool in January to keep from over heating. The problem is you never Know if it's dosed properly.

You should just get MCT oil and you can have the same results without the negative effects of poisoning yourself. Do a search for MCT oil and the biohacker. I managed to take off 15 pounds in the last 2 weeks.
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You said dnp leads to heart conditions - Rhabdomyolysis is NOT a heart condition and can arise from muscle damage in general.
I am not disputing that Rhabdomyolysis can be caused by dnp in rare cases, but so can a bunch other things including exercise, all statins, diuretics and a bunch of other compounds.

In fact, DNP doesn't damage or negatively effect the heart in any shape or form whatsoever - hence my reaction when you claimed it did.

So no, DNP does NOT develop heart conditions.
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Why I am tempted to just tell OP to just snort coke or something. Hell, at least that would be fun while you commence to killing yourself. Great appetite suppressant too!

You need to REALLY think about what you wanna accomplish by taking DNP. I am convinced you haven't put forth the effort in diet or exercise to get anywhere close to your natural genetic potential.

Don't be an idiot.

This is my Second "C Mon man!" today...

BTW...when I used to work at GNC, we always had a New Years rush on weight loss supplements etc. This is a fleeting thing for you I am guessing. The risk WAY outweighs the reward.
Why I am tempted to just tell OP to just snort coke or something. Hell, at least that would be fun while you commence to killing yourself. Great appetite suppressant too!

You need to REALLY think about what you wanna accomplish by taking DNP. I am convinced you haven't put forth the effort in diet or exercise to get anywhere close to your natural genetic potential.

Don't be an idiot.

This is my Second "C Mon man!" today...

BTW...when I used to work at GNC, we always had a New Years rush on weight loss supplements etc. This is a fleeting thing for you I am guessing. The risk WAY outweighs the reward.

Stu! I knew that was you. Remember I gave you the "unicorn" password and you hooked me up with the good stuff you kept in back?
The kid hes talking about died of Rabdo, he wasnt taking in enough carbs and his coach had him doing a lot of cardio on it, think about it, you burn off your carbs and your body has a artificial stimulant drriving it it needs calories, when the carbs are gone it will turn to fat stores, when it runs out of fat stores it will turn to eating up the muscle for fuel, when the body has to process that musch protein through the kidneys I bett hats where you get the Rabdo.
DNP can lead to a heart condition, kid here in Oregon still has an elevated sitting heart rate one year after taking it.

Did this kid only take dnp with no other compounds playing a factor? Does this kid have proof that dnp caused the heart condition or is he basing it on anecdotal nonsense?

Nearly 100 years of research says dnp does NOT cause a heart condition - in fact I'm going to go all in and say it is a FACT that dnp doesn't cause any heart conditions whatsoever.
Don't spread nonsense about a compound that already has plenty of nonsense surrounding its use :)
Geez I hope I'm misunderstanding something. It appears some are defending DNP usage? That's fine but please keep in mind the OP and how stupid an idea that would be given his seemingly casual association with exercise/recomp.

No stats history nothing offered up by him to give me the impression he is in precontest mode.