next cycle critism


New member
ok im 5'8 185lbs 12-15% bodyfat this is my 4th cycle ive been training for 4 years now
weeks 1-4 dbol 35mg/ed
weeks 1-12 omnadren 250 750mg/week shots m-w-f
weeks 1-12 fina 300mg/week shots m-w-f
as for anti e's ive heard femera is better then liquidex i did get signs of gyno at 600mg/week test so i wanna make sure that doesnt happen again so i was thinking
weeks 1-14 femera .5cc eod
then on week 14 start clomid. the reason i wanna run femera the whole cycle is to keep the bloat down from the dbol. i cant have alot of bloat becasuse it mainly shows up in my face and i look like a chipmunk
diet will consist of eating everything i can see min 300g protien a day
will be doing 2 60mg shakes aday and eating EVERYTHING mcdonalds burgerking all the nasty foods for u
goals are to gain alot of mass but try and keep the bodyfat around the same i hear fina is great at burning fat so if i notice myself getting fat il do cardio 2-3x a week

any comments would really help
the only difference i would make is what brock said, all in all looks good.
WALLY said:
do u think il be able to stay around the same bodyfat while eating tons of food

That really depends on a variety of factors. I have never used tren before, but from what I have heard its definitely a possibility to maintain or even decrease in bf while eating tons
I agree with Brock's comments. Also, I would bump the letro to 1cc EOD or 1/2cc ED. And if it were me, I would do the fina EOD. Friday to Monday is a big gap for a compound with such a short half life.
WALLY said:
do u think il be able to stay around the same bodyfat while eating tons of food

Just don't go totally nuts. Despite what everone says, I still gained fat when I was on tren. I also got pretty strong, but don't assume that just because you throw tren in the mix you can eat whatever you want.
thats what im wondering how many ppl lose or keep the same bodyfat while eating like a horse
+ i am prone to gyno so u think femera ED is going to prevent it or should i do 20mg nolva/ed also
WALLY said:
+ i am prone to gyno so u think femera ED is going to prevent it or should i do 20mg nolva/ed also

I think that should suffice. No need to use the nolva until you see symptons of gyno.
ok last question.. i bought 25 omnas and i was waiting for the rest of em .... source doesnt have omnas anymore he has kirachi sust would it make a difference if i used some kirachi's some omnas?
Bro start your fina in week 4 and go to 15 start clomid in week 16. That way you omna starting to kick in when you start your fina.
