Night sweats?

J steel

New member
I've gotten them randomly before..........but for the last couple of nights, I have been having consistent night sweats. Usually about an hour or two after I fall asleep, I wake up with the sheets and pillow soaked. I feel fine, just sweating like crazy!

Current cycle is 500mg Cyp / 500mg EQ a week, in week 7 of 12.

I lift pretty late, usually around 9pm. Im in bed and sleeping by midnight the latest.

What do you think the cause is?
I went through that at about week five of my current cycle. Then when the night sweats stopped, the sleeplessness started...

Well its nice to know Im not the only one..........but do we know why this happens?

I was thinking because I lift late and then go to bed soon after, maybe my body is still "working" in the first couple hours of sleep.

How about you other guys that experience this, how soon after your workout to you go to bed?

Could be the EQ too..........I definitely get the hunger associated with it.........Im constantly eating, so my metabolism could be up too.
I had night sweats before due to the DNP. Do what nekrawulf said and buy a box fan. try sleeping with out a cover that helped me alot.
I don't know what causes it but androgens sometimes give me night sweats. Sometimes they don't, I can't figure out what makes it happen.
J steel said:
Well its nice to know Im not the only one..........but do we know why this happens?

I was thinking because I lift late and then go to bed soon after, maybe my body is still "working" in the first couple hours of sleep.

How about you other guys that experience this, how soon after your workout to you go to bed?

Could be the EQ too..........I definitely get the hunger associated with it.........Im constantly eating, so my metabolism could be up too.

Well, when I was having night sweats, I was on enanthate and deca, and I work out in the morning. I think it was just a sign of hormonal changes as the injectibles were kicking in.

The FINA is killing me at night....I wake up and feel like I just got out of the shower...NASTY SWEATS.... But the results are worth it!!
I sleep on a folded up comforter, but its still gross to wake up in the middle of the night with it soaked
holy shit i have the worst night sweats ever im on 5th week of 900mgs test eth, sleep is hard to come by also