Newbie with powders


Olympian Bodybuilder
I'm thinking of ordering some tren enan powder , but I have never made it and don't even have a clue !!
1) How much do I need to make 2 cycles worth ?
2) What exactly would I need once I have the powder in my hands ?
(bottles, filters , etc...)
3) Is there a post that walks an absolute virgin through the whole process ?
4) Is it as hard as I'm thinking it is to make and should I just stick to buying it already made ?

Please be patient as I am new to this but not new to gear.

Thanks Oz
ozzy its alot easier than you think bro-- look at some of the stickys in this forum--
that will be a good place to start
Yea after I posted , I found alot info on here. I'm sure once I try to make it , it will turn out fine with the help of this site. Thanks