Next Cycle


New member
Hi Guys!

What do you think about my next cycle? :

1 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg Dbol 30-40mg Ed
2 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg Dbol 30-40mg Ed
3 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg Dbol 30-40mg Ed
4 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
5 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
6 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
7 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
8 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg Turinabol 40-60mg Ed
9 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg Turinabol 40-60mg Ed
10 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg Turinabol 40-60mg ed
11 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
12 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
13 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
14 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
15 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
16 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
17 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
18 TestoC 500mgTren E 200-300mg
19 TestoP/TrenA/Masteron/Win 100mg Ed
20 TestoP/TrenA/Masteron/Win 100mg Ed Turinabol 40-60mg ed
21 TestoP/TrenA/Masteron/Win 100mg Ed Turinabol 40-60mg ed
22 TestoP/TrenA/Masteron/Win 100mg Ed Turinabol 40-60mg ed

3 500iu E3D
4 500iu E3D
5 500iu E3D

9 500iu E3D
10 500iu E3D
11 500iu E3d

15 500iu E3D
16 500iu E3D
17 500iu E3D

21 500iuE3D
22 1000iu E3D
23 Clen
24 Clen

Letro 0,25mg throu the whole cycle.. Starting with Clomid a few days after the last shot. I have never run hcg before, so if some one had ha better ide for how i shall run it, please tell me.

Come with you proposal if i shall change something

22years old,185ibs?(92kilo) BF about 12-15% , I have take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) many times before. I have been on Omna,Tren E,Win,Dbol,Deca before with good results.

Thanks N
Dude, that seems like a shitload of gear, I would be interested to read a training log and see what your side, gains, ect. will be? Can you post one and maybe some before and after pics?
Good Luck Kid....are You Gonna Compete One Day? almost 6 months on this cycle...seems a bit long dont you think ? :goof:
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A gram of gear seems like a lot of gear to me. Sorry I'm not a big badass slamming 4g's of test a week...
22years old,185ibs?(92kilo) BF about 12-15% , I have take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) many times before. I have been on Omna,Tren E,Win,Dbol,Deca before with good results.

Ok so you weigh a buck 85 at 12-15% BF and have run Omna,Tren E,Win,Dbol,Deca before with GOOD RESULTS... are you 5ft 2 ? Serious question.
Lucky13 said:
Ok so you weigh a buck 85 at 12-15% BF and have run Omna,Tren E,Win,Dbol,Deca before with GOOD RESULTS... are you 5ft 2 ? Serious question.

He has done "many Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycles" at 22, which leads me to think he never learned how to train or eat.
LiftTillIDie said:
He has done "many Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycles" at 22, which leads me to think he never learned how to train or eat.

man such a waste of gear, I can't even imagine how much I could have gained on those cycles...I know I suffered as a natty for years and years but boy did I learn alot.
Old Balls said:
A gram of gear seems like a lot of gear to me. Sorry I'm not a big badass slamming 4g's of test a week...

Neither are most of us but lets say you run test/EQ with a jumpstart of dbol. YOur most likely over a gram of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) Even if you run light doses of each.
Why are you throwing in the Masteron when you are already running the Tren? And I won't even say anything about the length of time you are running the tren, even at a low dose, because you must know what you are doing.
It's not an insane amount of gear, but considering he's probably nowhere close to his natural potential (unless he's like 5'3'') he shouldn't even be using them! He said he has great results, but 185lbs @ 12% bf doesn't seem so great to me.

Now, if you were much bigger before and are coming back of an injury, that's a different story.

However, I think you need to spend some more time in the Traning and Diet forum, not so much in here.
Maybe i shall go down to Testo C 250mg/w. I toke my first Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) when i was 16, stupid iknow,so it was 6years ago seens a toke Omna and 2-3years for decan. This year have i only been at Tren and Win and it was this spring. I think that im pretty competent when it is about training and eat.

My stats are:

Benchpress 180kg
Bicepscurl 80kg
Deadlift 220kg
Squats 200
Chins 15 with a 20kg weight

Please come with some proposals instead...!

And i wish a could send you before and after pics,but i have many tattoes and people could se who i am =)
