TRT plus
A cycle/blast to run between 6 month lab tests designed to aide in recovery and body recomposition while ramping down in time for biannual blood work. Assumes remaining on current TRT doses of test, Hcg, and AI, while minimizing need to adjust the doses of any of these if they were previously dialed in.
Something like
Week 1-20
Deca 250 mg per week
Boldenone 500mg per week
Optional T3 50mcg per day to assist body recomp and ensure lean gains
The package would include
2 10ml bottles Deca Durobolin
4 10ml bottles Boldenone Und
Optional 3 packages T3
A steep discount
It's fairly mild by many standards, but due to the length of the run, should provide some quality muscle gain or body recomposition and allow return to near normal TRT level blood work by the next set of labs needed for your clinic.
This is interesting and makes sense.. But being on test year round,, then running deca and eq at 500 mg for 6 months straight,, im guessing your rbc/hematocrit are going to be significantly increased..
Doc may see that high rbc and drastically change your trt protocol
One word, Donate
Also, it's just shy of 5 months, gives 6 weeks for normalized blood work post blast. You could shorten to 18 weeks if you get too nervous.
Easier said then done.. I've Been rejected several times,, if your running 500 mg of eq and deca and test and your blood pressure is elevated,, you can't donate,, if your BP is fine but your rbc is already elevated,, you can't donate..
As for as I know, rbc is not something that will normalize quickly, especially if your still injecting exogenous testosterone